Hello, I'm new, but been perusing the Gemporia forums. I have a lot to say about them. I've been a purchaser of theirs since about 2016. And to be honest, I now tend to buy more from Gem Collector: mainly from Emily. But I digress. Gemporia have definitely gone down-hill noticeably, I expect this has been discussed more than once, and forgive me if I'm in the wrong thread, but first Steve sells off JM (which I have 'christened' Jade Market.) He needed money back then. Bought it back, 'sold' off Gemporia, aka 'gave' it to the workers: more money needed. Then as previously mentioned about the museum pieces: even if you had millionaires watching Gems, to sell of those items, well, try to. I've never seem a museum piece actually sell. And then you get the mainstay presenters just disappear or leave: like them or not, to name but two, Vicki Carr, Ruth Linnett, they had that certain something to hold the attention. What else, as I'm rambling? The actual quality has gone down of the goods. Used to be Midas, then that became gold flash / gold colour. Yes, the silver is still silver, but I was disappointed to buy what I assumed via the 'selling' to be midas and it was GF. And the amount of collections they've ended too. Yet, some they say they have no more of, they miraculously find: Csarite, Argyle, Diavik, let alone trying to sell of the Bennett Vault. As I write, it strikes me, that the 'generic' goods are getting poorer and they are trying to make up the money via selling limited (allegedly) but expensive. It's a shame really, some presenters I used to like I have gone off of. Either don't watch or watch on mute. I used to like Dave Troth for example, but he bugs the hell out of me now. The indignation or disbelief when 'he' sells something at a lower price, even if 'he' instigates it. I know this is all over the place and I could have made a few posts, but I'm impatient

Bye for now, and thanks for reading, if you did. I've just remembered something. What also bugs me, through the whole group, is coated, or same-coloured as, stones are always compared with the original item. Why compare it with Paraiba etc, when it isn't remotely 'that', and 'if this were..... it would be....' Pointless. It isn't, so why bother with the spiel?
Welcome! Everything you've raised are things that we've all raised too at some point or another.
In my opinion, Gems TV, Gem Collector and Jewellery Maker are all clinging on for their lives.
JM used to be the go-to place for good quality, well priced, gem strands and cabochons. Those days are long gone.
Gems TV used to be the place for decent quality jewellery, with unusual gemstones, at good prices. Those days are long gone.
Gem Collector used to be the place for decent quality stones, at decent prices. Those days are also long gone.
All three of those channels have been watered down to the point where they're unrecognisable to their glory days.
I genuinely believe that for those channels to survive, they need new ownership. The current owners don't seem to know how to turn the channels around - and they're ignoring concerns that HUNDREDS of viewers are complaining about. If you ignore your key customers, and drive them away, you're left with serious problems.
Take JM for example. When it was under Gemporia ownership first time around, they sold a good business. Immediate Media ruined it by bringing in synthetic stones, plastic and glass beads, and general cheap tat. The prices increased. Postage prices increased and moved to a slower, poorer quality delivery service (Whistl). Packing was poor and orders would regularly be received damaged. Inevitably, it lost customers and struggled. Immediate Media sold it back to Gemporia.
Now, all Gemporia had to to was reverse the changes that Immediate Media had made - and revert back to the 'old' Jewellery Maker. Did Gemporia do that? No. They kept JM almost as it was under Immediate Media - but made the problems even WORSE! The tat remained, prices continued to go up, they started flogging Primal products on a jewellery making channel, and it got invaded by Troth and Jake - taking their boring waffling presentations over to JM as well as Gems TV. Like Gems TV, it also got taken over by Jadeite galore. I didn't think it could get any worse than it was under Immediate Media. How wrong I was! Add to that, JM has THE worst, most unprofessional TV "presenter" ever in Carol Roache. That woman is beyond hideous.
If Gemporia survive their money problems as a business, I can't see JM continuing as a channel long term. Everything is overpriced and can be obtained elsewhere for far cheaper, with next day delivery rather than the week or so it takes for JM stuff to arrive. They don't have a USP any more.
Gem Collector has no variety, the prices have shot up to ridiculous levels, they don't even have 'entry level' stones for newbies, and what was a relaxed informal channel has now turned into hard sell and waffle. It is no longer enjoyable to watch.
As for Gems TV. They no longer have a USP either. The quality of their jewellery has declined rapidly. Their prices have risen rapidly. In addition, their approach to the cost of living crisis has been completely back to front. At a time where people are being more savvy with their shopping, with little disposable income and looking for bargains, Gemporia have hiked their prices and offered a lower quality product. Those two things are incompatible - and this will be their demise.
I think if Gemporia is to survive long term, it needs new owners to bring in new ideas. It's been stale for a good few years now - and there doesn't seem to be any sign of change or improvement.
Steve Bennett told us, exactly one year ago, that he recognised that there were some issues and he was going to make some changes. NOT ONE THING has changed for the better since he made that statement a year ago other than speedier refunds. Every other problems that was there under Colin Wagstaffe, remains now under the Bennetts.