Fake talking! Aaaaaaaargh!


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Jun 18, 2012
Don't you just hate it where at the beginning of a program, or sometimes right at the end the presenter will be "talking to" the guest and then turns to the camera to introduce the hour. It is so FAKE! It is vary David Dickinson style. Can't stand it. Why don't they just shut up and wait for the light to go on? Or at the end of the hour why can't they remain silent and still until they are out of vision? What is the point of the fake conversation> I really don't get it.
It's not so much the conversation but the hilarious joke that they don't share with us that I don't like.
It's not so much the conversation but the hilarious joke that they don't share with us that I don't like.

Yes you are right! They always seem to burst into laughter at that precise moment! I wonder why?! "Oooooh the camera's on me but I'm not cued to talk and I'm feeling a bit self-conscious to I will pretend to have a witty conversation with my guest MUAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
What they think it looks like "we presenters are having such a good time, join us!!"
What we see - they're having a private joke at our expense and having to interrupt it to do some presenting....
I can only think that they do it to fill or prevent themselves from being awkward whilst they are still in vision. Sometimes at work mid morning I go into the Break Room in my office where they always have a giant TV screen on and there is usually David Dickinson (a former criminal who was locked up in Strangeways who looks like a cross between an oompa loompa, a corpse and a Brillo pad) doing it.
From the very little experience I have, and from what I understand from what I've been told, it's pretty standard across television of all kinds because, in general, it looks more 'natural' than having them sitting there being still and then springing into life. Particularly for the guests, because they are often not professional tv people and so are a tad nervous and can look a bit shell-shocked if that happens. Instead they sort of roll into it more gently, as irritating as it may be for some viewers.
I find it really bad when as soon as the show finishes the presenters Alison young does this: bangs the product she is holding on the table to show she is fed up. or a presenter suddenly drops their expression from a big cheesy grin to a scowl. its really unproffessional
News readers do it...you can add your own dialogue it'll take the edge off your annoyance. Something like this,

"I've taken a viagra"

"I have pepper spray in my hand"

Tension relieved and you're watching the weather!
There is a very good example of this on You tube with French and Saunders taking the micky out of this very thing! Just Google French and Saunders Shopping tv. I think it's been talked about a few times and well worth watching. I think DF may have modelled herself on one of these characters.
Seems I'm alone in this but tbh I'd rather the fake talking as the show starts, it'd look even more odd if they just sat there staring into space then suddenly launching into an overly cheery "hello!"
I like it when the camera sometimes catches the model(s) unawares and suddenly you get the 'smile' after they've been looking fed up!
I like it when the camera sometimes catches the model(s) unawares and suddenly you get the 'smile' after they've been looking fed up!
It must be tired smiling all the time. I always imagine those people in Disney World (who have to be visibly jolly all day) must find it really hard work. I have this picture of them going 'off-stage' and scowling the instant they get out of view!
It must be tired smiling all the time. I always imagine those people in Disney World (who have to be visibly jolly all day) must find it really hard work. I have this picture of them going 'off-stage' and scowling the instant they get out of view!

I think a lot of shop assistants in this country do the above, but in reverse !!!!!!
Hmmm I think the worst offender is David Dickinson, creepy oompa loompa looks like he's died his skin with orange food colouring. Has Lovejoy hairstyle and dodgy pinstripe suit. I can't imagine why that horrible man is in the public eye. He has something of the essence of Jimmy Savile within him! He's a creepy old ex jailbird! YUCK!
Craig Rowe just did the fake talking thing when introducing some campy little man from Israel representing the Or Paz range. Ugh there is something quite smarmy and insincere about Craig Rowe. Wish he'd go to the Sand Dunes and never come back!

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