General ridiculousness thread


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I don't dislike her in the way I dislike McDonald and Mason, who I find repugnant. I just find her hard to watch and listen to for any length of time.

yeah i can understand that. harsh accent, you don't see much of on tv.
yeah i can understand that. harsh accent, you don't see much of on tv.

It's more what she says than how she says it, she can be very crude.

I find her claims of being an Art Expert somewhat hard to believe too, I know she briefly worked in an Art Gallery but I suspect it takes a bit more than that to be able to spot the next Botticelli.
It's more what she says than how she says it, she can be very crude.

I find her claims of being an Art Expert somewhat hard to believe too, I know she briefly worked in an Art Gallery but I suspect it takes a bit more than that to be able to spot the next Botticelli.

That's what prompted me to ask about her getting a free pass on here, as she isn't much different from mr mason in terms of verbal content.
That's what prompted me to ask about her getting a free pass on here, as she isn't much different from mr mason in terms of verbal content.

McDonald is also an Art Expert. He has also 'worked in the business'.
that steven gayford doesn't seem to stop running out of limited editions either.

I could be wrong but I suspect Mr Gayford knocks out quite a lot of paintings. Looking at them I wouldn't be surprised if they don't take too long.
I could be wrong but I suspect Mr Gayford knocks out quite a lot of paintings. Looking at them I wouldn't be surprised if they don't take too long.

I do find it amusing when they try to talk about him as an artist that doesn't sell his product on a low rent tv shopping channel.
...Back to Lisa, I dunno, I like Lisa. I can't imagine her being a probation officer or an art expert, but do you know why that is? Yep, her voice, and some of the things she comes out with! Of course it doesn't mean a thing, but I'm sure I'm not the only one who can't help but to judge a book by its cover sometimes. Good on her....I don't think she's a bullshi**ter like some of them...So much better than that horrible Caroline with her sickly butter wouldn't melt rictus grin, and Nicola "yer now" George ( least we don't have to listen to her crap any more!)
that steven gayford doesn't seem to stop running out of limited editions either.

I think what makes them limited is the actual size, like there could be a limited edition of 300... 79x59cm so add another cm and you could have another limited edition of 300. I don't think over the years I have ever heard them explain why the picture is limited.
...Back to Lisa, I dunno, I like Lisa. I can't imagine her being a probation officer or an art expert, but do you know why that is? Yep, her voice, and some of the things she comes out with! Of course it doesn't mean a thing, but I'm sure I'm not the only one who can't help but to judge a book by its cover sometimes. Good on her....I don't think she's a bullshi**ter like some of them...So much better than that horrible Caroline with her sickly butter wouldn't melt rictus grin, and Nicola "yer now" George ( least we don't have to listen to her crap any more!)

I guess Lisa isn't too bad in short doses. Speaking of Frump I hate the way she tilts her head to feign friendliness, awful.

I'd like to say i'm missing LOLA but i'm not. But if you are missing her............

Paul Evers has just come up with a totally unique way of selling 'Sparkler Amethyst' by the wonderful Jean Paul DuPont. He explained 'at school you had the lower bracket, the middle bracket and then you had the really premium bracket and these were the kids who went onto Uni, well basically this for me is up towards the top if not the top of the middle bracket'.

I have heard some rubbish in my time but I think Evers has to be given the award for most banal sales pitch, ever.
Paul Evers has just come up with a totally unique way of selling 'Sparkler Amethyst' by the wonderful Jean Paul DuPont. He explained 'at school you had the lower bracket, the middle bracket and then you had the really premium bracket and these were the kids who went onto Uni, well basically this for me is up towards the top if not the top of the middle bracket'.

I have heard some rubbish in my time but I think Evers has to be given the award for most banal sales pitch, ever.

He's daft isn't he?

Reminds me of Strike it, middle or bottom

Love your avatar Wirral :giggle:.......minus the sweat :giggle:
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I watched Sally Jacks for all of 10 minutes last night and had to turn the channel over, my god is that woman is irritating! How anyone could get so excited over a Greta Garbo perfume the way she did is beyond me... she was verging on hysterical with excitement. Calm down dear. At your age you need to take it easy ;P
I watched Sally Jacks for all of 10 minutes last night and had to turn the channel over, my god is that woman is irritating! How anyone could get so excited over a Greta Garbo perfume the way she did is beyond me... she was verging on hysterical with excitement. Calm down dear. At your age you need to take it easy ;P

Her pitches have been particularly boisterous, or dare I say vociferous of late.

Or put more simply, she's a gobby mare!
She's stopped the music now with DOTD, two tops for 49p

'what shop can you get two tops for 49p?.....can you get a bar of chocolate?...........what price is your parking?........bus fare?'

But they're not 49p are they? You can pick a couple of tops up like that for a couple of quid where I live and you can choose your colours. They've sold 250 in the last ten minutes :call:
She's stopped the music now with DOTD, two tops for 49p

'what shop can you get two tops for 49p?.....can you get a bar of chocolate?...........what price is your parking?........bus fare?'

But they're not 49p are they? You can pick a couple of tops up like that for a couple of quid where I live and you can choose your colours. They've sold 250 in the last ten minutes :call:

The bad old habits creeping back in? I hope not, I really do

Surely they remember what the ASA said about making such outrageous comments? If they like we can arrange a proper reminder if they really want us to?

The ball is in their court.
49p ends up at £10.01 all in

One hell of a difference

And Sally is having trouble understanding the model........'you what?' every time she speaks

She seems to be in super screechy mode of late. Is she still selling her 'designer' own label?
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