Glen's got a new catch phrase


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Aug 2, 2009
just watching the the Centigrade TSV, not as I have any particular interest in it but tv is still on as have had a long busy evening. Anway Glen is burbling away like broken gutter during a down pour and has launched a new catch phrase, "punching through" apparently green is punching through as a colour this season. Maybe "punching through " is going to replace "going out to play" and "lady of an age" as the most spouted expression
just watching the the Centigrade TSV, not as I have any particular interest in it but tv is still on as have had a long busy evening. Anway Glen is burbling away like broken gutter during a down pour and has launched a new catch phrase, "punching through" apparently green is punching through as a colour this season. Maybe "punching through " is going to replace "going out to play" and "lady of an age" as the most spouted expression

:mysmilie_483:I Love it
" this season's story" is another favourite Glen-ism. Hard to visualise "punching through" though
" this season's story" is another favourite Glen-ism. Hard to visualise "punching through" though

Going off the posts on here about Glen, maybe it's easily to visualise someone "punching through" his gob.:cheeky: :mysmilie_11::mysmilie_8:
just watching the the Centigrade TSV, not as I have any particular interest in it but tv is still on as have had a long busy evening. Anway Glen is burbling away like broken gutter during a down pour and has launched a new catch phrase, "punching through" apparently green is punching through as a colour this season. Maybe "punching through " is going to replace "going out to play" and "lady of an age" as the most spouted expression

sorry to disappoint you, but he will just add the phrase to his others andentertain us with them.
PS notice the nice shade of green I used to punch through the black text ???? lol
why is he wearing a heavy silver-tone chain across his hip, presumably from belt buckle to pocket ? Does it make him eligible to be a member of the Village People ? Where's his black leather jerkin, peaked cap and moustache ?

Linda xx
just watching the the Centigrade TSV, not as I have any particular interest in it but tv is still on as have had a long busy evening. Anway Glen is burbling away like broken gutter during a down pour and has launched a new catch phrase, "punching through" apparently green is punching through as a colour this season. Maybe "punching through " is going to replace "going out to play" and "lady of an age" as the most spouted expression

... don't forget that we always 'throw' items of clothing on as well! ... :nod:
Oh he's on again......and he's saying.........

Indigo Blue's the Big Story (apparently)

I kinda like the way that works

Kinda, Kinda, kinda :giggle:

Zip that coat up and off you go

It's gonna work transitionally aswell :confused:

You can be out and about busy shopping in this coat or standing on a touch line....

Oh and Julia's just spouted up that she's got an eye for fashion...well you could have fooled me :grin:

It's one of those coats that you make a statement with....

Oh I've just nodded off now, I can't take any more.
Off topic, but isn't bollocks a great word?

Isn't it just? One of my favourites, although I did panic a bit after I had written it in case it caused offence! It does seem to sum up Glen perfectly though, so I risked it!

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