Foundation/cc creams


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Jun 24, 2008
Just watching..and what a flaming palaver! I'm not knocking foundations/cc creams/face powder and I totally appreciate how much confidence it gives people especially if they've got skin problems, discolouration etc..but what's it all about these days? Primers, foundations, finishing powders...and then liquid foundation being applied with a set of brushes! A far cry from the make up of my day, which took all of 10 mins to apply..and eyebrows weren't even a thing back then - They were just there..we'd pluck the middle bit and maybe tidy them up a bit. It must take people a couple of hours (at least) to get their slap on these days..and let's not forget contouring...bit of blusher for us and we were good to go!
I also think that the Brummie lass who presents the it cc cream cakes it on..and it looks caked on too! You wonder what the beauty industry will have us "bothering about" next? Nostrils?!
I’m not great with makeup and when you go to beauty counters the assistants look like clowns its so intimidating and now young men with it caked on so it makes it impossible to modernise your look plus they aren’t content with selling you whatever you came in for (mascara/lipstick/foundation) they insist in selling you the full range from makeup remover up to final coat of whatever and everything in between so you come out having spent a small mortgage, find you don’t use half of it and the other half is the wrong colour so you just go somewhere buy whatever you have done for the past 10 years.

In my youth the posh department stores had harridans like Mrs Slocombe and now they have very young people so snookered coming and going..
I have 2 foundations which I mix and depending on the time of year may use separately.I tend to now stick with what I know and have given up trying all and sundry.As I have said many times will not order anything with foundation from QVC as they will be too yellow.
Down a slightly different track someone posted a couple of weeks ago a comment about Dior eyeshadows, sorry can’t remember who! Step forward!
I decided to have a look at the new colour palettes, gorgeous.Yes pricey but as I only get one about every 5 years.Have taken a risk and ordered on the internet, 647 Undress.3 soft browns with cream and peachy highlighters.For once all colours I can use.More Matt, slight sheen but no glisten.My new treat!
I just use JA magic mineral on my face so don't bother with foundation...I always moisturise first so my skin won't dry out. I just couldn't believe how caked the young lady's face looked and it's supposed to be a cc cream and not a foundation. If she thinks it gives a natural un-made up look, she needs to look again!
I have used a primer for years, the first brand I knew of was Laura Mercier back in 2000.

I enjoy putting makeup on, don't wear it every day. Takes me about 15 minutes that is a primer, eye shadow primer, concealer, foundation, loose powder, brow pencil(I have blond brows and lashes), then move onto the eyeshadow, mascara, eyeliner, blusher and lipstick. The secret is blending you blend properly and it all looks seamless. Oh and a Beauty Blender the real thing, not a cheap copy. I used to get asked if I was wearing foundation? 😅
I use LG balance and brighten or the balance and glow depending on my mood. I wear SPF all year round if I’m going out. (No point if I’m in the house.) I don’t use a day or night moisturiser on a regular basis, but I do apply a hyaluronic acid serum at night.

I wear mascara every day, even if I’m not going out, because I’m blonde and if I don’t wear it you can’t see whether or not I’ve got lashes (I do have lashes by the way 😉.) And the reason that I don the mascara? Well, someone might knock at the door, but the main reason is that it makes me feel better about myself.
Hi, I was never really into Molton Brown, but my daughter is, so bought a trio, that scw, put up last year, well gave two, to my daughter, but kept one, omg I love the Dewy lily ! They apparently have stopped that too, late to the party again:(.
Can you believe it? I just did a google search and it has stopped in London from March!!! Oh well, never mind.

Now a stockpiling post..... MOLTON BROWN ROSA ABSOLUTE is being discontinued in 5 days, according to the email I got from them. I have only used it once and was surprised how much I liked it. I expect they will do the "special runs" now and again for Q.

Wow, now that has surprised me as I thought it was one of their most popular scents.
I got bought the reed diffuser in Rosa Absolute for Christmas last year, and it was really nice and I enjoyed it while it lasted. I'd never spend that much on a reed diffuser for myself (currently using an Aldi Jo Malone dupe) but I can see why people might be tempted because it seemed to last for months.
I just use JA magic mineral on my face so don't bother with foundation...I always moisturise first so my skin won't dry out. I just couldn't believe how caked the young lady's face looked and it's supposed to be a cc cream and not a foundation. If she thinks it gives a natural un-made up look, she needs to look again!

I hope you are more gentle with your application merryone than JA was on a demo:eek:
Just watching..and what a flaming palaver! I'm not knocking foundations/cc creams/face powder and I totally appreciate how much confidence it gives people especially if they've got skin problems, discolouration etc..but what's it all about these days? Primers, foundations, finishing powders...and then liquid foundation being applied with a set of brushes! A far cry from the make up of my day, which took all of 10 mins to apply..and eyebrows weren't even a thing back then - They were just there..we'd pluck the middle bit and maybe tidy them up a bit. It must take people a couple of hours (at least) to get their slap on these days..and let's not forget contouring...bit of blusher for us and we were good to go!
I also think that the Brummie lass who presents the it cc cream cakes it on..and it looks caked on too! You wonder what the beauty industry will have us "bothering about" next? Nostrils?!

What? You mean you don't bother with nostril waxing?:D
Just to say I really don’t mind Rose Gallagher the IT brand ambassador.
Having said that I’m really no expert on make up, as my face not seen a scrap of make up since lockdown in March but for a 3 month visit to the nurse.
So what do I know, just she appears a nice, friendly, non effected young lady.
Just to say I really don’t mind Rose Gallagher the IT brand ambassador.
Having said that I’m really no expert on make up, as my face not seen a scrap of make up since lockdown in March but for a 3 month visit to the nurse.
So what do I know, just she appears a nice, friendly, non effected young lady.

I've got nothing against the lady...I agree with everything you say...she seems a real down to earth lass. Just that I was surprised that the product she was using made her look caked...I thought it was supposed to even out and enhance not look like it has been plastered on with a trowel...ok it's not quite that bad!
By the way just for info. The oh it has a 50 SPF in it, Wayne Goss on youtube showed how much product you need to use from a foundation/CC to get this. One full ml, yes that is a whole teaspoon full, so a tube will last 30/40/50 days only if used correctly. And you will have a very thick layer of the product so never ever trust the claims of our foundation/CC has 15/30/50 SPF. Just use a stand-alone SPF.
I have used a primer for years, the first brand I knew of was Laura Mercier back in 2000.

I enjoy putting makeup on, don't wear it every day. Takes me about 15 minutes that is a primer, eye shadow primer, concealer, foundation, loose powder, brow pencil(I have blond brows and lashes), then move onto the eyeshadow, mascara, eyeliner, blusher and lipstick. The secret is blending you blend properly and it all looks seamless. Oh and a Beauty Blender the real thing, not a cheap copy. I used to get asked if I was wearing foundation? 😅
Educate me more Donna, what is a beauty bender? Is it one of those sponge applicators?

agree with your comment re SPF in foundations etc. I have read do not depend on those use a specific SPF cream.I use one as a moisturiser most of the year.
Yes, eggy as I call mine is the original one and should if looked after last months. Jayne a member here long ago was the first one to sell them in the UK on her site. She closed the site and now just distributes Beauty Blenders to the UK/EU. The secret is wet it and expands but then wring out until barely damp I wet mine the night before and leave then use an old Liz Earle muslin cloth wrap it in it and take the extra water. Pump foundation onto the back of my hand then tap the BB on it and start to bounce it on the face. Gives a totally flawless look, if you need extra coverage on certain parts of the face then just take more foundation from the back of your hand and apply.

Here is the web site. There are loads of copies of the BB but none are as good.
I have been looking for and cannot find the recent discussion on It cosmetics so am posting here! I have just been reading this weeks Sunday Times Style Magazine and in the beauty bit the editor is very positive about the CC+ cream, saying good coverage without being cakey. She also likes their new light foundation Your Skin But Better.

Damn! I just found it in Foundation/CC Creams on page 2 but dont know how to move this. Sorry!
I have been looking for and cannot find the recent discussion on It cosmetics so am posting here! I have just been reading this weeks Sunday Times Style Magazine and in the beauty bit the editor is very positive about the CC+ cream, saying good coverage without being cakey. She also likes their new light foundation Your Skin But Better.

Damn! I just found it in Foundation/CC Creams on page 2 but dont know how to move this. Sorry!
We forgive you, cos we luv ya ❤

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