Guest Shopper
<img src="http://www.shoppingtelly.com/images/gemstv/gemstvlogo.jpg" style="margin: 5px; border: currentColor; float: right;" />GemsTV is now available on Freeview, Sky, Virgin and Freesat. As of tomorrow GemsTV will also be launching on Scottish ITV 1 from midnight until 1am most nights of the week! As they will be reaching a wider audience, many who will not have seen TV Auctions before, GemsTV feel the time is right to "make improvements to the way we play our auctions/games, giving everyone more choice and flexibility."<br /><br /> With the new format at the bottom of the screen you’ll see how many pieces GemsTV currently hold in their vault. Only a certain quantity of items will be available to purchase at the closing price in each game. But, the game/auction will not end until either all the pieces have been allocated, or an hour after the game began. Although GemsTV may now move onto the next game before all of the pieces have been allocated, you may still actually have a chance to purchase the item at that price, either on the phone or on the web.<br /><br />Gems TV said: "This exciting new format will allow us to bring you faster games, more of them, and more choice! We really hope you enjoy the new format and would like to thank so many of you for contributing suggestions on how we can make it more interesting and more accessible to everyone."