:mysmilie_348: Snoopy, do you have the S1600 or the S1500?
I tried the S1500 when it was a TSV almost a year ago. Had problems with it and returned it and the replacement that had the same problem. Bought a Panasonic FZ28 in the end, love it! Cathtv, IMO a bridge camera is great because you can put it on auto and just point and shoot or you can set it to scenes or manual to get creative. I am not a professional photographer or even a very good one and it was easy to figure out.
Don't know why, but I looked at various sites, including Fuji Global, and could not find this model listed anywhere. They say it is new, but surely Fuji's own site would mention it, if only to promo a new model. Review sites do seem to say the S1500 is pretty good for the average person, but not in my experience. HTH.
PS you can pick up an S1500 for about £120, without extras, in many places.