Fitness At Home with Davina TSV 29/12/20


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Who can be bothered after week 2 of the new year to carry on with them anyway? Certainly not lazy slobs like me. Same as gym membership - for me, a waste of money because I was bored to tears and the best part was actually walking to the gym.
Couldn't agree more....I have had a couple of workout dvds and I found them gruelling to be honest. I was knackered by the end of the "obligatory warm up session" and I don't think I've ever seen a whole one through to the end. Also being in an upstairs flat I have to be mindful as to how much banging and thudding the people downstairs would be prepared to put up with before they complained! Never joined a gym as it would be an utter waste of money, 'cause I know I wouldn't be arsed to change into gym gear and drag myself down there. I'd rather exercise walking to the shops, or put on some music whilst I do the housework. I have an exercise bike which I rarely use 'cause it's boring, tried watching tv whilst using it but that didn't do the trick...I was still conscious that I was exercising. Exercise is not for me, well not exercise for exercise's sake anyway! Maybe if I needed to lose some weight, I might feel differently but thankfully I don't !


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She has no discerning talent, so taking control of her weight and marketing herself that way with the usual books/dvds/ selfies in long mirrors (like they all do) showing her skeletal frame, is all she can do. She is clearly a flawed personality as her past can testify, so it'll be interesting who she will be 'teamed' with for flogging this equipment, and who will 'outshriek' her - I'm thinking Pipa or Alex, or it could be Franks and her "hello Honey , lovely to see youuuuuuu". Oh god I've been watching this stupid channel for too long.
When it comes to exercise, enjoyment is key. More importantly than that you have got to be in the right mindset to begin with. As soon as you think " right that's it, it's coming off" those endorphins start flowing. In my experience, you're better off not buying into a scrawny celebrities range of dvds and equipment. Start with baby steps, walk a bit more, just put on your favourite music and bop around the front room, then if you want buy an exercise bike, a stepper, or some resistance bands and of course modify your diet. I'll say one thing for Davina though, love her or loathe her (I personally don't mind her) - she's stuck with it and her fitness is obviously something she's 100% comitted to. You've only got to look back at plethora of tv and reality stars who've jumped on this bandwagon, headlined their own range of fitness dvds, looked slim and fit for a while then have given up and piled it all back on again - I'm not knocking them - that's life - but more than proves that the only person you need to get yourself on the right track is yourself and a bit of determination.
As I said before, these exercise dvds are gruelling, even the ones that are supposed to be fun eg, Colleen Nolan's disco workout. I had more fun making up my own dances to Y.M.C.A or Disco Inferno and got better results as I was not having to waste my energy trying to get the steps right and keep up, or completely knacker myself out with warm up exercises before I even started. Your exercise equipment, if you chose to buy any is not gonna be any better from having "Davina xxx" printed on it. Don't get me wrong I totally understand the need for H&S in these dvds as nobody wants to get sued for displaced joints and other injuries - but in real life we don't all start limbering up if we're going out dancing, cycling or walking, it's all exercise and it's fun. Don't let these celebs suck all the fun out of getting yourself fitter -or your money for that matter!
When it comes to exercise, enjoyment is key.
Yes, and there is no greater joy for me than (forcing) myself to go to the woods with my dog and watching him having the best fun ever, meeting his dog pals, chasing deer, being a good boy when I whistle him back (even though he'd rather run for miles after said deer) and hoping we'll do another round when we get back to the car park. It's cold, it's wet, I often hate it but I'm lazy and I have to walk my dog and it does me good and it does me double good to see my dog enjoying life. I don't need a DVD.

Yes, and there is no greater joy for me than (forcing) myself to go to the woods with my dog and watching him having the best fun ever, meeting his dog pals, chasing deer, being a good boy when I whistle him back (even though he'd rather run for miles after said deer) and hoping we'll do another round when we get back to the car park. It's cold, it's wet, I often hate it but I'm lazy and I have to walk my dog and it does me good and it does me double good to see my dog enjoying life. I don't need a DVD.

I wish my dog was like that, she's a JRT and you'd think she'd love a run in the woods but nope, I say 'walkies she says 'no thanks', when we get outside the garden gate I have to drag her the first 50 yards until she realises the walk is going to happen and as soon as we reach the turn around point she drags me back.

She's a rescue and I've spent a fortune trying to change things but it's not going to happen.
Watching the WW advert I see Motsi [Strictly judge) is one of the “customers”. Now if a professional dancer can’t have a fitness regimen without resorting to a weight eating app then what chance has a normal bod.

This proves to me that it’s all a load of codswallop.
When it comes to exercise, enjoyment is key. More importantly than that you have got to be in the right mindset to begin with. As soon as you think " right that's it, it's coming off" those endorphins start flowing. In my experience, you're better off not buying into a scrawny celebrities range of dvds and equipment. Start with baby steps, walk a bit more, just put on your favourite music and bop around the front room, then if you want buy an exercise bike, a stepper, or some resistance bands and of course modify your diet. I'll say one thing for Davina though, love her or loathe her (I personally don't mind her) - she's stuck with it and her fitness is obviously something she's 100% comitted to. You've only got to look back at plethora of tv and reality stars who've jumped on this bandwagon, headlined their own range of fitness dvds, looked slim and fit for a while then have given up and piled it all back on again - I'm not knocking them - that's life - but more than proves that the only person you need to get yourself on the right track is yourself and a bit of determination.
As I said before, these exercise dvds are gruelling, even the ones that are supposed to be fun eg, Colleen Nolan's disco workout. I had more fun making up my own dances to Y.M.C.A or Disco Inferno and got better results as I was not having to waste my energy trying to get the steps right and keep up, or completely knacker myself out with warm up exercises before I even started. Your exercise equipment, if you chose to buy any is not gonna be any better from having "Davina xxx" printed on it. Don't get me wrong I totally understand the need for H&S in these dvds as nobody wants to get sued for displaced joints and other injuries - but in real life we don't all start limbering up if we're going out dancing, cycling or walking, it's all exercise and it's fun. Don't let these celebs suck all the fun out of getting yourself fitter -or your money for that matter!
Wise words!
Just watched her on the masked singer. Looks awful! Her cheeks are hollow, and she looks all nose and teeth. She is too thin, and her face has suffered for it.
She has very strong features & the combination of being gaunt & the Sarah Ferguson type faces she pulls does her no favours. She seems quite happy with her new man & I loved his series on Discovery that showed him cutting a stranger's hair in the street, even though I'd have legged it if he'd approached me complete with scissors & a camera crew :eek:✂️📹🏃‍♀️
Watching the WW advert I see Motsi [Strictly judge) is one of the “customers”. Now if a professional dancer can’t have a fitness regimen without resorting to a weight eating app then what chance has a normal bod.

This proves to me that it’s all a load of codswallop.
Motsi is a good example of what happens when the exercising stops. I found it hard to believe when she first appeared that she too was a professional dancer, but clearly having a baby changed her body structure and she is clearly far too top heavy to be in the competition stakes again.

I remember in the past, seeing photos of weight trainers looking like Charles Atlas, then in later years when the body building had stopped, they had literally gone to seed. And so it is with dancers, - remember how fit Derren Bennett looked when dancing with Jill Ha'penny, and how the weight has gone on now. Its a lifetime style change to keep on top of the weight.
I wish my dog was like that, she's a JRT and you'd think she'd love a run in the woods but nope, I say 'walkies she says 'no thanks', when we get outside the garden gate I have to drag her the first 50 yards until she realises the walk is going to happen and as soon as we reach the turn around point she drags me back.

She's a rescue and I've spent a fortune trying to change things but it's not going to happen.
I had a Parson JRT who was a rescue and he was the same. If it was raining the only direction he would go was reversing back in the door :LOL:

Just watched her on the masked singer. Looks awful! Her cheeks are hollow, and she looks all nose and teeth. She is too thin, and her face has suffered for it.
I saw that too, it's distracting, isn't it?
I saw some of it, too. I found her unbearable to watch with all the jumping up and doing the high-pitched “Woooooo”, as well as shouting ”Yes Dragon”, “Yes Swan”, etc at the performers in case they didn’t know what costume they were in. She also has a habit of saying some of her comments in a bit of a baby voice. I couldn’t watch much. I almost put QVC on instead. Almost.
Masked Singer - don’t understand the attraction - why do we want to see people who are already professionals being shrieked at by the likes of DMc, but then X Factor and BGT leave me running for the remote.

Strictly just about because I like the dances and enjoy someone putting in the hard work to do something outside their field. If I could cut the hootering and hollering it would be perfect. The reduction of over excitable shrieking by about 70% this year made it much more watchable IMO.
I stomached the first 5 minutes of the first series of Masked Singer, and realised it was a programme made for the type of people who buy the Sun - not having to tax the brain too much. I can only suppose the age of the commissioning editors must be under 30.

As for Strictly, its rapidly losing its appeal for me. The dances are way too acrobatic to be considered ballroom/latin, and as for the 'couples choice' its nearly always 'street dancing' , which can be good if its synchronised, but there are thousands of other types of dancing which never get a look-in.

As for the professionals group dance - why do we never see a choreographed tap dance ? if they know their stuff they should be able to tap dance, and its a joyous sight to see, a chorus line of tappers in harmony - makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.
I didn't see the first series of The Masked Singer, but watched the first episode on Boxing Day. I really like the concept, and not seeing who it is allows you to just go by the voice and not be swayed by the reputation of the singer in question or the success of their back catalogue.
However, the judges are appalling, particularly Davina and Rita Ora. They are as appealing as fingernails scraped down a blackboard.
I don't read any papers, especially not The Sun, by the way! 🤭😉
Spoiler alert!!!

I was totally unsurprised that Sophie Ellis-Bextor left first. Her voice was right for what she did, but she has no technique and no special quality to her voice imo.

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