I guess you have plenty of time on your hands to have carried out so much research on my posts. I will remind you that having a harmless joke and being outright nasty are not the same. .... Seems that you were also selective of the posts you displayed.
So you'll be one of the shoppers protesting at QVC HQ will you, no didnt think so.
I do not perceive posts that bitch about what presenters are wearing, their style of presentation or the campness of their guests as harmless joking. These threads may start with a lighthearted comment but all too often they evolve into nasty, extremely personal attacks aimed at people who are simply doing the job they are paid to do and show ignorance on the part of the writers. There seems to be a general consensus of opinion that appearing on a shopping tv. channel means that you have to be perfect in every way and anyone not conforming to these ideals is ripe for a humiliating public shredding. Even those with the thickest of skins must be sick of being constantly rounded upon, but then it's easy to savage someone when the constraints of the company they work for do not allow them to access this site and reply to their critics, isn't it? A while back, the guest from HP was so furious at the thread which ripped him to pieces, he threw caution to the wind and replied. The backtracking and apologies from his critics came thick and fast.
Quite clearly, you are totally ignorant of my situation and that goes for your time on my hands comment too. My days of protest meetings, marches, banner waving, direct confrontion and gatecrashing fashion shows all over Europe, of which there have been many, are now almost totally curtailed. However, I continue to contact, on a regular basis, newsapapers, magazines, QVC and all concerned with this vile trade, including Basso himself at his New York appartment. I also contact his staff at his admin office and 4 fur salons bearing the Basso name plus other outlets around the world who sell his or any other designer's fur products, with letters, pictures, videos, anything I can get hold of legally, to draw attention to and get publicity for the vile methods used to obtain the fur.
Were my circumstances different, I would be first in the line at Battersea. Instead, apart from the above, I have to be content with reducing my spending with them from an average of £6k per year to nil.