Registered Shopper
nah, i never actually got round to it.....:54:
What have you done instead then? :6:
nah, i never actually got round to it.....:54:
nah, i never actually got round to it.....:54:
Although its handy for those who want just a fitted sheet and pillows - I can't see that being many people though
I've been after just a deep fitted sheet for ages, especially in pink/rose. However, why did this have to clash with Charlie Bears? Much needed fitted sheet or two un-needed but adorable bears ... no contest. Wonder if Kojak and Tiff Toff will double up as a sheet????? No doubt the sheet will come back.
Yes, it's beauty sleep time again because we're heading towards yet another Northern Nights TSV. Hope everyone's got their PJ's and Nighties on???.........:24::24::24:
Seriously, just how much more of this can we stuff in our cupboards/drawers I wonder? :33:
Hehe from the thread title I thought you might be telling us you were having a **** job BL :3:
I too have had good and bad experience with NN, some duvet sets are so soft and cosy whilst others were hard and not "fluffy" at all !, I returned these !, I did but a heavy weight flannel set which bobbled all over the flloor and unless I got my Dyson out every day the bits would be carried down the stairs and all over the house, but QVC sent a letter saying there had been a problem with the batch and asked me to return the set (they collected) and gave me a full refund including postage.
I had ordered a while ago 7 different NN sheets over a period of a few months and all of them were bobbly, some arrived already bobbly bits everywhere. I love the Featherbed and the pillows but could not cope with the bobbly sheets, I wanted to like them but every on was bobbly so now I have Tesco or Morrisons sheets that dont bobble and wash up a dream!