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Clearly 'words' have been had, because its so noticeable now that the word BOUGHT is uttered by the presenters. I've yet to hear Craig say that word though ! I don't think its in his vocabulory.
The presenters have been getting freebies for decades. The Vendors give them away partly because QVC sells huge stocks in a short space of time. They are happy to give away a dozen or more pairs of whatever they are selling. You can imagine Lola Rose "gifting' stuff and L'Occitane and that's just the tip of the iceberg. It does not bother me tbh because it is what it is!
Well Kramer woman is doing a big kitchen extension (pity Q don’t do kitchens) so we can expect loads of kitchen appliance freebies. I’ll bet she is spitting they no longer Meile as she could have about 3 grand of washing machine and dryers.
Not being English I frequently get very confused with English words can someone help me please?

I was watching a demo of this months Beauty Pick Of The Month (Elemis cleansing balm 200ml) and told how is is a supersize at 200ml and such a bargain compared to the usual standard size of 105ml blah blah blah, more blah blah nonsense. Something about the fragrance. "And we were supposed to film our opening." more blah blah, sob story of how "they are not showing mine". Oh a bit about the product.

Now all the bits about the presenters where showing the 200ml Supersize.

I have to say I am tempted to buy this. My skin likes the rose one, I'm not keen but there is a measurable difference with my skin.

You still here? Thank you, sorry about the ramble. I'll try to get to the point soon.

I also saw a presentation by another presenter, now I usually like him but he described this so called 200ml Supersize for paying customers as a sample and all presenters got one.

Therefore is 200ml a Supersize when the standard size is 100ml or is 200ml a sample size for presenters?

Elemis cleansing balm comes in a variety of sizes and the small about 20ml size is enough of a sample size.

QVC and Elemis you might sell this to many many people but treating me as a fool does not encourage my wallet to open.

This is not my first "gone off in a huff" with Elemis and QVC but it is my last.

I still want to try it, but the FOMO in me has been thoroughly told to grow up.

Therefore in summary supersize or sample?

(Sorry for such a long tale but I am a little annoyed with all this "sample", freebie, trial, begging for something from the presenters.)

Oh yes, when the presenter said about all presenters getting a sample he also said that is was reasonably priced. £52 something on my budget is not reasonable, it is expensive.

So please can someone explain Supersize vs sample and also "reasonably priced" for something that goes on your skin for 2 mins max then flushes down the drain?

I do know on some pots Elemis gives a gramme size and a mililitre size which is often the same number but is different with Elemis Cleansing Balm.
The presenters have been getting freebies for decades. The Vendors give them away partly because QVC sells huge stocks in a short space of time. They are happy to give away a dozen or more pairs of whatever they are selling. You can imagine Lola Rose "gifting' stuff and L'Occitane and that's just the tip of the iceberg. It does not bother me tbh because it is what it is!

boffy, QVC buy the stock and its QVC that give them the presenter freebies out of their own personal stock.

First time I’ve looked in a while, just in time to see about eight presenters all gushing over the Elemis Cleansing Balm, firstly I ask why eight? then which one of the eight presenters do they expect to say they’re not fussy on it? making that particular £440 a waste of money, that’s before all the models get one and the rest of the presenters trying it, so in this one instance that set of freebies are in excess of £1000 that the QVC customer has to subsidise.
I always thought it was the companies who give the freebies to the presenters to push the whatever item?

You hear them say “QVC” let me try it, or in other word “give it”. Brands couldn’t sustain the hit, what with the amount of freebies QVC presenters get.

Also years ago Chuntley said that QVC is a great place to work and it’s thanks to them she gets to try all these lovely beauty products.
Jackie Kablers latest blog shows a picture of the Tweakd TSV, and a short video of the Gatineau TSV. Both obviously taken in the comfort of her own home!
Jackie and her colleagues would say that they need all these freebies in order to help us, the paying public. They know that it’s all nonsense and it’s a smokescreen for greed. Of course with their huge salaries they can’t afford to buy anything themselves. For many of us it presents them in a very poor light and the more they put people off the closer they get to the end of QVC.
I don’t care which one is giving the freebies because at the end of the day it’s the customer who is ultimately footing the bill.

Free box of biscuits retailing at a fiver costing 2 pounds is one thing but there is nothing on Q under £20 and most of the freebies are either gloop sets at nearly £100 or electrical goods into the hundreds. Multiplied by every bliddy presenter it is more than a few quid.
I wish it didn’t bother me but it does. Presenters receiving samples certainly doesn’t help me in deciding whether to purchase. A photograph of a family member sleeping on free sheets, people unboxing freebie toiletries or skincare, Debbie Flint’s sprouts in her Ninja, presenters using expensive gym equipment........It all bothers me. In my opinion, it doesn’t serve any purpose for QVC customers and the only purpose is an excuse to give constant freebies to presenters, so I don’t want to see them constantly smugly showing off about their samples . That’s all it is. If they must get them then they can shut up about them and stop pretending that it’s for my benefit because it’s not. QVC should stop this practice and look to reward customers with better service, prices and address the postage issues.
Its the Vendors that give the freebies to the QVC staff oddly it does not bother me.

It’s not boffy, QVC buy the stock and give the presenters the freebies. It’s not the vendor, they’ve already paid for the air time to sell their stock, they don’t need to bribe the presenter that’s their employers job, which is QVC. The vendor might throw the odd freebie like a lippy or foundation but certainly not Ninjas, Samsung TVs or Kitchenaids.
Its the Vendors that give the freebies to the QVC staff oddly it does not bother me.
Having worked in many retail environments I've learned that the cost of stock shrinkage, whether that is theft by customers and staff, goods give as charity donations or any other reason stock is written off, the cost of it, possibly as much as 20%, is added onto the selling price.

The customer bares the cost not the company, and although there are not that many presenters, if say five of them get a 'sample' of the TSV per day (and it's usually more) that adds up to a lot of money in a year, however it might explain the extortionate P&P they charge.
please tell me what a face peel item on Del Boys son‘s fave has ant benefit to Q customer?

sorry for the terminology as I don’t watch beauty shows but in on her blog someone peeing it off his face- very unappealing it was too
Yep I understand why you would find that unappealing.
I wish it didn’t bother me but it does. Presenters receiving samples certainly doesn’t help me in deciding whether to purchase. A photograph of a family member sleeping on free sheets, people unboxing freebie toiletries or skincare, Debbie Flint’s sprouts in her Ninja, presenters using expensive gym equipment........It all bothers me. In my opinion, it doesn’t serve any purpose for QVC customers and the only purpose is an excuse to give constant freebies to presenters, so I don’t want to see them constantly smugly showing off about their samples . That’s all it is. If they must get them then they can shut up about them and stop pretending that it’s for my benefit because it’s not. QVC should stop this practice and look to reward customers with better service, prices and address the postage issues.
When we buy something we want to know it's right for us & as selling is a deal or contract between people that gives both of them the best outcome the seller has to know their products, funnily enough this ability is lacking in most who work for the Q. Seeing several tat peddlers, who won't be presenting an item, boasting about being given IT is distasteful & shows just how smug & 'untouchable' these people have become. What's worse is when they HINT to the representative of a cosmetics company that they're running low on a certain item & need new stock; yes Queen Julia I'm shouting about you - describing yourself an animal lover yet will happily accept freebies from Gatineau.

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