General Banter and Random Musings


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And relying on friends to pack orders in the warehouse yet they thought they were going to take a thousand orders a day 😂

This was never going to end any other way because they are so out of their depth. A former producer and 2 guest presenters (Simon and Alex) do not posses the necessary experience to setup a TV shopping channel broadcasting live 12 hours a day - as has been proven.
I doubted who you were at the beginning, but you make so much bloddy sense
And relying on friends to pack orders in the warehouse yet they thought they were going to take a thousand orders a day 😂

This was never going to end any other way because they are so out of their depth. A former producer and 2 guest presenters (Simon and Alex) do not posses the necessary experience to setup a TV shopping channel broadcasting live 12 hours a day - as has been proven.
Really? A producer with 15 years experience of the entire TV side, someone with business knowledge who has been in shopping tv for god knows how long ? Have they said it’s over? No, so stop making assumptions. They were taking thousands of orders on TikTok a day as it was, and still are so packing orders really isn’t the issue. It’s tech, as they’ve said over & over again. Didn’t realise you knew about tv gallery set up, should have employed you. You clearly know it all.
Really? A producer with 15 years experience of the entire TV side, someone with business knowledge who has been in shopping tv for god knows how long ? Have they said it’s over? No, so stop making assumptions. They were taking thousands of orders on TikTok a day as it was, and still are so packing orders really isn’t the issue. It’s tech, as they’ve said over & over again. Didn’t realise you knew about tv gallery set up, should have employed you. You clearly know it all.
This is the point - running a "TikTok" shop is not the same as running a 12 hour a day TV Shopping service.

YEs, they may have had some people from the industry involved, but did they have people involved who were experienced at running such a service, at all the various levels?

I would expect not, or they wouldn't be near folding after just a few days.

technical issues with hardware (camera's, encoders) could possibly be put down to chance (I'd still question where you're sourcing these from and at what minuscule cost if they're giving trouble that quickly. But to be told you have more charges that are due to your suppliers, and a high rate than you envisaged/planned for? That's just schoolboy business planning errors/niavity. How do you "lose access" to your email service?

Multiple elements of this just shouts that it wasn't properly planned, and those involved didn't have enough experience.
The amount of people on here commenting things they have no idea about is astonishing. The team is small, but experienced, me being one of them. We’re all dedicated as a group and whilst the tv side of things hasn’t gone how we had hoped, things will always happen and we will always get back on the horse one way or another. As for anybody making personal comments about Simon, Evey or Alex, you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Three of the most wonderful, kind hearted and extremely talented individuals I have ever been friends with and lucky enough to continue to work with. We are all working exceptionally hard behind the scenes to do what we can do, when so much has happened out of our control. No one is overworked, underpaid, or left in the dust as some people seem to believe, we are an incredibly strong team who are trying hard, but people need to understand they are not owed anything, at the end of the day we are a business and business decisions that go beyond where someone’s order is or if they want a refund really do no concern anyone else. You’ll know what you need to know, and if we’re not telling you anything there is a reason behind it. Please stop attacking us personally, have your opinions but remember you are talking about people who tried something new and it just happened not to work. And before you go at me for being anonymous, my name is Mollie, I’ve worked with this team for a while and I’ve been in the industry since 2017. My colleagues are some of my closest friends and I cannot express how hard we are all working here.
The amount of people on here commenting things they have no idea about is astonishing.

The amount of new accounts signing up to complain about comments in this thread without having actually read the thread to see if those comments exist is equally as astonishing 🙄.

But we get it: you're all signing up to lash out because you're upset that your effort didn't work. That's perfectly reasonable to a degree, and almost all of us do empathise to a degree. But if you actually read this thread from start to now you'll find a huge amount of optimism, enthusiasm, and supportive posts in this thread. Alex is universally loved here.

Just, don't blame us for your channel failing, innit.

If you didn't know a big increase in carriage costs were coming, that's not our fault, and it hasn't become our fault because we're discussing it.

Same with you apparently flogging counterfeit bedding - we didn't stock your warehouse.

Same with your dodgy equipment - we didn't provide it.

Same with you losing access to your customer service e-mail account - not on us.

And if you were truly expecting thousands of orders a day which didn't ultimately materialise, this forum is not the reason. It isn't on the radar of most of your audience (though if any would-be buyers of the cheap far-eastern watches you were pretending were worth "five figures" were put off by reading this forum, good tbh).
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The amount of new accounts signing up to complain about comments in this thread without having actually read the thread to see if those comments exist is equally as astonishing.
The new commenters are people who have been reading what is said in these forums and Facebook pages for years, and watched our friends and colleagues be slated by people who truly do not have a clue about anything that goes on inside the studio walls. You see a picture on Facebook of a man at a theme park and rip into him for having a life outside the office? It’s crazy. You praise people who are open enough to satisfy you, when you forget you aren’t owed any information at all.
The amount of new accounts signing up to complain about comments in this thread without having actually read the thread to see if those comments exist is equally as astonishing.

We get it: you're all signing up to lash out because you're upset that your effort didn't work. That's perfectly reasonable. We empathise (to a degree). If you read this thread from start to finish you'll find pretty a lot of optimism, enthusiasm, supportive posts in this thread. Alex is universally loved here!

But don't blame us for it failing.

If you didn't know a big increase in carriage costs were coming, that's not our fault, and it hasn't become our fault because we're discussing it.

Same with you apparently flogging counterfeit bedding - we didn't stock your warehouse.

Same with you losing access to your customer service email account - no on us.

And if you were truly expecting thousands of orders a day which didn't materialise, this forum isn't the reason. It won't be on the radar of most of your audience (but if any would-be buyers of the cheap far-eastern watches you were pretending were worth "five figures" were put off by this forum, good tbh).

Read this thread before criticising everyone in it 👍
No one is blaming any of you. What we are saying is that none of you have a clue what was at play to make this channel fail. There were a lot of factors, some down to us of course, but the biggest entirely out of any of our control. We knew it wouldn’t make thousands from the start, we knew we had to build an audience, find the right product through trial and error, that we would have to spend money to make money. If between us we had millions to spend on the channel, the factors out of our control will still have brought it down. You don’t know all the details, so stop pretending you know something you don’t
The amount of new accounts signing up to complain about comments in this thread without having actually read the thread to see if those comments exist is equally as astonishing 🙄.

But we get it: you're all signing up to lash out because you're upset that your effort didn't work. That's perfectly reasonable to a degree, and almost all of us do empathise to a degree. But if you actually read this thread from start to now you'll find a huge amount of optimism, enthusiasm, and supportive posts in this thread. Alex is universally loved here.

But don't blame us for your channel failing.

If you didn't know a big increase in carriage costs were coming, that's not our fault, and it hasn't become our fault because we're discussing it.

Same with you apparently flogging counterfeit bedding - we didn't stock your warehouse.

Same with you losing access to your customer service email account - not on us.

And if you were truly expecting thousands of orders a day which didn't materialise, this forum isn't the reason. It isn't on the radar of most of your audience (but if any would-be buyers of the cheap far-eastern watches you were pretending were worth "five figures" were put off by this forum, good tbh).
Not true, I read every page on my commute to London this morning. Also unfair when we’ve worked with those people & still work with those people.
As for anybody making personal comments about Simon, Evey or Alex, you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

Why do people keep bringing up this Evey? She was only initially referenced in terms of (I'm paraphrasing) "…the COO is replying on Facebook/doing customer service". Next thing, everyone's talking about "personal comments" being made about her. Like, where? Quote them!

Not true, I read every page on my commute to London this morning. Also unfair when we’ve worked with those people & still work with those people.

Great you read it, then you'll know there's been few "personal comments" made about Alex, or this suddenly important Evey who I'd never heard of until yesterday. A quip from @Insider (who, as you will know by what he knows, is) about warehouse packing aside, nothing has lodged in my brain.

Simon, yes. There have been comments, both by people who've worked with him, and those who don't know him personally, but have seen his patter (and some of us who fell for it) and thus are perfectly entitled to form an opinion or judgement on him (or anyone else) based on what they've seen.

Case in point, most of us have never met Rishi Sunak but I'm sure as heck we all have an opinion on him.

As I inferred earlier, you may be letting your emotions run away with you and are getting angry a forum (that has, for the most part, been on your side) as a pressure value. Most of us comment on products, sales approaches, techniques, and presenters (as the sales people) factor in to that.

But no-one has been "unfair" beyond that, to my eyes, about BTS staff. And even if anyone has, so what? What material difference does it, will it, or can it make to anything or anyone? "Oh no someone something I don't agree with on the forum" - OK? Fine, don't agree with it then.
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but people need to understand they are not owed anything, at the end of the day we are a business and business decisions that go beyond where someone’s order is or if they want a refund really do no concern anyone else.

That's such a ridiculous statement.

What is going on behind the scenes is absolutely a concern, in any business, to the people giving that company their own hard-earned money.

(Although this famous George Orwell quote isn't a truism per se, it's still somewhat applicable: "[news] is printing something that someone does not want printed. Everything else is public relations.")

Keep in mind this is a forum for people who watch and buy from selly telly. If a channel is about to fold and people aren't going to get their goods, that's a valid concern to us. If it's being run by idealistic, incompetent, or shyster people that is, again, something we'd rather know.

I'm sure the restaurant passing itself off as top-quality would argue the fact they using cash-and-carry ingredients is also a business decision of "no concern" to anyone else. However, punters might disagree...

As Mike of the Masons likes to say: 'forewarned is forearmed' (or four-armed, as he probably thinks the saying is 😂).
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The Insider is unknown to me. I would like to ask you to carefully consider this. How did they obtain the rehearsal - not for broadcast pictures that were posted on this forum before Seen on TV even aired? That tells me they know someone who was working there and maybe still is.
That's such a ridiculous statement.

What is going on behind the scenes is absolutely a concern, in any business, to the people giving that company their own hard-earned money.

(Although this famous George Orwell quote isn't a truism per se, it's still somewhat applicable: "[news] is printing something that someone does not want printed. Everything else is public relations.")

Keep in mind this is a forum for people who watch and buy from selly telly. If a channel is about to fold and people aren't going to get their goods, that's a valid concern to us. If it's being run by idealistic (or incompetent/shyster) people that is, again, something we'd rather know.

I'm sure the restaurant passing itself off as top-quality would argue the fact they using cash-and-carry ingredients is also a business decision of "no concern" to anyone else. However, punters might disagree...

As Mike of the Masons likes to say: 'forewarned is forearmed' (or four-armed, as he probably thinks the saying is 😂).
If you bought and don’t get your goods you get a refund, that’s all you need to concern yourself with
Not true, I read every page on my commute to London this morning. Also unfair when we’ve worked with those people & still work with those people.
There are a number of factors at play here, to be honest with you.
If I recall correctly, this thread started like others on our forum, with our regulars - duke, muttley, jazzy, herring, lord, hammy, samki, galesgal, myself, and the others giving our usual blend of support, teasing, light criticism, and with an overall quite positive tone. There was the odd snarky comment from people who aren’t regulars (that I know of), but nothing major, nor unexpected, in a competitive and small area of business ‘selly telly’.
Alex soon joined in, was kind, was open-minded and came across as a really good guy. He explained that it was Simon’s channel and his attempt to fit into a niche that Simon thought he’d found in the market. It was clear that you were a very small team, and just from Alex’s comments, it was also clear that you get on well and were trying hard to make it work.
Later on, just before things went awry, I feel that other, new, or infrequent members started to comment regarding their view (perfectly legitimately) - these seemed to claim inside knowledge, and I thought were generally much more critical of the channel setup, and sometimes personally so of Simon. None of these posters are regulars here that I’m aware of, and although some have post counts higher than others, I hadn’t really heard of them before. They did, to me, seem to be workers from other channels - to go by their post contents.

In the end, it failed, and it failed really quickly.
Quicker than anyone has seen - but that might’ve been to limit the damage to what you could manage (which is actually a very good way to do business, I think).

There’s a lot of good here - it seems your team all do respect each other, and unlike previously failed channels, you seem to still be getting orders out- so I’m certain that receivers have not been appointed. That’s a real credit to all of you, truly it is.
People are worried that you are still soliciting orders. Well, if orders are being delivered, and you hope to continue trading, albeit on an alternative platform, then solicit orders is what you must do. And provided they are delivered, (and, of course that is our worry) then it’s not our business - but I can see, from experience, how people are worried. It’s natural.
We all saw the Wicker debacle at a previous incarnation of IW and it left a very sour taste.

For me, Alex comes out of all of this not just blemish free but as a star.
I’ll not worry about buying from Alex, if I encounter him in the future.
And your team’s loyalty is a huge plus.
Remember, though, that working hard and having a heart of gold are, sadly, not the only things needed to make something work - think of the metaphor of rearranging the deckchairs on the titanic - it’s hard work, but unless it’s the right work, then it all is to no avail.

I think people, including me, do consider there surely must have been a degree of naivety in the senior staff, such that an unexpected charge would wipe out the company - that charge, however unwelcome, must have been contracted for, (no one can charge for what has not been agreed in writing) so presumably the cash flow forecasts simply didn’t come up to the experience of reality, which is just sad.

As to what we regulars know about life ‘on the inside’, well, we don’t.
Whether these newcomers with very jaded views do, well, I just don’t know.
But for us regulars, how could we?
We’d love for you to tell us, because all we see are the results. Some great, some not so great, some (like my own area of expertise- the watches, and I mean primarily the Chinese made tat) really poor.
But you stand or fall by your product, and whether people buy it. Not by the work you do, the effort you put in, or even (within reason) the visual output of the channel - working life is just like that, sadly.

I do wish all of you the very best. I want selly telly to continue, and to be fun. It needs to tone down some of the outrageous watch claims, but I’m not happy you have failed this time. And again - I wish you well.
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The Insider is unknown to me. I would like to ask you to carefully consider this. How did they obtain the rehearsal - not for broadcast pictures that were posted on this forum before Seen on TV even aired? That tells me they know someone who was working there and maybe still is.
I’d ask you to consider the intentions behind someone clearly lying to ‘friends’ to try to gain and post inaccurate knowledge to tear down a start-up company.

They shouldn’t be trusted by the people who know them personally and people on this forum certainly shouldn’t trust them either. They’re only here for their own personal vendetta that is not representative of the reality of what is going on behind the scenes.

I have no issue with people on the forum expressing their concerns or distrust, if I didn’t know as much as I do of shopping TV processes I’d feel the same. My issue is with someone posing as a friend or colleague and clearly enjoying the struggles of some genuinely good people. It’s personal and nasty
If you bought and don’t get your goods you get a refund, that’s all you need to concern yourself with

Unless the company goes bust, like IW2 did, and you don't get a refund.

And, again, suck it up: you don't get to decide what or what does not concern people. If people want to know if they can trust a business asking them to trust it, they're entitled to. Just as you're entitled to waste your time going on a forum set up to discuss selly telly trying (and failing) to hector us into not discussing it. 💁🏻‍♂️

Whether it's Seen (not for long) on TV, or Sainsbury's, or Amazon, or TikTok, or a local unscrupulous roofer, any business large or small, people are perfectly entitled to "concern themselves" with any aspect of it if they so choose. It's always been this way.

Your channel will be forgotten faster than it fell off air, to be blunt, and none of whatever we're discussing now, which you're getting so worked up about, is going to be of any real consequence in the grand scheme of things.

Dennnice is back at work, Shona will be soon, Alex is a top bloke and sure to be back trying to tempt me into buying more pillows soon. And all of you throwaway accounts have said the TikTok/web side is doing well and will continue, and you all love Simon etc, so I say just crack on and focus on that rather than getting diverted into petty missives on here about (phantom) insults about whoever this Evey woman is.
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I don't know why they post on here. Since the early 10s, they have been a member. What I do know is that, just like you, they came on here and posted off their own back. I will be honest, I find some of the things they have said very plausible. I found some of the things Alex said very plausible aswell. There are three sides to every story. The Insiders side. Seen on TVs side, and the truth. It's probable that the truth is located between the two stories.
I for one have backed this channel from the beginning, even got annoyed by some users posts

I don't know why you were annoyed.

Most of us "somer users" repeatedly said we were hoping for the best, commented on the slickness of the launch, the set, the (initial) wide range of products, fair price comparisons, proper demos, lack of hard-sell, the humour, and had lots of optimism and hope that it could continue.

And while some of us did critique a few bits of sales patter - justly, to my mind - Alex was receptive to it, took some of it onboard, explained the bits from his POV, and it was all very civil.

The channel's success was never going to live or die on what 5 people on a niche forum were saying about it.

Yet, look how it turned out - someone bought bedding and was sent counterfeit (!!) goods, the channel folds in less than a week because it was poorly thought out, there's a bunch of weird BTS sh*t going down, Simon's relying on other people to "chequeisinthepost" the situation, and now the forum is being overrun by throwaway accounts telling us off for noticing it was ever on air!

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