Gnome Face - R Jackson


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Jun 24, 2008
cant abide him

yeah, i dont need reminding of his credentials, im sure he's a great gardener.

i just cant stand the man.

hate the way he hard-sells over the presenter for one thing. you can almost see the word "commission" blinking in big red letters over his gnome-faced head.

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Having met him and spoken at length with him at the Chelsea Flower Show I can say that he is really a very pleasant man and I don't think he comes over very well on the screen at all. I think a lot of what we see on screen is nerves.
cant abide him

yeah, i dont need reminding of his credentials, im sure he's a great gardener.

i just cant stand the man.

hate the way he hard-sells over the presenter for one thing. you can almost see the word "commission" blinking in big red letters over his gnome-faced head.


Does your TV have an on/off switch? If so, why don't you utilise it and just don't watch him?? :)
Can't stand him either that smug smirk puts me about.The way he pushes that flower power is a bit self interest too,suppose it may be natural as it's money in his pocket but still a tad creepy.
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Still remember the expensive Japanese ferns he pushed that arrived dead but on air he said they may look a bit strange but give them time,nah Richard nearly 30 quids worth of soil and dead plants we gave them time and guess what ? the 30 day mbg was gone :cool:
Does your TV have an on/off switch? If so, why don't you utilise it and just don't watch him?? :)

Here we go again. :rolleyes: Why is it that when someone expresses an opinion that isn't all sweetness and light there is ALWAYS someone who says switch off then?? :rolleyes: Burlz may be interested in gardening so will watch those shows but doesn't like RJ's presenting style and is quite entitled to say so.....that is what forums are all about, positive AND negative comments to encourage debate. FFS can we stop all this inane switch off then nonsense?? :HUMP: :pPC:
Well imo Richard Jackson is a big improvement on some of the other guests we have to tolerate.
Having met him and spoken at length with him at the Chelsea Flower Show I can say that he is really a very pleasant man and I don't think he comes over very well on the screen at all. I think a lot of what we see on screen is nerves.

NERVES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he`s been at it for years :eek::eek:

He just doesn`t come over very well on TV
Well imo Richard Jackson is a big improvement on some of the other guests we have to tolerate.


I know what you mean David "banjo" Hawkins the creepy Simon from B and W scary Suzi from pointy feathered NN and the wicked witch of the west doing the cookery shows.
Love it Burlz! And right on Pinkpussycat! I don't watch the gardening shows, but when I see the trailers for his shows, the smugness riles me - the bit where he is sitting in his vast garden sipping his mug of tea - yeah isn't life wonderful Richard!!
Does your TV have an on/off switch? If so, why don't you utilise it and just don't watch him?? :)

'cos i prefer to watch him, hate him and come on here and slag him it a hobby.
Burlz may be interested in gardening so will watch those shows but doesn't like RJ's presenting style and is quite entitled to say so.....:

quite right pusskins thanks very much! i'm constantly fiddling with my dibber and plunging a hoe in that mucky brown stuff... wotissit? oh yeah, soil! so i reserve the right to comment on old gnome-features!
quite right pusskins thanks very much! i'm constantly fiddling with my dibber and plunging a hoe in that mucky brown stuff... wotissit? oh yeah, soil! so i reserve the right to comment on old gnome-features!


I shoulda wrote that :cool:

Nah it's fun,they put them selves up there on screen and spout their twaddle i think it's our public duty to take the piss ;)
There are plenty worse guests than RJ imho. ;)now David Hawkins is a different matter...I would love to gag him.
hehe I'm glad it's not just us that given him the "gnome" moniker. He might be a great gardener and a nice guy but you don't get to see much of that on his shows over the selling. Plus he gets really irritable sometimes with the presenters. He also suffers from over saturation, although that's not his own fault. And what's with his fingers? One day they're going to pop out of the screen and take someone's eye out :D
I don't mind RJ and I like Suzy Adams too, guess it wouldn't do for everyone to agree on everything how boring would that be :D
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