Gee Whizz!


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Easily Confused
Aug 13, 2008
Are we all enjoying the massive summer sale?? :yawn2::yawn2: So far a load of "fashion" that's been on clearance for ever. :puke: Well, at least the FARTS membership is intact! :clapping: Thanks QVC, keep the carp coming!
Hmmm, waits to see if resolve holds up when it comes to all the beauty shows on Friday.......! :thinking2:

Well if past shows are anything to go by Kitten, we will be safe. They usually bring out not only stuff that has been in clearance for weeks, but other things that just havent taken off. From the clearance site I am expecting Shiseido, Clientele, Korner, Kimia, Global Goddess and Modelco.

None of which I have the slightest interest in but once they start being pushed by presenters, they suddenly seem to become absolute must haves!

I really have an obscene amount of make up and will only more if the Laura Gellar TSV is something I want. I have loads of Gatineau, Elemis and some bits of Decleor to use before I buy amy more creams no matter how young and gorgeous they say it will make me. I am getting to the bottom of my mascara and just have a little Bad Gals tube from the magazine promotion to use then I really fancy trying the Cargo one mentioned in a thread on here so would love any feedback for anyone who has tried that.

The website you found did look good for when I do need to buy again though Kitten!
Are we all enjoying the massive summer sale?? :yawn2::yawn2: So far a load of "fashion" that's been on clearance for ever. :puke: Well, at least the FARTS membership is intact! :clapping: Thanks QVC, keep the carp coming!

Some of the gorgeous models did make a few of the items look nice but I have ordered from QVC before and got such tat that I vowed never again. What really made me laugh was Sara saying (several times) "and you wont be getting clothes that have been tried on by lots of people with makeup all over it"!!!! She obviously doesnt read this thread!

Bet x
Well if past shows are anything to go by Kitten, we will be safe. They usually bring out not only stuff that has been in clearance for weeks, but other things that just havent taken off. From the clearance site I am expecting Shiseido, Clientele, Korner, Kimia, Global Goddess and Modelco.

None of which I have the slightest interest in but once they start being pushed by presenters, they suddenly seem to become absolute must haves!

I really have an obscene amount of make up and will only more if the Laura Gellar TSV is something I want. I have loads of Gatineau, Elemis and some bits of Decleor to use before I buy amy more creams no matter how young and gorgeous they say it will make me. I am getting to the bottom of my mascara and just have a little Bad Gals tube from the magazine promotion to use then I really fancy trying the Cargo one mentioned in a thread on here so would love any feedback for anyone who has tried that.

The website you found did look good for when I do need to buy again though Kitten!

Great resolve there BetLynch :)
Some of the gorgeous models did make a few of the items look nice but I have ordered from QVC before and got such tat that I vowed never again. What really made me laugh was Sara saying (several times) "and you wont be getting clothes that have been tried on by lots of people with makeup all over it"!!!! She obviously doesnt read this thread!

Bet x

And Jill Franks saying ' you know how it is when you go to a sale in the high street and they've never got your size or colour' and then added 'now this one's only available in XXL'
And Jill Franks saying ' you know how it is when you go to a sale in the high street and they've never got your size or colour' and then added 'now this one's only available in XXL'

Oh alibeth, that has really made me laugh, yes she did say that but I had forgotten.

Most of the presenters have spent the first vital minutes of each item telling you the supposed merits of buying from QVC -v- highstreet instead of giving out sizes. I think people are panic buying as they see the sizes disappear and they dont have the full facts. Hope they are swamped with returns, it would serve them right but I have great sympathy for those wasing P&P as I know from this thread, some people buy from here as they are housebound.:sad:
Loving the Summer Sale :)

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Loving the Summer Sale :)

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Are you really. What part are you loving and what have you bought?
Every time I turn on it's Kim & Co showing off another pile of wallpaper turned into skirts.
Every time I turn on it's Kim & Co showing off another pile of wallpaper turned into skirts.

ooooh...availableinvomityellow,periodpink andvaricoseviolet...mmmmm...*giggles*sizessmallthru3xl26million-70trillioninchesonthewaist...mmmyeah...ooooh...kimncofrommontrealcanada...*giggles*

Sorry ;)
ooooh...availableinvomityellow,periodpink andvaricoseviolet...mmmmm...*giggles*sizessmallthru3xl26million-70trillioninchesonthewaist...mmmyeah...ooooh...kimncofrommontrealcanada...*giggles*

Sorry ;)

Love your post Cavegirl, so funny:giggle::clapping:
ooooh...availableinvomityellow,periodpink andvaricoseviolet...mmmmm...*giggles*sizessmallthru3xl26million-70trillioninchesonthewaist...mmmyeah...ooooh...kimncofrommontrealcanada...*giggles*

Sorry ;)

LOL :wink2::grin::grin:
ooooh...availableinvomityellow,periodpink andvaricoseviolet...mmmmm...*giggles*sizessmallthru3xl26million-70trillioninchesonthewaist...mmmyeah...ooooh...kimncofrommontrealcanada...*giggles*

Sorry ;)

You are SO RIGHT!!!!!!! :grin::grin::grin:

I love this forum, I don't think I laugh as much as when I read some of the honest viewpoints that are posted on here. :clapping:
Every time I turn on it's Kim & Co showing off another pile of wallpaper turned into skirts.

She is now bringing out her own range of bedding, aaaaagh - so it should go with the wallpaper !!!! can you I M A G I N E - streeeeetchy sheets and duvet covers, ooooooh cant wait !

This summer sale is all about the tat that isn't selling; and to my mind it is still too highly priced; the amount of sell outs is so well below what they have done in previous years.

Does all the non-selling stuff end up in a Warrington shop that I see a lot of people talking about ? and what are the prices like there ?
She is now bringing out her own range of bedding, aaaaagh - so it should go with the wallpaper !!!! can you I M A G I N E - streeeeetchy sheets and duvet covers, ooooooh cant wait !

Ah yes, but you can scrunch them up and toss them in a bag for a weekend away and they won't wrinkle! No ironing! And if you unexpectedly get invited out for a night on the town they drape so well, paired with some strappy sandals and a bit of Kirk's Folly, you're all right for the night!:giggle:
And Jill Franks saying ' you know how it is when you go to a sale in the high street and they've never got your size or colour' and then added 'now this one's only available in XXL'

Oh yes, and in one presentation she said your item number is "******" and the price is - and then she read out the amount you were saving if you bought the item, not the actual sale price, which was much higher. AND, having said how busy the show was and they had so much to get through, she then proceeded to prattle on for ages about losing socks in the washing machine! Even got a T caller and asked her if she ever lost things the washing machine. Hell, if you've got a busy show just get on with it and stop the useless drivel. Sorry, JF drove me nuts yesterday, she's so inept.
The 'Shopping for Shoes' show was the worst of all - if I'd really been shopping for shoes with them I'd still be wandering round barefoot. I think I saw only one pair that were available in my size (5) throughout the whole show. It weird, normally it's the extreme sizes that go first in shoe shows but in the sale that's about all they had left.

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