Expensive jeans


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Jul 23, 2018
Brandizzo, Italy
The BA was wearing jeans that were priced at around £135. Expensive, to me. She said she could tell the difference between them and jeans that cost in the £50 range. Truthfully, they did not look good on her at all. They were old fashioned in their cut (mum type jeans) and did nothing to enhance her slim figure. And yet, they were selling out. A mystery to me.
The BA was wearing jeans that were priced at around £135. Expensive, to me. She said she could tell the difference between them and jeans that cost in the £50 range. Truthfully, they did not look good on her at all. They were old fashioned in their cut (mum type jeans) and did nothing to enhance her slim figure. And yet, they were selling out. A mystery to me.
Which BA?
I prefer jeggings to jeans, find they fit better,£15 from Matalan.
My latest faves are leggings from Primark but they are also faux fur lined. They fit great and smooth me out and are so cozy in the cold weather.
The BA was wearing jeans that were priced at around £135. Expensive, to me. She said she could tell the difference between them and jeans that cost in the £50 range. Truthfully, they did not look good on her at all. They were old fashioned in their cut (mum type jeans) and did nothing to enhance her slim figure. And yet, they were selling out. A mystery to me
I have to disagree on how they looked, I thought they looked great. My idea of the "mom" style jean is one that sits high on the waist line and has a really long/ deep frontage and I didn't see that look at all. I thought they looked great. I do not buy into the idea that they're of any better quality, or fit any better than something you can could buy for half the price or less on the high street. If you're able to go and try on a few pairs I'd be surprised if you couldn't find a decent pair of jeans that look and feel good on you. I don't know what all this "Not your daughter's jeans" is all about. When I was a young daughter I'd splash out on the Levis and my mum would be happy wearing the cheapies from Tesco or Asda - Maybe they're suggesting that daughter jeans nowadays are ripped, low rise and lack class, whilst this might be true - a classic pair of jeans for half their silly price are not difficult to find!
I have to disagree on how they looked, I thought they looked great. My idea of the "mom" style jean is one that sits high on the waist line and has a really long/ deep frontage and I didn't see that look at all. I thought they looked great. I do not buy into the idea that they're of any better quality, or fit any better than something you can could buy for half the price or less on the high street. If you're able to go and try on a few pairs I'd be surprised if you couldn't find a decent pair of jeans that look and feel good on you. I don't know what all this "Not your daughter's jeans" is all about. When I was a young daughter I'd splash out on the Levis and my mum would be happy wearing the cheapies from Tesco or Asda - Maybe they're suggesting that daughter jeans nowadays are ripped, low rise and lack class, whilst this might be true - a classic pair of jeans for half their silly price are not difficult to find!
Today, with Chloe, they were showing jeans with a tighter fit. But, I didn't like them any better. Chloe turned her back to the camera, and yes, they fit nicely around her hips and bottom, but the legs of the jeans were wrinkly and too tight, and on the models, way too short.
As a short woman, yes 5ft one and a half tall with an hourglass figure, jeans are a bug bear with me.

I always have a gap at the back at the waist, I need jeans that fit on the natural waist. Oh, I am short waisted, the higher waist cut sits right up under my ****s. Cannot wear bootcut, always too long, so straight. Was told in a fitting room once that jeggings not for me because I am hourglass shape. I have been wearing M&S Harper but now they have made the inside leg of short longer which will mean I will have to turn up. I hate buying jeans, having to cut a good inch plus off and then doing a double hem turn up.

Oh, don't get me started on having to turn up pyjama bottoms up!
I really liked the ones the BE had on, didn't think Chloe looked all that amazing imo. I was quite tempted into buying them but then I had a word with myself and the moment passed! I mean, come on, £135, plus the usual p and p. Daft money,
I've just had a look at the show and was quite surprised and the bad fit of the jeans. There just seemed to be lots of folds of fabric round the bottom of her bottom and tops of her legs, Not a look I'd like to go for. The same on the model although they did try and hide that with a long jacket. If you're trying to sell jeans let us see all of them, not covered up.
Best jeans I ever found for me, were from Debenhams.
"Nine by Savannah Miller" Size 16 High Wsisted Skinny.
They were absolutely perfect. Sadly my black pair were consigned to the bin a couple of weeks go, having finally worn out after several years of wearing almost daily. I'll never find their like again....🙁
I've just had a look at the show and was quite surprised and the bad fit of the jeans. There just seemed to be lots of folds of fabric round the bottom of her bottom and tops of her legs, Not a look I'd like to go for. The same on the model although they did try and hide that with a long jacket. If you're trying to sell jeans let us see all of them, not covered up.
That really annoys me too, when modelling jeans and trousers the models almost always wear long tops or jackets. One of the most important things to me, is how they fit around the waist and hips (Ruth always makes a thing about her jeans fit into the small of the back, and don’t gape) When the presenter (occasionally) asks the model to show the waist, they gingerly lift a little bit of their top up, ping the waistband, and quickly pull their top down again!
As a short woman, yes 5ft one and a half tall with an hourglass figure, jeans are a bug bear with me.

I always have a gap at the back at the waist, I need jeans that fit on the natural waist. Oh, I am short waisted, the higher waist cut sits right up under my ****s. Cannot wear bootcut, always too long, so straight. Was told in a fitting room once that jeggings not for me because I am hourglass shape. I have been wearing M&S Harper but now they have made the inside leg of short longer which will mean I will have to turn up. I hate buying jeans, having to cut a good inch plus off and then doing a double hem turn up.

Oh, don't get me started on having to turn up pyjama bottoms up!
M&S have really shot themseves in the foot with making their short length longer I think. I’m thoroughly peed off with it as are lots of my friends. I bought two pairs of the denim & co bootcut TSV a while back and they are okay. (Only if you like bootcut though). I was recently in M&S and a woman and her daughter came chasing after me to ask where my jeans were from as M&S were now too long for them as well. Why do companies have to change these things? 😤
M&S have really shot themseves in the foot with making their short length longer I think. I’m thoroughly peed off with it as are lots of my friends. I bought two pairs of the denim & co bootcut TSV a while back and they are okay. (Only if you like bootcut though). I was recently in M&S and a woman and her daughter came chasing after me to ask where my jeans were from as M&S were now too long for them as well. Why do companies have to change these things? 😤
They put younger people in charge who try to "modernise" everything. They forget who their core customers are.

I've worn their socks in size 4-7 since my eighth birthday. They fitted my size 6 feet and longer calves perfectly and were great for school. I carried on wearing them until a few years ago when they changed to 6-8 and the longer thermal socks are now too short.

I bought a pair in the sale a few weeks ago, though, and although the length isn't there, the foot size is back to fitting me. They're wool and silk and long enough to keep my ankles warm so there's a smile on my face for now.
Today, with Chloe, they were showing jeans with a tighter fit. But, I didn't like them any better. Chloe turned her back to the camera, and yes, they fit nicely around her hips and bottom, but the legs of the jeans were wrinkly and too tight, and on the models, way too short.
NYDJ have been around quite a while. Not Levi's old but I remember them when I visited my cousin in America in 2006 and she was wearing them.

She loved the fit but being a "mom" didn't take their advice of buying a size down. As they have a strong elastic panel across the stomach, they pulled her in and fitted nicely across her hips and bum. The legs didn't fit like sausage skins so no wrinkling. She looked great and has bought them ever since.

I tried them and have been tempted ever since but I've stuck to M&S boot or straight cuts in their cheaper ranges. They wash like rags and last forever.

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