Glen Campbell and Marta shoes


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What the heck have they got him on for?, its a shoe hour!, is Jilly and the guest lady not sufficient. Why do they have to keep cutting across to him and his drivel. I used to like him years ago when he was on This Morning, now he just makes me want to switch over, he is ... well I don't know ... odd somehow.

oh and that models browny dress is awful, has she not got a bra on, I'm certainly not looking at her expensive shoes, more the hideous gathered dress.... oh goodness here he is again!!
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He's definitely surplus to requirements, particularly in a shoe hour (and a bag hour the other day). There was nothing he said that was remotely interesting or helpful, in fact I could have stood there spouting the rubbish he was.
AND I hated his shoes - they looked like boats on his feet. At one point I thought he was going to break into a tap dance !!!! He thinks he is sooooo cutting edge (not) he just looks ridiculous.

I hope threesomes are not going to be a regular thing, like the Richard Jackson Trio hours. !!!!!!!
I saw him and thought "oh no, he's back". He goes away for a bit and I get my hopes up that he has moved on from Q and then just when you think he's gone for good, up he pops spouting incomprehensible drivel

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