General items that have come and gone...why?


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I've got a couple of the roly kits! I love them, I keep all my sewing stuff in them, so it's easy to see what colours I've got, or need.

Do you know what, I was sorting out the spare room the other week and came across lots of sewing stuff, threads, needles, pins etc. and as I realised I had nowhere to store them, they are still on the floor in a plastic bag. You've just made me realise that I can store them all in the rolykit! I hadn't been making full use of mine, but now I can. So thankyou! :cool:
There's a Paint Master System that Ideal World appear to sell but although I have a vague recollection of the item you mean, I can't recall it well ehough to remember exactly what it looked like!
I remember the brush cleaning thing that used to spin round at about 100mph, I think QVC still sell that?
Anyway, the paint system that might be similar:

I sat next to the guy who demonstrated that on QVC at a wedding a few years ago. He told me a story about Julian cutting his hand rather badly during a DIY show and just hiding his bleeding hand away from the camera while he carried on for the rest of the hour!
I too have bought the swivel sweeper,....the original and then the improved one with a light. Loved them but like others found they didnt last long as the handles were so flimsy..something you would think they could have easily improved.I even tried the triangular ones but they wre just the same.
I also have a few roly kits that hubby uses to store all his odds and ends . They are jam packed with every size of screws ,nails etc etc but I cant remember the last time he opened them . He just runs out to the DIY store and buys new things:confused:
I also have a couple of her jewelery boxes that are now lying up in the loft They were good but I needed a larger box:20:
I remember a polish,I think it was Regency Gold. You wet a rag with it and wrung out the excess back into the bottle. It gave a beautiful shine and I loved it but it disappeared ages ago.:(:(
Regency gold is available on the web somewhere I found it a few weeks ago when I was searching.
Yes orange oil cleaner got sucked into buying that as supposed to be natural and when opened it came with a highly toxic warning lol so went straight back!
Also astonish no matter how much repeated scrubbing you did nothing came up as clean as in their demos -another con
also bought a daewoo hoover once that packed up after 6 months another waste of money
do you remember those wish pearl hours where they opened up a dead oyster shell and you got excited in case it was a nice pretty colour like peach which meant you would be blessed forever or something like that.
Also bought loads of brite bight bars til i found a pubic hair in one! true
mojave magic industrial strength concealer was great hide any zit with that wish they still sold it
and the gallery glass women forever sticking green plastic leaves over your front door
some horrid porecelain flower stuff that your gran might like crapodimonte?
horrible animal box' s with matching horrible pendants in
cross stitch stuff
terrible diy shows with harry green who always bodged things up
horrible twin set clothing range with holes in them something italian i think
linda evans flogging some weird face mask
the list goes on can i really have been wasting my money like this all these years?
Yess watches , a Mexican Chap who was the brand owner used to do the shows.
I still use my Zilo smell killer in the kitchen and in the loo. I managed to get something similar for a couple of friends last yer but compared to the Zilo they were light and feeble.

Nothing beats a good weighty Zilo smell killer!
Black Hills Gold is still sold on QVC US. I think it was just after 9/11 alot of American brands just refused to fly over to UK. There was the guy who did the New York Gems he disappeared around that time to be replaced a few months later by Las Vegas Gems instead.
What about that American lady, Carol something or other, who demonstrated stencils and you could stencil a whole garden in your rooms? I bought a couple of her less over-the-top sets but have never used them and I think stencils on walls have kind of gone out of fashion now, haven't they? :(

Also, there was the - again - American lady who showed you how to 'paint' a picture of all different flowers using her special brushes and techniques. Again, I bought one of her kits - and yep, never used it!
What about that American lady, Carol something or other, who demonstrated stencils and you could stencil a whole garden in your rooms? I bought a couple of her less over-the-top sets but have never used them and I think stencils on walls have kind of gone out of fashion now, haven't they? :(

Also, there was the - again - American lady who showed you how to 'paint' a picture of all different flowers using her special brushes and techniques. Again, I bought one of her kits - and yep, never used it!

i think you mean carol smith and donna dewberry,

they appear every couple of months now on craft days and that
What about that American lady, Carol something or other, who demonstrated stencils and you could stencil a whole garden in your rooms? I bought a couple of her less over-the-top sets but have never used them and I think stencils on walls have kind of gone out of fashion now, haven't they? :(

Also, there was the - again - American lady who showed you how to 'paint' a picture of all different flowers using her special brushes and techniques. Again, I bought one of her kits - and yep, never used it!

was it Carol Smith? and her craft range was called Plaid I one stuck at the back of a cupboard!
What about that American lady, Carol something or other, who demonstrated stencils and you could stencil a whole garden in your rooms? I bought a couple of her less over-the-top sets but have never used them and I think stencils on walls have kind of gone out of fashion now, haven't they? :(

Oh yeah, I remember her! Even when when they went out of fashion, for years afterwards all the TV home decorating/house buying programmes showed homes sporting the legacy of peoples' attempts at stencilling!
Don't think she's around any more?

Also, there was the - again - American lady who showed you how to 'paint' a picture of all different flowers using her special brushes and techniques. Again, I bought one of her kits - and yep, never used it!

Isn't that Donna Dewberry? I think she is still around on QVC, though she seems to be hardly ever featured these days! Very clever, I couldn't do it though, no matter how simplistic it's supposed to be! (Not that I've ever tried!)
I have seen both Carol Smith and Donna Dewberry on a recent craft day. I used to enjoy their demos whenit wasnt all just about card making and on an earlier post, I admitted to doing some Gallery Glass, in fact its still on my front door (blush)
I used to enjoy Black Hill Jewellery but Im sure that Julia used to flirt mercilessly with Jim the guest!

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