Female Presenter on TJC


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Feb 16, 2015
Who is this woman on TJC (think her name is Nicola, but not sure). She's flogging handbags and has a really hectoring style of presentation (quote: "well, are you going to wait until they've all nearly gone? I want a sell-out"). About 10 mins ago, she told us she has items coming on for all ages, from very young to even if you are going through the menopause and she has items for menopausal care!! What is the matter with this woman? If this is the best TJC can employ, then they need to give up, she's awful, and keeps making silly noises as well, almost yodelling. What is the matter with these channels, that they believe the way to make us buy is to hector us and speak in a dictatorial manner? Personally, nothing is more guaranteed to make me NOT buy.

I don't know about her "wanting a sell-out" - I know what she would get if I employed her (namely, a P45).:mysmilie_10:
Who is this woman on TJC (think her name is Nicola, but not sure). She's flogging handbags and has a really hectoring style of presentation (quote: "well, are you going to wait until they've all nearly gone? I want a sell-out"). About 10 mins ago, she told us she has items coming on for all ages, from very young to even if you are going through the menopause and she has items for menopausal care!! What is the matter with this woman? If this is the best TJC can employ, then they need to give up, she's awful, and keeps making silly noises as well, almost yodelling. What is the matter with these channels, that they believe the way to make us buy is to hector us and speak in a dictatorial manner? Personally, nothing is more guaranteed to make me NOT buy.

I don't know about her "wanting a sell-out" - I know what she would get if I employed her (namely, a P45).:mysmilie_10:

shes called Nicola George who used to be on the sit up channels
I used to religiously watch the Jewellery channel and occasionally buy some decent jewellery but hardly linger on it since it went down market .

Some of the cheap bags are an eyesore.I know not everyone can afford a Lulu Guiness,but its an insult to present some of this rubbish as desirable.I can get better down my local market.

I don't recognise any of the presenters and cannot warm to any of them.

I occasionally watch Chloe ,but only because her sheer audacity in her selling technique always amazes me .
I've bought some good stuff from them, items that I bought for myself or for others years ago, and they are still going strong. Sadly, though, the channel has changed a lot in recent years, and not for the better. Chloe creases me up when she's selling market stall cheapie stuff, but behaving as though she's presenting items from Harry Winston or Tiffany's. And her continual mentioning of so-called celebrities "wearing these designs" drives you nuts. Enough, Chloe.

I used to religiously watch the Jewellery channel and occasionally buy some decent jewellery but hardly linger on it since it went down market .

Some of the cheap bags are an eyesore.I know not everyone can afford a Lulu Guiness,but its an insult to present some of this rubbish as desirable.I can get better down my local market.

I don't recognise any of the presenters and cannot warm to any of them.

I occasionally watch Chloe ,but only because her sheer audacity in her selling technique always amazes me .
I've bought some good stuff from them, items that I bought for myself or for others years ago, and they are still going strong. Sadly, though, the channel has changed a lot in recent years, and not for the better. Chloe creases me up when she's selling market stall cheapie stuff, but behaving as though she's presenting items from Harry Winston or Tiffany's. And her continual mentioning of so-called celebrities "wearing these designs" drives you nuts. Enough, Chloe.

I too have some great bargains . Wouldn't bother with them now they have become like a sell all market and the jewellery isn't the main focus anymore. The celebrity clientele story makes me laugh a lot.Do they really think we believe that?
I'm surprised they haven't brought in Elisa Portelli as she was also a powersuited presenter on bid and was actually capable of controlling Peter Simon (believe it or not)
I can imagine 'controlling' PS would involve something akin to tasering him ,sitting him in a chair and using physical restraints , including a gag. However, since these would not be allowed on live TV it makes one wonder how the heck she managed it. It just shows that he was able to control, or with guidance control his behaviour.
I can imagine 'controlling' PS would involve something akin to tasering him ,sitting him in a chair and using physical restraints , including a gag. However, since these would not be allowed on live TV it makes one wonder how the heck she managed it. It just shows that he was able to control, or with guidance control his behaviour.

She would often put him back in his place etc.... but she did revel in the shystering with him. I'm surprised he didn't bring her to IW with him.
So I guess immigration threw her out of Oz with her broomstick...
Bring brack john scott, your wasted on rocks and co john. You could be the top dog presenter. Nicole is too in your face. And tjc stop selling crappy products, i thought you are a jewellery channel. Once idealworld have gone bankrupt ( any day now ) The ex bid and iw will be on tjc including the dreadful peter simon, so be warned tjc fans.
Can you imagine the ex-Bidders, such as Barra Boy and Pope Pete, on TJC with Amit, the Head Buyer of TJC? It would be a competition to see who could shout the loudest, for a start (my money's on Amit, and he expects the presenter to play second fiddle, so Pete won't like that). I think Barra Boy and Pope Pete would find it very confining behind that desk, and the thought of them both in close up camera shot is too much for anyone to contemplate unless they've sunk a drink or 20. Sales would plummet to zero in one day - but of course we'd still hear "40% already gone - the phones have gone mad - just buy it", etc. etc. etc.

Bring brack john scott, your wasted on rocks and co john. You could be the top dog presenter. Nicole is too in your face. And tjc stop selling crappy products, i thought you are a jewellery channel. Once idealworld have gone bankrupt ( any day now ) The ex bid and iw will be on tjc including the dreadful peter simon, so be warned tjc fans.
I noticed TJC has less hours on Freeview. Starts at 8am now. I don't watch much now anyway but I totally avoid under £10 days. Maybe they are trying to be the new Bid.
Yes, I think they started this a couple of weeks ago (maybe more). But they've mucked around with the Freeview hours before, so how long the new hours will last, who knows? I do wonder if most of their stock was bought from Bid when it went to the wall.
I noticed TJC has less hours on Freeview. Starts at 8am now. I don't watch much now anyway but I totally avoid under £10 days. Maybe they are trying to be the new Bid.
I've actually bought quite a few pairs of earrings from TJC - but online. I couldn't stand watching all the tat they sell on TV. I do like Vicky, the woman who calls herself "Queen of Sparkle" but again, the rubbish that's being sold is off-putting and embarrassing to watch.
I agree, I like Vicky as she doesn't take herself too seriously (unlike Chloe and the awful Nicola woman), and I think she's an incredible lady who has come back strong after serious medical problems, for which I admire her tremendously. Online is the way to go (same as with IW), as then you don't have to listen to constant carp about what "slebs" are wearing, even if (a) the slebs wouldn't be seen dead in a lot of it and (b) we couldn't give a flying fig about what slebs are wearing.

I've actually bought quite a few pairs of earrings from TJC - but online. I couldn't stand watching all the tat they sell on TV. I do like Vicky, the woman who calls herself "Queen of Sparkle" but again, the rubbish that's being sold is off-putting and embarrassing to watch.
Is Nicola George the love child of Edwina Curry...

"If I were a rich man, biddy, biddy, biddy, biddy boo..."
Greg, oh gawd, don't even think about putting the two of them together in one room....Nicola, aka "talks at a mile-a-minute and gets stroppy", and Edwina, aka the Egg Woman, would raise the decibel levels to danger point and beyond...

Is Nicola George the love child of Edwina Curry...

"If I were a rich man, biddy, biddy, biddy, biddy boo..."
Evil Edwina screwed John 'boring' Major.

Lola La Rouge screws the viewers everytime she opens her gob...
Sorry, that Nicola woman is awful and getting worse. I watched a bit of her show before I went out this afternoon: she was flogging cushions, and describing the colours of each. When she got to the yellow one (which was, quite obviously, a plain yellow colour, she starts: "oh, you can't call this yellow" (yeah, you can, Nicola - 'cos that's what it is) - "it's gold, goldy, goldy" (and you're an idiot, an idiot, an idiot, luv). I've just come back, and of course she's still on there, this time flogging handbags, and we get: "I know about these, because I do all the handbag shows". The silly woman has only been at TJC - in its' current incantation - for 5 minutes, and already she does ALL the handbag shows, which is total carp, because I've seen other presenters flogging handbags and unless she's had a head transplant, they are different people! This woman makes silly noises, giggles at her own comments, and is totally annoying, in my opinion, not to mention being a fund of mind-bogglingly stupid remarks. Q must have rejected her (why, I cannot think, I'd have thought she was ideal), and TJC should have done the same.
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