Gemporia still sinking


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Unless you are a Corporate accountant I don't think you are qualified to comment. You clearly have personal issues with Gemporia which you like to share with a seemingly small number of like minded people, but outside of this forum thousands of customers are happy with Gemporia and continue to shop.
A bad tempered response, I feel, which is a bit wrong headed.

You don't have to be a vet to recognise a dog. Nothing in the post you quoted seemed even vaguely personal at all. A little more time reading some of the banter on any of the posts in this forum would also show you that there is a very polite, open exchange - positive and negative - of views and sometimes minds are changed. We are all either ex- or partial or continued Gemporia customers.

Attempting to shut someone down in that way veers towards the fascist and misses the point of a forum.
A bad tempered response, I feel, which is a bit wrong headed.

You don't have to be a vet to recognise a dog. Nothing in the post you quoted seemed even vaguely personal at all. A little more time reading some of the banter on any of the posts in this forum would also show you that there is a very polite, open exchange - positive and negative - of views and sometimes minds are changed. We are all either ex- or partial or continued Gemporia customers.

Attempting to shut someone down in that way veers towards the fascist and misses the point of a forum.
I am just expressing a view and yes I do see MWNN views as being personal against Gemporia as he always suggests there is an an inside insight. Anyone is free to share views but yes only a qualified accountant can give an informed view on the financials without being potentially misleading.
I am just expressing a view and yes I do see MWNN views as being personal against Gemporia as he always suggests there is an an inside insight. Anyone is free to share views but yes only a qualified accountant can give an informed view on the financials without being potentially misleading.
Oh well. Nuff said, I guess. 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷
Unless you are a Corporate accountant I don't think you are qualified to comment. You clearly have personal issues with Gemporia which you like to share with a seemingly small number of like minded people, but outside of this forum thousands of customers are happy with Gemporia and continue to shop.
I'll comment on whatever I like thanks.
That's the whole idea of a forum.

My opinion is just as valid as yours - so don't get arsey with me just because we have differing opinions.
I am just expressing a view and yes I do see MWNN views as being personal against Gemporia as he always suggests there is an an inside insight. Anyone is free to share views but yes only a qualified accountant can give an informed view on the financials without being potentially misleading.

Have you got examples of these supposed "inside insights" that I "always" post? You clearly remember them better than I do.............

As for misleading - I've backed up some of my responses with facts. YOU are the one with misleading information - suggesting Gemporia made 'millions in profit' despite their last accounts showing that they made short of £300,000 profit.

You don't need to be a 'corporate accountant' to recognise that a company that once posted profits of, off the top of my head, something like £16m profit not so long ago, to just shy of £300,000 now, has encountered problems.

These are also facts that suggest that Gemporia have, or have had, financial issues.

1. Redundancies in multiple rounds across the group / partnership.
2. Scrapping the Lifestyle Channel.
3. Scrapping The Lounge / The Outlet.
4. Reducing overnight Gems TV broadcast hours.
5. Reducing Jewellery Maker TV broadcast hours.
6. Reducing Gem Collector's hours and cutting presenters down from 4 to 2.
7. Getting rid of the Gem Collector assistants.
8. Hardly ever drafting in freelancer presenters over the last 12 months.
9. Getting rid of their CEO.
10. Steve Bennett putting his own money into the company to help process refunds.

Oh, and............


Don't let those facts put you off from your s**t attitude though.
I'm not sure the Man With No Name has an axe to grind with Gemporia, I do think that a lot of what he says is true and I agree with nearly all of it.

Exactly that. I have no issues with Gemporia. They're there as a business to make money and I have no issue with that. I've chosen to give them my business for years - and I've been happy to do so.

What I do have an axe to grind with, is when they cross the line from getting natural / moral sales - to venturing over to the dark side with dubious / immoral tactics to get sales. When they tell lies, make dubious and misleading claims, pray on the vulnerable (particularly the death of loved ones - which is as low as you can get), and make wild and random price comparisons, in order to get people to part with their money, I will speak out about it. It's not acceptable.

A bad tempered response, I feel, which is a bit wrong headed.

Attempting to shut someone down in that way veers towards the fascist and misses the point of a forum.

Thanks Andy.

The weird part of it is, Imogene9500 has been fairly vocal about Gemporia in the past too. Reading through some of her history, she's been highly critical of Gemporia at times too - but for some reason, she's gone off on one today. I can only assume that she's got out of the wrong side of the bed and is having an off day - or she's a massive hypocrite.
Exactly that. I have no issues with Gemporia. They're there as a business to make money and I have no issue with that. I've chosen to give them my business for years - and I've been happy to do so.

What I do have an axe to grind with, is when they cross the line from getting natural / moral sales - to venturing over to the dark side with dubious / immoral tactics to get sales. When they tell lies, make dubious and misleading claims, pray on the vulnerable (particularly the death of loved ones - which is as low as you can get), and make wild and random price comparisons, in order to get people to part with their money, I will speak out about it. It's not acceptable.

Thanks Andy.

The weird part of it is, Imogene9500 has been fairly vocal about Gemporia in the past too. Reading through some of her history, she's been highly critical of Gemporia at times too - but for some reason, she's gone off on one today. I can only assume that she's got out of the wrong side of the bed and is having an off day - or she's a massive hypocrite.

I have never claimed to uncritical about many aspects of Gemporia and no ... I do not like all the Jade ... but I am a long standing customer for a reason and if there are views on here I disagree with then I will say so, which is what the forum is for. It does not mean i got out of bed the wrong side etc. which is incredibly patronising and reminds me why there is unlikely to be any intelligent exchange of views here.
I have never claimed to uncritical about many aspects of Gemporia and no ... I do not like all the Jade ... but I am a long standing customer for a reason and if there are views on here I disagree with then I will say so, which is what the forum is for. It does not mean i got out of bed the wrong side etc. which is incredibly patronising and reminds me why there is unlikely to be any intelligent exchange of views here.

You're entitled to disagree.

But when you start getting arsey or insulting, then expect to get called out on it.
I still buy from Gemporia but I clearly see that they have financial problems. This is why I've created an account on this forum.

If Gemporia went bankrupt, I would be very sad. In continental Europe there is a Hungarian-owned selly telly network called Emporia Style. In my country, Poland, it's known as Klejnot TV or Biżuteria Lux. They're worse than Gemporia. Oftentimes their silver jewellery is as expensive as gold jewellery elsewhere. The presenters frequently make mistakes or discuss their personal views on religion, vaccines etc. They speak much about spitirual meaning of different gemstones. Why this behaviour is tolerated? You see, their Polish-language TV studio is located in Madrid, Spain (the first one was in Budapest, Hungary. The second one was in Prague, Czechia). Many, if not all, of their producers and directors don't even understand Polish. Sometimes you can hear someone speaking Spanish to the presenter. Technical glitches are not uncommon. There were incidents of broadcasting (to Poland) Romanian auctions instead of Polish. I'm pretty sure that the Romanian viewers were forced to watch Polish shows.
I still buy from Gemporia but I clearly see that they have financial problems.

Have you got examples of these supposed "inside insights" that I "always" post? You clearly remember them better than I do.............

As for misleading - I've backed up some of my responses with facts. YOU are the one with misleading information - suggesting Gemporia made 'millions in profit' despite their last accounts showing that they made short of £300,000 profit.

You don't need to be a 'corporate accountant' to recognise that a company that once posted profits of, off the top of my head, something like £16m profit not so long ago, to just shy of £300,000 now, has encountered problems.

These are also facts that suggest that Gemporia have, or have had, financial issues.

1. Redundancies in multiple rounds across the group / partnership.
2. Scrapping the Lifestyle Channel.
3. Scrapping The Lounge / The Outlet.
4. Reducing overnight Gems TV broadcast hours.
5. Reducing Jewellery Maker TV broadcast hours.
6. Reducing Gem Collector's hours and cutting presenters down from 4 to 2.
7. Getting rid of the Gem Collector assistants.
8. Hardly ever drafting in freelancer presenters over the last 12 months.
9. Getting rid of their CEO.
10. Steve Bennett putting his own money into the company to help process refunds.

Oh, and............


Don't let those facts put you off from your s**t attitude though.

its interesting when I look at TJC then same turnover almost but look at the profit thats massive and because I guess they create a lot of the items themselves ... no sign here tv shopping is dead. should state operating profit after wages and distrubiuton was 8M down from 13M but when you make this much gross ...

The turndown was because of course we are going through some real bad times for many people economically. Be interesting to see when Ideal world is added onto this

Screenshot 2024-01-27 at 21.57.31.png
I think TJC spend a lot on advertising - which is probably why a lot of their turnover is wiped out. I seem to get a lot of adverts for TJC on social media and they flag up on Google paid-ads quite often too - whereas Gemporia don't appear to do much advertising.

I suspect TJC have picked up a LOT of custom from disgruntled Gemporia customers too.

When Troth was flogging his Queen Conch shell, TJC were selling it shortly afterwards for significantly less than it was being sold for on Gemporia.

Gemporia love to do a price comparison - but theirs are rarely like-for-like. People love a like-for-like comparison, so when Gemporia customers could see the Queen Conch being sold for roughly 30-50% less on TJC, THAT will have inevitably make people question why Gemporia were charging so much more for it.
Adina was on last night flogging some pink stone from Afghanistan. She talked in great detail about how hard it is to source and buy gems from Afghanistan (while reminding us that she wasn't being political).
Now I'm sorry but the whole thing didn't sit right with me at all. Why the hell are Gemporia even buying anything from there in the first place while The Taliban are in control of the country?
Jeff Hayden carries out jewelry projects outside Gemporia. He worked, among other things, with Afghan pink diaspor. Jeff was the one who convinced Jake Thompson to let Gemporia use this gemstone. It was around March last year.
I don't think it takes a Corporate Accountant to look at the accounts from years past and recent to come to the conclusion that things are not well.

I'm not sure the Man With No Name has an axe to grind with Gemporia, I do think that a lot of what he says is true and I agree with nearly all of it. That being said it doesn't stop me buying bits and pieces as little presents in silver (not midas or vermeil or tone) or from the new Kimbie range (candles, scarves) but I no longer buy the more expensive pieces, most definitely not diamonds. Their marketing, presenters and over long 'guest' presenters now put me off from watching and I remember the time when I would watch all day long. When I do watch I've noticed that a lot of the people who message in have nothing but good to say however when I've messaged in asking a question (which would probably have a negative response) it goes ignored and I'm not asking to be argumentative but because it's a genuine question, so needless to say I don't buy.

If they do go under it will be because there's more out there like The Man With No Name, and others, including myself, who have 'seen the light' and are not prepared to part with hundreds of pounds any longer when with a little bit research you can get what you want for better value elsewhere.
Same here. In my opinion, Gemporia are their own worst enemy. Take Dave Troth, for example - (please, just take him! 😂) Who in their right mind could listen to that BS, going on for hours, just to flog a few pieces of wishy-washy jadeite? I see TJC are selling it now, they must have bought the last of Troth's treasure trove! We are all former and current viewers of Gemporia and most of us have bought some nice pieces of jewellery over the years, but the decline in standards is clearly obvious for all to see. The current presenters are absolutely atrocious and unwatchable in most cases, quality of jewellery has fallen steeply, along with massively inflated prices, and in the early days you would never see gold tone 'tat' for sale - never! However, taking all the above into account, I still occasionally buy some of their cheaper silver items, (if I can find them!) mostly for presents, etc. But I don't trust them anymore to buy anything expensive. Once that trust has gone, it's game over in my opinion.
As bad as it is, there are worse channels - TJC being the front runner, imo.
I have never claimed to uncritical about many aspects of Gemporia and no ... I do not like all the Jade ... but I am a long standing customer for a reason and if there are views on here I disagree with then I will say so, which is what the forum is for. It does not mean i got out of bed the wrong side etc. which is incredibly patronising and reminds me why there is unlikely to be any intelligent exchange of views here.
Why on earth do you post on here if it reminds you of ‘why there is unlikely to be any intelligent exchange of views on here’ How very insulting to anyone who posts on here. TMWNN, Andy W and lots more make intelligent comments. As for you I suggest you either stop posting on here, or start getting out of bed the other side.
Why on earth do you post on here if it reminds you of ‘why there is unlikely to be any intelligent exchange of views on here’ How very insulting to anyone who posts on here. TMWNN, Andy W and lots more make intelligent comments. As for you I suggest you either stop posting on here, or start getting out of bed the other side.
I rest my case ....

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