Friday 5th June - TSV Opaque Gems (Catherine then Julia's Necklace?


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

Can we have them, please?

kathy had a mookite on earlier and said its the TSV i got details of a matching bracelet but thats it for now

Please can we have the details of the mookite bracelet ?
I so want a mookite bracelet.....

Please can we have the details of the mookite bracelet ?
I so want a mookite bracelet.....


here you all go

Mookite Freeform Polished Nugget Bracelet
Item Number: 694529
QVC Price £13.00
Introductory Price £11.82
Availability In stock
UK P&P £2.95

also what about

Mookite Earrings & Pendant on 45cm Necklace Set Sterling Silver
Item Number: 694536
QVC Price £24.00
Introductory Price £21.82
Availability In stock
UK P&P £3.45
Thanks SCW

I have ordered 2 of the bracelets and will look out for a picture of the pendant and earrings and will probably buy them too, if I like them.
Thanks SCW.

the bracelets look fabulous, I'm going to order one as well

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the bracelets look fabulous, I'm going to order one as well

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Me too.:44:
I ordered 2. Hope they are as chunky as they look as i have made the mistake of ordering from pics before and they have been many times magnified!
High Esteem

oh God i really should be on commision here lol

You may not get commission, but you are held in high esteem by many on this forum, me included. I really appreciate your investigations on our behalf.

I think my OH would be less appreciative if he knew how many bargains you have highlighted on the forum, which I have purchased! I see it as money saved - alas, he only sees the money spent....Venus and Mars again!

Still, he is lovely in lots of other ways, so I am content to put up with his weird ideas on shopping for bargains!


The mookite bracelets SCW found are absolutely gorgeous and a bargain at the price. Catherine Huntley had a double strand mookite necklace on in the beauty workshop this morning, which could be the TSV and matches the bracelets very nicely. It could be a long strand doubled of course - I didn't see the one Julia was wearing the other day, so I don't know if it was a long single strand or a shorter double. Anyway, I will have to have the one Catherine is wearing to go with my bracelets, of course.

There is still no picture for 694536, the mookite pendant and earrings that SCW found several days ago. I hate it when they don't put pictures on the website. Some items never get a picture, like the set of 6 chocolate/mint Honora pearl bracelets, which I have had for months, but still no picture on the website. I will keep checking - hopefully the mookite set will have a picture before the opaque gems event on Friday, for which I have cleared my diary.....

Kathy had the TSV necklace on in the Morning show, she said towards the end of the show.
Do we have an item no yet for the TSV necklace?

Have my 2 mookite bracelets and i love them! Thanks for the heads up!

Do we have an item no yet for the TSV necklace?

Have my 2 mookite bracelets and i love them! Thanks for the heads up!

I think the TSV necklace could be 694528 as it is showing the usual message about being unable to order this CS for help. It is not certain, but quite likely that this is the TSV.

More evidence!

If you try to order 694528 on Q-cut, it says it is a freeform mookite necklace - no choice of colour. I really think this is the TSV, but they don't tell you the price on Q-cut until after you order, so I will have a look on the red active button as soon as my OH stops watching the news and see what I can find out.

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