Featured customer review


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Boris Bear

Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008
I have only just noticed that QVC are highlighting certain product reviews as "featured customer reviews".

They explain it as follows, "QVC-UK defines a Featured Review as a review that is exceptionally well written, exhibits good grammar and spelling, and has a significant amount of text with technical or practical detail".

The item I was looking at is the infamous croc/crock bag which I own and seem to be the only person on here who likes it!:18: Surprisingly the "featured customer review" gives it a five star rating whilst the average rating is 3.5.

It will be interesting to see if a negative review which meets the spelling, grammar and detail criteria will become a featured review.
I have only just noticed that QVC are highlighting certain product reviews as "featured customer reviews".

They explain it as follows, "QVC-UK defines a Featured Review as a review that is exceptionally well written, exhibits good grammar and spelling, and has a significant amount of text with technical or practical detail".

The item I was looking at is the infamous croc/crock bag which I own and seem to be the only person on here who likes it!:18: Surprisingly the "featured customer review" gives it a five star rating whilst the average rating is 3.5.

It will be interesting to see if a negative review which meets the spelling, grammar and detail criteria will become a featured review.

How funny when they don't expect such high standards of grammar from their own presenters :5:
my review for that crock was exquisitely written with perfect grammar and precise punctuation and wasn't even sent to print ( and it was entitled 'how disappointing' and not 'croc'o'sh**e' which i'd have favoured ) let alone be featured. I'd have given my right arm to see Simon's face as it was read out on air. :D
will the take a red pen out to circle the errors in spelling and grammar of the reviews that don't cut the grade?!!

do qvc realise that we as customers use the reviews to help make an informed decision....if they want to include it as part of the sales pitch perhaps they should be a little more open about it and just say "please post a message for others to see if you recommend this product". I cannot work out whether they are trying to be open and give us all a little more information (after all, they do publish negative ones) or just give a little more reassurance and try to persuade us to buy? The fact that they are not clear about their motivations makes the whole thing less productive than it could be and slightly irritating (imo)!

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