Gotham Steel TSV 10/3/21


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This thread now looks totally bizarre, starting off as a thread for a Kimmie TSV, and ending up as a cooking gadget!
Just like chatting with friends, you start off on one thing and 10 minutes later you have been through 5 totally unrelated subjects and back around again. Just need wine/coffee to complete the scene
I can’t understand why Katy Pullinger needed to have this grill given to her to grill 2 chicken breasts in her kitchen. How is that more helpful than demonstrating it in the studio? Anyway, Katy failed because she managed to show us that it might be called Smoke-less but it still smoked more than enough. I hope that Katy’s freebie makes her very happy because there was no other point in getting it.
I was just about to post something about this...and not because it was yet another pointless freebie - that goes without saying. It was the actual demo that didn't sit quite right with me. The clip was 1 min 50 secs from start to finish and included her standing there grinning with the box in hand, the machine sat on her work surface, then showing a plateful of chicken sitting in a marinade, her cooking the chicken on the grill for about 1 second each side and then plonking them on top of a salad. FFS if you're going to demonstrate cooking meat (especially chicken) and you can't do it in real time please make it clear how long you've actually cooked it for. Taking that at face value, you'd have ended up in hospital on a drip if you ate that chicken! We're not stupid....BUT be responsible - if the grill is supposed to cook things more quickly than a conventional oven or grill...tell us how long, talk about making sure the juices run clear, tell us to bash out the chicken first, explain the whole process. If the demo was gonna show us was that it is not smokeless! finally what's the point of a demo that's not even a demo? Just an excuse to say "hey, look what I've been given"!
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Whilst to us who are intelligent people who cook everyday this is obvious but I wonder will it be so obvious to those who have no idea how to cook. I know that sounds wrong but judging by people you see on TV who can’t even recognise a raw spud I wouldnt be surprised if there wasn’t at least one who takes it at face value.

Stupid bint
The whole thing was pointless. Why did they need that if the guest was cooking on it in the studio?
I wonder if Katy Pullinger is aware how ridiculous and embarrassing it was?
I doubt very much if she gives a hoot tbh - she's done the bare minimum in order to fulfil her obligation to Q for her freebie. If that demo was a piece of school homework, it would've been sent back with a big red cross stamped across it. I wonder whether these blogs are vetted first by Q, because a responsible retailer wouldn't have given that demo the ok. I don't know whether it makes a difference because it's on her Insta page, but even so, she provides a link via the QVC page - so yes, a lazy demo which could result in people serving undercooked chicken should've been picked up upon, and scrapped immediately. Like I often say...Rotten to the core...the whole bloody company!
The demo was very confusing, they said that the actual ELECTRIC grill could be put into the dishwasher. How can you put an electrical item in water? How does it work? In the demo I saw last night, the bit with the dial on seemed to have a glass tube sticking out, what was that?

These cooking demos are a complete waste of time. We don't need to know that you can cook things on a grill, or in a frying pan, we need to know about the item, not see you waste lots of food by cooking it and then throwing it away (as they once said they had to do because of health and safety).

As an aside, the lock'n'lock man has a superb kitchen at his home. We've seen it from various angles now. And he kept the door of his huge fridge open for AGES, letting everything warm up nicely. As Larry Grayson used to say - - - "SHUT THAT DOOR"
I was just about to post something about this...and not because it was yet another pointless freebie - that goes without saying. It was the actual demo that didn't sit quite right with me. The clip was 1 min 50 secs from start to finish and included her standing there grinning with the box in hand, the machine sat on her work surface, then showing a plateful of chicken sitting in a marinade, her cooking the chicken on the grill for about 1 second each side and then plonking them on top of a salad. FFS if you're going to demonstrate cooking meat (especially chicken) and you can't do it in real time please make it clear how long you've actually cooked it for. Taking that at face value, you'd have ended up in hospital on a drip if you ate that chicken! We're not stupid....BUT be responsible - if the grill is supposed to cook things more quickly than a conventional oven or grill...tell us how long, talk about making sure the juices run clear, tell us to bash out the chicken first, explain the whole process. If the demo was gonna show us was that it is not smokeless! finally what's the point of a demo that's not even a demo? Just an excuse to say "hey, look what I've been given"!
I haven't watched the video but I guess it was very edited because the grill filled her kitchen with smoke that made her cough like she smoked 60 Woodbines a day so she had to open all the windows and flap a tea towel at the fire alarm.

There wouldn't be much video to work with after that.
I haven't watched the video but I guess it was very edited because the grill filled her kitchen with smoke that made her cough like she smoked 60 Woodbines a day so she had to open all the windows and flap a tea towel at the fire alarm.

There wouldn't be much video to work with after that.

It is ridiculous to call it smokeless, it is the FOOD that smokes, not an electric grill.

And there is no cover for it, the food will splatter everywhere while cooking.
There they go again with the hard sell, the morning repeat it was Craig with his “we’ve only got half the stock left and it’s supposed to last the day” just checked the website and guess what, it has lasted the day, 😜
He might be pleased about that. It might mean he can take a few home for family and friends, as his colleague JR would say, only joking.
I saw a post on FB that it is much cheaper on Amazon and with free PP.

It was posted by someone who had bought it from Amazon, had it delivered quickly, used it already, and was very pleased with it. Someone else had ordered from Q, but will return it and buy from A instead.

It is branded as a Salter, but is the same item.

Some quotes - - - -

Q really don't do their research unless they think we are all suckers! Bought the grill that's today's TSV from amazon last night delivered today at no extra cost £35 they are ripping people off. Rant over

Bloody hell! I bought it as well. It can go right back. Is it any good?

Loving it so far looks a pleasure to clean too. Heats up quickly my lamb chops are looking good
hanks. Buying it. Phoned Q before about their pricing and was told “we never guarantee to be the cheapest!”

How easy to wash?

simple didn't bother putting in dishwasher as washed in soapy water in seconds
That’s one reason why I’ll see something on QVC and will then get it from Amazon as things are often cheaper.

Amazon’s CS is excellent in my opinion. You can request a phone call from them and they ring within a few minutes. If you’re not entirely satisfied with a product, but want to keep it, they will offer a partial refund and full refunds are back in your bank account within a few hours - not weeks as in the case with QVC.

QVC have got a lot to learn when compared to other retailers as their practice is almost archaic.
You can imagine the meetings at Q headquarters.

Newbie - every other company offers free or reduced postage - have we ever considered this?

Oldie - here are the figures showing the profits made on the postage alone year on year

Newbie - and this doesn’t deter customers from buying?

Oldie - here are the figures showing how gullible our customers are, the average customer spends x% of their purchases on postage

Newbie - i pass a motion that all postage is to increase by 5% for larger items and 10% for the small light ones which go through the letterboxes. Next item I believe is how to allocate the items to presenters for home trial and then we will finish of with a vote to increase our salaries . Everyone agree?

Loud round of applause.
You can imagine the meetings at Q headquarters.

Newbie - every other company offers free or reduced postage - have we ever considered this?

Oldie - here are the figures showing the profits made on the postage alone year on year

Newbie - and this doesn’t deter customers from buying?

Oldie - here are the figures showing how gullible our customers are, the average customer spends x% of their purchases on postage

Newbie - i pass a motion that all postage is to increase by 5% for larger items and 10% for the small light ones which go through the letterboxes. Next item I believe is how to allocate the items to presenters for home trial and then we will finish of with a vote to increase our salaries . Everyone agree?

Loud round of applause.
Pleeeese put this on the Q facebook. Or just mail it to mr important does nothing chap

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