Glen Campbell Name Dropping AGAIN!!


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Jan 31, 2010
I've just been browsing the QVC presenters blogs. Glen Campbell just loves to name drop and tell you where he's been, which posh restaurant he's dined in, and the famous people he's met.

If you want a laugh, take a look at his wifes outfit - Here...

Looks like a sack of spuds :mysmilie_483: How very dare he try to tell me how to dress, when he takes his wife to No.10 looking like that?

BTW - Good Luck to his daughter with her charity.
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Wow, leggings at No. 10!

Interesting how he can tell other "women of age" that they shouldn't wear them. Perhaps he wouldn't dare in this case - she might clump him one!
And he is the 'fashion expert' on qvc.. Good god, surely he could have picked better outfits for both of them fgs! (I think the bow tie is the daftest thing, but Glen's wearing it, so it MUST be 'on trend')
Bloody ridiculous :cheeky:
OMG! They both look such a state! I couldn't care less what people wear-it's their choice-unless they choose to then go on telly and flag themselves up as a fashion "expert", and try to tell me what to wear!Unfortunately, that then makes them fair game for criticism.Not sure if I have the right to criticise his wife, if I use my own criteria, but as she is with him, I think that I will, on this occasion.
That would be the charity he was asked about when he was just back from Downing Street with his daughter one evening? The one he couldn't remember the name of or what it was about but said he'd have details when he was on in a couple of days.?
I have always disliked him but after that I think he is an extremely low form of life.
you would think he could afford a blazer that fitted him, they both look as if they stopped of at a charity shop on the way there.
That's such a funny pic. Maybe they got invited because Mrs. C. is lady mayoress (wearing her official chain). Oh dear oh dear.
That would be the charity he was asked about when he was just back from Downing Street with his daughter one evening? The one he couldn't remember the name of or what it was about but said he'd have details when he was on in a couple of days.?
I have always disliked him but after that I think he is an extremely low form of life.
Exactly, so meaningful yet he can’t remember the name, or objectives of the charity! *Interesting*
lets face it, Glen Cambell is not a fashion expert and the sooner QVC realises that we are not being fooled by his fashion comments like on trend or fashion forward the better. I have never heard him talk about shape or how best to wear an outfit if you are a larger size. I prefer a female fashion expert anyway. The irish lady is good.
a bit off thread I know but it is Glenn related...the trailer for silver day features "Beverley" qvc customer , well she may in deed buy from qvc but she was also the "customer" who had a make over(HA HA!) from Glen and Ai Y a while back. She is infact Glen's best friends mobile hairdresser I was so insensed at the time cos they passed her off as having her own salon and not knowing Glen that I emailed qvc and said they ougt to get their facts straight..anyway looks like Glen's at it again nearly as bad as Julia with her kids....sorry for rant I'm off for a lie down!!
I know! I really do think that he sees himself as a real celeb'. He once said..."Some of you may remember me during the seveties, when I used to walk around Leeds with an Afro hair do, with platforms, dressed like Shaft - Richard Rowntree). What a stupid thing to say. He's so up himself, but doesn't realise how ridiculous he sounds.

Everyone has their favourite presenters, but Glen is definitely NOT one of mine.:puke:
Ijust laugh at him, he looks at some of the appalling "fashion" and then just burbles on in a totally meaningless way. I would just point and laugh at the stuff they have, but Glen always seems to be able to relate it to London fashion week and the runways of Italy etc. Is he on drugs?!!
QUOTE=silversequin;368487]Ijust laugh at him, he looks at some of the appalling "fashion" and then just burbles on in a totally meaningless way. I would just point and laugh at the stuff they have, but Glen always seems to be able to relate it to London fashion week and the runways of Italy etc. Is he on drugs?!![/QUOTE]

:clapping::clapping: probably

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