Fiona of Decleor Leaving QVC


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Great post and no post is ever too long. I`m one of the worst for going off at a tangent and rambling on.
More than half the fun of this forum is all the tangents 🥰

Welcome Lulupops, lovely to have a new member. As others have said, fantastic debut post.

Liz Earle is ultimately a hard-headed business woman & her sweet, eco-friendly mask has often slipped.
She gets on my wick. The self-appointed menopause guru. I would just respond with Jim Royle's famous and inelegant comeback...🤐 my 🍑
Hi, I've been lurking in the bsckground for sometime and finally found the courage to post. I have been watching QVC for years and remember Delboy when she used to present with Paul Lavers.They were quite amusing. I also remember Ivana Trump selling jewellery and Kirk's folly. I used to buy B&W but quality is do poor now and it's expensive. I also used to like Decleor before the buyout and avoid brands bought by Estee Lauder, they just ruin them, look at Jo Malone. I'm currently doing the Gatineau 30 day challenge but don't know why, I get caught up in the hype(I must not drink wine when watching QVC ! ).I have loads of beauty in the stash, but wish for the old days when Xmas was sorted with Molton Brown and Smasbox TSV. Sorry for the long post xx
Welcome aboard 😊
Hi, I've been lurking in the bsckground for sometime and finally found the courage to post. I have been watching QVC for years and remember Delboy when she used to present with Paul Lavers.They were quite amusing. I also remember Ivana Trump selling jewellery and Kirk's folly. I used to buy B&W but quality is do poor now and it's expensive. I also used to like Decleor before the buyout and avoid brands bought by Estee Lauder, they just ruin them, look at Jo Malone. I'm currently doing the Gatineau 30 day challenge but don't know why, I get caught up in the hype(I must not drink wine when watching QVC ! ).I have loads of beauty in the stash, but wish for the old days when Xmas was sorted with Molton Brown and Smasbox TSV. Sorry for the long post xx
Hi Lulupops and welcome to the forum.
It was rumoured AY could not stand LE and never did the LE shows. It was a shock when suddenly they did a show together, but I think it was towards the end when LE sold the company to Avon. LE under contract had to stay on for so long after the sale to front the shows.

On here there was talk that LE was a bit of a diva and brought her own makeup artist with her for the shows and of course she had to have the special golden light. The golden light or honey light gives a soft glow and helps to make any flaws disappear. There was the famous show when someone forgot to turn it on and suddenly LE was there with dark circles and massive bags under her eyes. There was a long thread on here about OMG what does LE look like actually seeing how she really looks.
Can't stand Liz Earle, she spent years banging on about her products being cruelty free but as soon as Avon, who were actively testing on animals, waved a cheque under her nose not only did she sell out to them she became their BA!

Smug hypocrite.
Welcome to the forum :) That wasn't a long post, it was a nice introduction & shows that you think the way we do!
Ivana Trump!!! I thought they were rich???

It's like Anita Roderick who started the Body Shop. Mark Constantine worked with her then left and started Cosmetics To Go which then became LUSH. She was selling TBS, and he offered to buy, but she turned him down and sold to L'Oréal. So for all her ethics sold to a company who tested on animals.
I haven't googletossed, , but when Roddick sold to L'oreal didn't l'oreal maintain the 'not tested on animals' line? L'oreal (re) sold a while ago, but I think the BS often states that they have 'never' tested on animals....?
I haven't googletossed, , but when Roddick sold to L'oreal didn't l'oreal maintain the 'not tested on animals' line? L'oreal (re) sold a while ago, but I think the BS often states that they have 'never' tested on animals....?
It is possible for companies bought by bigger brands to claim this, as they may keep their Research & Development and their Manufacturing separate from the parent company.
But however true, they will be tarred with the same brush...and if they claimed to be ethical and put that at the heart of the business they must tread carefully. Do they bank ethically, subcontract they consider selling only to brands that walk the same ethical walk?
It is possible for companies bought by bigger brands to claim this, as they may keep their Research & Development and their Manufacturing separate from the parent company.
But however true, they will be tarred with the same brush...and if they claimed to be ethical and put that at the heart of the business they must tread carefully. Do they bank ethically, subcontract they consider selling only to brands that walk the same ethical walk?
I don't know.
The next Decleor show is on 12/02 so I shall record that to see if there is a new BA - sadly it is Del Boy presenting. I too agree with SusieSue’s post upthread. Del Boy certainly puts a lot on her Q blog and blurb regarding upcoming offers, so that probably stands her in good stead with the bosses. That kind of extra-curricular stuff no doubt goes down well.

A couple of weeks ago I had a look at the Decleor UK website. Well. What a shambles. It wasn’t working very well, loads of items were out of stock and the gifts were still in the yellow Christmas packaging from December 2019, whereas on the French website all the gifts were in dark blue packaging. So I reckon they may well have had some serious stock issues. The website did seem better today but still items out of stock.
Then next one is 2nd March so will be interesting to see what happens
So the show today and on 2nd March have gone from TV guide. Supposed to be one on 9th March at 2pm so will see if that happens or not.

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