Gemporia still sinking


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This is simply taking advantage of those unfamiliar with the internet and online shopping.

But it's hardly a plan for growth. The die hard offline only shoppers are either dying off or slowly having to get to grips with the internet as more and more stuff (banking, paying bills, claiming benefits etc) becomes online only.

So what does Gemporia plan to do when their viewers are all able to do their research and their own price comparisons as a matter of course?

It's so short sighted
I think Gemporia's demographic may be changing and much more aimed at a younger more tech savvy market than previously, hence the change in product strategy and there will always be consumers who will rightly or wrongly go for what they are familiar with and where they have received good service and products rather than take a risk on bargain basement prices. I doubt the vast majority of Gemporia customers are not making online purchases and researching purchases.
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Speaking as someone who has posted regularly in the past without receiving universal adulation in return (that would be disturbing), and as an adult, may I suggest that if you want to initiate a reasoned discussion, don't go accusing people of having an agenda behind their posts?

Especially if you're someone who has started a whole thread dedicated to critiquing the presenter Lindsay Carr. It really makes your claim of the moral high ground pretty shaky.

I think Gemporia's demographic may be changing and much more aimed at a younger more tech savvy market than previously, hence the change in product strategy and there will always be consumers who will rightly or wrongly go for what they are familiar with and where they have received good service and products rather than take a risk on bargain basement prices.
Or, they are simply unaware that such items are available at much cheaper prices elsewhere.

That still doesn't negate my point: Gemporia can only rely on offline buyers, or non-internet buyers for so long. They're fast becoming a minority, so it will be interesting to see how Gemporia copes then
Or, they are simply unaware that such items are available at much cheaper prices elsewhere.

That still doesn't negate my point: Gemporia can only rely on offline buyers, or non-internet buyers for so long. They're fast becoming a minority, so it will be interesting to see how Gemporia copes then
It will be interesting as you say but I doubt the vast majority of customers now are offline buyers and not all consumers are solely driven by price which is why people choose to continue to shop at Waitrose when the same quality may be available at Aldi.
So it's confusing that you're now complaining that Themanwithnoname, who is someone else I have had issues with (I'm starting to detect a trend here 😁) has a personal beef against Gemporia simply for noticing issues and discussing them here. When you have done exactly the same. But have now reverted to a stance of "Complaining about Gemporia is naughty and shouldn't be allowed" for whatever reason.

It's bizarre. And then she doesn't seem to grasp why she's been called a hypocrite.
I think Gemporia's demographic may be changing and much more aimed at a younger more tech savvy market than previously, hence the change in product strategy and there will always be consumers who will rightly or wrongly go for what they are familiar with and where they have received good service and products rather than take a risk on bargain basement prices. I doubt the vast majority of Gemporia customers are not making online purchases and researching purchases.
Many of Gemporia's customers are foreigners who watch Gems TV or Gem Collector exclusively online. When there's ongoing auction and I like some products, I always check their descriptions. I also like browsing Gemporia's website to find interesting items.
It will be interesting as you say but I doubt the vast majority of customers now are offline buyers and not all consumers are solely driven by price which is why people choose to continue to shop at Waitrose when the same quality may be available at Aldi.
There's a certain cachet around shopping at Waitrose. Which doesn't exist for Gemporia.

Unless Waitrose staff have now started screeching "Fill yer boots!" at the customers as the ever classy Angeline has been known to do.

Gemporia isn't Waitrose. It's more market stall trying to convince the public it's Tiffany's.
There's a certain cachet around shopping at Waitrose. Which doesn't exist for Gemporia.

Unless Waitrose staff have now started screeching "Fill yer boots!" at the customers as the ever classy Angeline has been known to do.

Gemporia isn't Waitrose. It's more market stall trying to convince the public it's Tiffany's.
That's a fair point but i just meant that price is not always the main driver for consumers making their purchases. The more affluent the consumer, the less likely they are to shop around at Temu for a bargain and they are more likely to be more the demographic Gemporia is aiming at.
It's more market stall trying to convince the public it's Tiffany's.

Which is why they're struggling in my opinion. They seem to be really confused as to who their customer base is.

One minute they're selling Pink Diaspore 'Arthur Ivy' jewellery (their highest end 'label) for thousands of pounds - and price comparing against high end stores.

Then shortly afterwards, they're flogging dyed Agate in gold tone, for £30, whilst still trying to convince everyone that it's the 'finest quality' gemstone and while still comparing against high end stores.

They really need stop taking people for fools. If they're going to sell the high end stuff, then sure, compare it against high end stores - but when they're flogging cheap, low quality jewellery and mid-range affordable jewellery, then they need to price compare accordingly - and compare against places like Hinds and JM Samuel.

I had a look on the Monica Vinader website the other day, for the first time ever. The thing that jumped out at me straight away is that they offer a 5 year warranty on items, and a 100 day returns policy. They're also replace any 'Vermail' item if the plating comes off. So THAT is why their silver prices are 3 times higher than Gemporia. You're paying for that extra peace of mind and warranty.

Gemporia NEVER tell you that when they try to make out that their silver 'copy' of an item is so much better value at a third of the price. They don't tell you that they only offer 30 day returns, the statutory minimum 6 month warranty period, and they certainly don't replace any 'Vermail' or coated jewellery when the plating wears off.

This is actually where Gemporia could offer a service and potentially make some money. Offer people the chance to have a 5 year warranty period for an extra £30. If people then need to claim, Gemporia have charged for it - so its no loss to them - and if people never make a claim on an item, then Gemporia have gained £30 for free.
There's a certain cachet around shopping at Waitrose. Which doesn't exist for Gemporia.

Unless Waitrose staff have now started screeching "Fill yer boots!" at the customers as the ever classy Angeline has been known to do.

Gemporia isn't Waitrose. It's more market stall trying to convince the public it's Tiffany's.
Actually, I was wincing a bit at Angeline today. There was a 30-inch chain, at £19.99 and she was saying: "Just sling it in your baskets." (A phrase she has taken to using an awful lot in a: "It's dead cheap so it doesn't matter" way.) Now I know that not many people who are really struggling for a few quid will be actively buying jewellery. But I thought it was a bit tone-deaf considering just how hard it is, financially, for a lot of people at the moment. An extra £20 on jewellery might be something a lot of folk have to think long and hard about. A lot of people can't cheerfully "sling" anything in their baskets right now. It just made me twitch a bit as some people might just enjoy watching - even if they can't buy.
Talking of twitching. Cherry Cavill was on today. Does she always talk that fast and loud, or is she trying to be Hattie - or is Hattie imitating Cherry? Not the most enjoyable show.
That's a fair point but i just meant that price is not always the main driver for consumers making their purchases. The more affluent the consumer, the less likely they are to shop around at Temu for a bargain and they are more likely to be more the demographic Gemporia is aiming at.
Do truly affluent people shop at Gemporia? And would affluent people be seen dead with stuff from the channel that frankly looks like it should be in a pound shop?

I suspect that people with so much money that they don't know what do do with it would go to high end jewellers. Or extremely pricey and exclusive boutiques that are way out of the reach of Mr and Mrs Average Earner. They wouldn't be seen dead shopping off selly telly, as that would defeat part of the object of it.

You might get rich people buying from the US, perhaps. Or from other places outside the UK. Because items from far away can be perceived as having a mystique.
Talking of twitching. Cherry Cavill was on today. Does she always talk that fast and loud, or is she trying to be Hattie - or is Hattie imitating Cherry? Not the most enjoyable show.
Cherry seems to have on days and off days. Certainly she was one of the more "shouty, urgent" ones on Rocks & Co. Whereas John Scott was more "Like it, buy it or sod off" 😆
Do truly affluent people shop at Gemporia? And would affluent people be seen dead with stuff from the channel that frankly looks like it should be in a pound shop?

I suspect that people with so much money that they don't know what do do with it would go to high end jewellers. Or extremely pricey and exclusive boutiques that are way out of the reach of Mr and Mrs Average Earner. They wouldn't be seen dead shopping off selly telly, as that would defeat part of the object of it.

You might get rich people buying from the US, perhaps. Or from other places outside the UK. Because items from far away can be perceived as having a mystique.
I was meaning averagely affluent with disposal income who shop at John Lewis or M&S not Princess Kate 😀
I was meaning averagely affluent with disposal income who shop at John Lewis or M&S not Princess Kate 😀
Perhaps if you had said "averagely affluent" as opposed to "affluent", your post wouldn't have been misunderstood.

But then, it's my fault for accepting what you post at face value. Unfortunately, I have to do that because I'm unable to discern what you actually meant to say.
Actually, I was wincing a bit at Angeline today. There was a 30-inch chain, at £19.99 and she was saying: "Just sling it in your baskets." (A phrase she has taken to using an awful lot in a: "It's dead cheap so it doesn't matter" way.)

Imagine trying to convince everyone that your £20 item is worth thousands by comparing to Tiffanys, etc - and then telling people to "sling" their "investment piece" into a shopping basket...............

Cherry Cavill was on today. Does she always talk that fast and loud, or is she trying to be Hattie - or is Hattie imitating Cherry? Not the most enjoyable show.

Cherry always looks and sounds like she'd smash your face in if you dare to be in a one mile radius of her. Why does she always look so aggressive?

Toby seems quite calm and polite - and then Cherry seems the complete opposite.
Perhaps if you had said "averagely affluent" as opposed to "affluent", your post wouldn't have been misunderstood.

But then, it's my fault for accepting what you post at face value. Unfortunately, I have to do that because I'm unable to discern what you actually meant
Perhaps if you had said "averagely affluent" as opposed to "affluent", your post wouldn't have been misunderstood.

But then, it's my fault for accepting what you post at face value. Unfortunately, I have to do that because I'm unable to discern what you actually meant to say.
I apologise for confusing you but would have thought in the context of Gemporia it was clear the reference was to those having a comfortable standard of living rather than the super rich.
There's a difference between being affluent, and being financially comfortable.

As I said earlier, I can only reply to what you post, and not what you might possibly be thinking. Assuming that the rest of us are telepathic will just ensure that confusion continues.

Or that people stop talking with you, because nobody knows whether you are posting what you mean to say, or not.
There's a difference between being affluent, and being financially comfortable.

As I said earlier, I can only reply to what you post, and not what you might possibly be thinking. Assuming that the rest of us are telepathic will just ensure that confusion continues.

Or that people stop talking with you, because nobody knows whether you are posting what you mean to say, or not.

As I say I am sorry for confusing you but affluent is usually used to describe comfortably off people with disposable income not the super rich.
Anyhow let's all agree to to differ whether that be on Gemporia's financial outturn, whether the same products are available in Poundland/Temu etc. I see Gemporia with all its flaws but I continue to shop because I am happy with the end products I receive in terms of quality and value. I am fortunate in having a good job/lifestyle but I am also very discriminating in how I spend my money and hope Gemporia will evolve and adapt for the better going forward.Just my personal experience and opinion.
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