He's great isn't he Greg. He used to irritate me on situps, but he's normal now, bet he's glad he jumped ship. He's got Dirty Peter rattled apparently, the waste of space made rather a snitty comment about him a week or so back
He's got Dirty Peter rattled apparently, the waste of space made rather a snitty comment about him a week or so back
Paul was recently doing a tablet presentation on IW with their tech expert and it's fair to say that compared to Mason and his exceptionally patronising patter it was like night and day.
I briefly heard Mason last night selling a ****** little TV Aerial and he was giving yet another lecture to make himself sound knowledgeable about 'DVB' which stands for Digital Video Broadcasting and is a standard for digital television and, like the expert he isn't, he was saying that terrestrial is DVB but satellite and cable isn't. Of course he was quite incorrect, Satellite TV is broadcast in the UK using DVB-S/S2, Cable uses DVB-C and Terrestrial uses DVB-T/T2. Idiot.
Earlier when flogging a dental care kit I heard him piously stating he isn't 'in the luxurious position of receiving free dental care' and he dosen't visit the dentist very often. Well who'd have thought?
Mrs Earwig has got Paul Beque on her friends list on Facebook and he was posting on there the other day telling everyone
about the wonderful Tablet he had on his 'show' later, it was the one he had bought for himself for Christmas blah blah blah
(you know how it goes)......
Hang on here a minute we were thinking... was'nt he still on Bid at Christmas? O yeah.... and was'nt it the Yarvik tablet that was
so bloody amazing that he bought it for himself at Christmas.... o yeah... DOH!!!!!!!!!
same old crap..... just a different channel
Absolutely earwig, they are all going to big up the products they sell on their own channels. It's how they do it which is the cause of contention!
What happened there, Hillary?