From what I see on Facebook, there are some people who buy anything and everything they offer for sale. They seem to have an amazingly loyal customer base. They are almost fanatical about Gemporia. However, I doubt these are a big enough group to keep Gemporia afloatProbably losing customers.
They seem to be losing customers left, right and centre in the UK - so international sales must be dropping at an alarming rate too.
I used to think that about Gem Collector when Alex was the main presenter. Whenever you switched on, the same names were buying over and over again, same names messaging in, but you don't hear them now Giggling Gertie (she of the garbage-speak) or Jim Brooman are presenting. But you're right, Gemporia do seem to have a core of 'followers' who fawn over all the presenters and praise everything they sell, so perhaps it'll take a bit longer for the penny to drop there, although you'd think in the current economic climate people would be a bit more savvy about what they're getting for their money.From what I see on Facebook, there are some people who buy anything and everything they offer for sale. They seem to have an amazingly loyal customer base. They are almost fanatical about Gemporia. However, I doubt these are a big enough group to keep Gemporia afloat
they seem to be aiming for cheap and cheerful. Their demographic is women, particularly retirees.Do you think this is Gemporia's future: candles, jade, pearls, Chinese-sourced tat and Visage? Or do you believe there's still hope of something better?
I used to think that about Gem Collector when Alex was the main presenter. Whenever you switched on, the same names were buying over and over again, same names messaging in, but you don't hear them now Giggling Gertie (she of the garbage-speak) or Jim Brooman are presenting. But you're right, Gemporia do seem to have a core of 'followers' who fawn over all the presenters and praise everything they sell, so perhaps it'll take a bit longer for the penny to drop there, although you'd think in the current economic climate people would be a bit more savvy about what they're getting for their money.
Do you think this is Gemporia's future: candles, jade, pearls, Chinese-sourced tat and Visage? Or do you believe there's still hope of something better?
Me neither, all that scratching, nose wiping, waving arms around, never finishing a sentence, drives me potty.Tbf I won't watch Adina either. Whatever time she's on!
Not my first purchase there, and I'm sure I've told you before, but in the early days of my buying, my first sapphire in ring-form was a Madagascan one in silver. I saw it was diffused. And when I looked that up, I didn't realise how 'artificial' it was: I was quite disappointed. I still have it and from that point on, unless it 'really' caught my eye, and even then, I steer clear of diffused, and dyed. No, I don't always buy 'natural', but the least artificial treatments the better.I'm sure there are people that won't realise that a diffused Sapphire has been artificially coloured
Their presenters are absolutely awful. I was stuck in the middle of something today with the sound on and Kate presenting.. normally I mute the sound. Has anyone ever counted the times she says OH MY WORD. OH MY GOSH, and variations in an hour The very annoying and obviously put on exclamations of admiration are torture to listen to. They are obviously told to do that during training. Pretend they are overcome and have to break into whatever they were saying. I couldn’t get to the remote fast enough to mute it. How could anyone actually sit and listen to that for 4 hours. It’s like an endurance test.Me neither, all that scratching, nose wiping, waving arms around, never finishing a sentence, drives me potty.
Their presenters are absolutely awful. I was stuck in the middle of something today with the sound on and Kate presenting.. normally I mute the sound. Has anyone ever counted the times she says OH MY WORD. OH MY GOSH, and variations in an hour The very annoying and obviously put on exclamations of admiration are torture to listen to. They are obviously told to do that during training. Pretend they are overcome and have to break into whatever they were saying. I couldn’t get to the remote fast enough to mute it. How could anyone actually sit and listen to that for 4 hours. It’s like an endurance test.
Not my first purchase there, and I'm sure I've told you before, but in the early days of my buying, my first sapphire in ring-form was a Madagascan one in silver. I saw it was diffused. And when I looked that up, I didn't realise how 'artificial' it was: I was quite disappointed. I still have it and from that point on, unless it 'really' caught my eye, and even then, I steer clear of diffused, and dyed. No, I don't always buy 'natural', but the least artificial treatments the better.
However it be called, spanner in the works, or devils advocate. I will say: as a 'space filler'. When the company was more with it, knowledgeable and 'specialist', the presenters were more so the same, (knowledgeable etc). Then, when 'they' decided to go more 'department store' and mass produced 'cheap-er' items you could buy for pennies, there was no real need to keep up that knowledge and dare I say, professionalism, so consequently you get presenters degrading, or 'like it already' when they join and no one seems to care because of the aforementioned.I'm not even convinced they use meaningless words because they're ordered too. I think the main problem is that these 'presenters' are so out of their depth and lack so much knowledge of the gemstones and products that they just don't know what to say.
If it's not the nail in the coffin It SHOULD be! That is an unbelievable price for good tone.I think their future is selling anything that is offered cheaply by the Chinese that Gemporia can then buy in bulk and sell at considerable profit.
I'm not even convinced that they're making all of their own jewellery any more. For example, Angeline has just sold a "Naturally Coloured Freshwater Cultured Pearl & White Zircon Gold Tone Sterling Silver Necklace and Earrings Set" for £399. The pearls originate from China. I wouldn't be surprised if the whole thing was made in China. Gemporia probably buy them in bulk for about £40 (if that) and then re-sell them at OTT prices.
The next stone we'll never see the end of will likely be whatever the Chinese sell them by the shipping container load for cheap. If the Chinese were to offer them dyed Rubies, you'd probably see them for months / years on end on screen - just like the Jade and Pearls.
Gone are the days where we'd get variety. In the past, a typical day on Gems TV could see a whole mixture from Golden Beryl, to Andalusite, to Iolite, to Kyanite, to Sapphire, to Imperial Topaz, etc.
Now, it just seems to be endless Pearl and Jade shows, with the gaps filled in the schedule with Kimbie, Visage, Primal, etc.
Is the Kimbie stuff profitable enough to sustain a business long term? People can pick up all of that kind of stuff from the likes of Amazon for less, with next day delivery. If people are prepared to wait, they can order similar from Temu or AliExpress for a lot cheaper.
They had a whole 'Lifestyle' channel dedicated to Kimbie-type products - and that channel was closed down because it was, reportedly, a loss making channel.
You have to sell a lot of pens and candles at £10 each or electronic lighters at £7 each to cover the overheads of paying for airtime, presenter and staff wages, business taxes, import costs, etc.
You can easily stick an extra £30+ on a gold ring without anyone being put off - especially if its a bespoke piece that someone loves and they can't buy it from elsewhere.
You can't do that with a candle or a pen. They're not bespoke or unique. Everyone is flogging them. Put the price up by even £1 or £2 more, and people will simply buy them from elsewhere instead.
Jeff is currently on a two week holiday - yet last night, instead of paying to bring in a freelancer, they just played re-runs of old shows, just as they do during the week. This, to me, rings alarm bells. Bearing in mind it is Christmas next month, and people are looking to buy presents, you would think that Gemporia would bring in a freelancer at a time of the year when you'd expect sales figures to be picking up.
If they can't/won't bring in a freelancer to cover a 4 hour shift, that gives me the impression that they don't want to spend the money. Does that mean they still have financial difficulties?
My gut instinct is that the days of Gemporia being a multi-million pound profit company are long gone. I suspect they're merely surviving or 'treading water' with small profits each year.
The channel output is worse than ever. The quality of the jewellery is, arguably, worse than ever. The prices appear to be higher than ever. People are sick of Dave Troth - yet Gemporia keep putting their fingers in their ears and turning a blind eye to people's complaints about him. There's just so much wrong with the brand/channels - yet they don't seem to be doing anything at all to change it. They seem content to just 'carry on regardless' with an arrogance that we're all wrong - and they're correct.
When people complain about seeing too much Dave Troth, Gemporia STILL reply with the usual 'our viewers have told us they like to be educated' line.
They also seem to have an arrogance that they can charge whatever they like for pieces - and people will pay it. I find it astonishing that they have the audacity to charge £399 for a GOLD TONE necklace with mass produced pearls from China.
That arrogance or delusion will be the nail in the coffin for them in my opinion.
Especially with a paltry 6 month warranty!If it's not the nail in the coffin It SHOULD be! That is an unbelievable price for good tone.
No, we weren't gullible. I, too, loved the Gemporia of old. We saw a good show and responded accordingly.I couldn't agree with you more. The channel used to be a fount of knowledge, and the clips showing the mines and the processes, the cutting rooms, and the locations, were great nuggets of info in-between fast paced selling. They were a breath of fresh air compared to slow QVC!
Steve used to drop prices massively so it was always an exciting show with him presenting...until he had a mid life crisis and went all new-age, cbd loving, clean eating, health mad.
And they used to show films of the schools they'd built or helped fund with the Colourful Life Foundation (or something like that)
Now I'm probably one of the aforementioned gullible people who messaged in, especially on Ruth's shows! I spent far too much but I did get some fantastic quality items with good gold weights and lovely unusual designs in the first few years. I know the stuff was good because I wore it on cruises and actually had people in shops in the Caribbean offering to buy off me when I went browsing.
I did actually like some of the homewares and candles, but some stuff was absolute tat!
I stopped buying and stopped watching in case I start down the slippery slope again. Not difficult though, as when I flick across it seems to be Droning Troth every time!
Those of us who remember the 'good old days' hope for a better future. Change of management is the key.Do you think this is Gemporia's future: candles, jade, pearls, Chinese-sourced tat and Visage? Or do you believe there's still hope of something better?
No, Ant7t, you are spot-on! I don't think Steve realised the impact he was having, we were all enthralled! What a show!And they used to have 'first timer' jewellery: Usually £10 as an intro. And whenever SB was on, he usually went OTT on his price drops, on purpose or otherwise, it worked. Which, as an aside, today they had the second in command doing a tanzanite show with Hattie. He 'thought' one item was white gold and 'sold' it for £499, I think. It was platinum: and he 'didn't know'? Those sorts of thing are daft. They set the show, they see the goods and profess ignorance? I know I am off track a bit, but I don't think back in the day they'd have been so lax or unprofessional.
Oh no AndyW, nothing could be worse! Keep taking the tablets.I'd rather have Jade Troth on in the background than the BBC Breakfast Show or news Chunnel. He gets credit from me on this score - I shout less at him than I do at the ignorant, ill-educated waffle put out by our beloved State broadcaster..
(Sorry, time for a CBD gummie I think)
You've hit the nail on the 'proverbial' - 'Entertainment'I was one of those regulars on Gem Collector. The difference with Gem Collector is that it did have more of a 'personal' feel about it. Even if you wasn't buying, you could have a bit of a joke amongst other buyers and with Alex, Katie Ho and Lara De Leuw.
Gem Collector also had the right blend of being viewer interaction and 'joking about' - and providing a more serious feel where Alex would be quite informative about the stones.
I wasn't all hard sell and ridiculous claims, like it is now. It was fairly relaxed, the presenters were, generally, more trustworthy than Gems TV, and viewers could take their time to buy without being told 'Quick, get it now otherwise your house will spontaneously combust'.
You could also request stones that YOU wanted to see - whereas that seems to have stopped. They seem to only want to sell what THEY want to sell, not what WE want.
I bought a lot of stones from Gem Collector back when they was selling stones that only Gem Collector sold - such as the minerals. However, unlike some of the Gems TV buyers, I wouldn't just buy from them out of blind loyalty or delusion. If Gem Collector was selling a stone that I could buy for 50% less elsewhere for a comparable quality stone, then I'd buy from elsewhere.
Gems TV is a completely different kettle of fish. The regulars that always get their messages read out on air 'think' that they're getting a personal touch (the old 'friends in your living room' nonsense) - but in reality, those messages are only being read out because its praising Gemporia. They'll put those poem messages from Christine in Northamptonshire all day long when they're gushy poems - but if she sent in a poem saying:
"I received my bracelet today but its a lot of s**t,
I bought it from a presenter that gets on my t*ts,
The gold tone metal looks more like tin,
So for that reason, its going in the bin"
It will not be read out on air.
But yes, they do seem to pray on the elderly, vulnerable, and those that are a little 'odd'. If you look at the VT's of 'buyers in their homes', there's the strange lady that rocks in her chair doing a dinosaur impression(!), the woman with the eyes that roll in all directions as she speaks, the little old lady that tells us she's never had any problems - but then proceeds to tell us about two problems she's had. They're all slightly 'odd'.
I also feel that there are some that just aren't very knowledgable about jewellery and aren't too sure about what they're buying. I think some people would believe that 'gold tone' means 'gold' - but it isn't. I'm sure there are people that won't realise that a diffused Sapphire has been artificially coloured. I'm sure there are people that believe that a mass produced freshwater cultured Pearl is as valuable as a natural, one-of-a-kind, saltwater pearl.
Agree 100%I can't remember when I started to watch, but when I discovered Gems I was delighted. I love jewellery and here was a channel that had wall to wall jewellery. All different prices. I loved an under £30 wheel, well used to, no longer see them. I don't remember being bored watching, and certainly don't recall being lectured for hour upon hour by boring Jade Troth. I used to enjoy watching Steve present a show. You could be right about it going downhill when Steve 'sold'. It no longer is in any way shape or form interesting now to watch, and is more like torture if I happen upon the channel whilst looking for something to watch. I cannot understand how anyone in authority at Gems can think Gemporia is watchable, or enjoyable at all for a customer these days.