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QVC are the Boris Johnson of shopping tv, always four weeks late. They sell umbrellas in Summer, flip flops in winter, and special occasion presents the on the day. I remember them selling things on Valentine’s Day telling you this would be lovely for Valentine’s Day, fair enough but by the time you get it, the 21st of February certainly isn’t Valentine’s Day. Prepare to see men’s Sketchers slippers and shoes on Father’s Day 🤔
You are so right Shopper. I bought my one and only pair of EMUs in late summer, obviously far too early to try out before 30 days up. When it was eventually cold enough to wear I realised that I couldn’t get on with them so a load of dosh wasted. I could wear shoes for a month around the house but as soon as I walk outside it’s a whole different ball game. Same with Birkenstock’s.

I remember for the last number of years with Ralph when Honora‘s one and only show for ages being on the week before Christmas and as you said even if you actually got it in time if it didn’t suit you were in the clabber trying to get a replacement gift late Christmas Eve .
Talking of Emus, I'm not surprised you couldn't get them on. I find they're all too narrow for my D/E feet now, even if I go up a size, so I don't know if it's the same with you or anyone else.
Re tax, there are no penalties for filing late this time but interest will still have to be paid. All the freebies will come at a cost I imagine. Hmrc watch carefully for such things.
They are working very hard to make a case for the freebies, yes you Julia Roberts. She keeps stressing how them trying things it is part of their job. She has probably Told her colleagues to leave it to her and she will deal with it. For me that’s nonsense. They manage to sell products that they haven’t received as a freebie. It’s been noted that it’s often the more expensive products that are received by them as samples/freebies. Their houses are full of these samples so I obviously won’t itemise them all! Just one example though, how did it help Julia Roberts sell an expensive Julien Macdonald mirror by having it permanently in her sitting room?
In order to do their job they need to prepare for their hour, the products are in the studio and they need to ask the guests the questions that we the viewers might ask. It doesn’t help me if the presenter or their mother loves a skincare product. It just helps them feed their greed.
In a way I would rather they just gave us the finger and said stuff you , we get freebies , suck it up , rather than taking us as fools with their lies.
Exactly. It infuriates me when people like Freebie Flint, Craig and Julia think that they are so smart and that they can manipulate us. It’s never going to happen!
By their reasoning you should have been given money to invest to see what it felt like. Then you would have been in a better position to advise your clients. Don’t they realise how ridiculous they sound? They are giving the game away in their desperation to hold onto hundreds of pounds of freebies weekly.

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