mummy bear
< My 3 Little Bears.
Im sooooo fed up as many of you know ive been after the 2.75" fuschia agate bangle for about 3 weeks now. Well it was on yesterday at £11 i clicked buy and got booted out
so sarah said she would get it on for me today in the am so i sat and waited. As i was in live help for somethng else i thought id just check on my bangle and they assured me it was going to be on AFTER 6pm!!! so ive been sat like a plank most of day waiting for it. them Matt announces he has a bangle so my ears prick up ready to pounce and then on it comes............. THE GREY one!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mysmilie_73: It turns out the pink one is "out of stock" again. Im not a happy bunny at all ive waited ages and when its on i get booted then get told its coming on then its the wrong one :mysmilie_81: