'Everything is too big for you'


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Aug 11, 2010
That's because you're such a scrawny little wretch!
Loathe the 'amaaaaaaaazing woman
Don't usually get a bee in my bonnet about posts on here.. but anyway...

I'm a size 8 and also find most things are too big for me that QVC sell as they do tend to cater for size 10-12 upwards and even more so X, XX etc sizes. I certainly don't consider myself "scrawny" - What if she was saying nothing fits would the post have been "that's cos you're a fat so and so" I don't think so.

After being both ends of the scale large (size 16) and small (size 6) at some point - it gets to me sometimes, you can just never win someone always has an opinion on your appearance! TBH I feel better about myself being smaller (as I bet does Jill)and worked hard at losing weight, but everyone is different and must say the labels "fat" and "scrawny" are equally as bad as each other.

No offence intended :nod:

I agree that you can't win. I too have been a size 6 (admittedly I was very ill at the time. I once stood up at work and my trousers slid off my hips. I used to get lots of sarcastic remarks about being anorexic (I wasn't). One thing I will say, I am now a size 16 and a LOT happier. Now I get the fat remarks (I'm not - I'm just nicely rounded but still have a shape). I'm happy now so I just try to ignore any jibes about weight.
I just like/love people for their inner beauty and couldn't care less what they look like. BUT, I don't like to hear people constantly flatter themselves about their own appearance either.
I'm also a size 8/10 in clothing, and again that's from losing a good few stone through slimming world a few years ago. Ok, I was never massive but at size 16/18 I was always looking for clothes that covered a multitude of sins, I'm mighty glad I lost the weight feel and look (I think) much better, but I'm often called skinny bitch, scrawny etc etc and it's all a bit annoying really. It also suprises me how many mail order catalogues clothing start at size 12....why? The shopping channels esp the sit ups and IW clothes start at size 14/16....Why the hell can't they cater for everybody, then perhaps some of the smaller presenters would have to fret that none of the bliddy stuff fits them!
I'm a size 18 and a few years ago lost three stone,I got tired of people saying how thin my face looked, how weight loss had aged me and I looked younger with a bit of weight on.
Someone even said "ooh i used to think you were so attractive"

So,you can't win.Just be happy with yourself I guess.
It's ironic though that people are now complaining about there not being enough small sizes, only a few years ago you could not get a size 22 on any high street shop. It amuses me that Ronni Nicole dresses stop at 20! We spend our life beating ourselves up about weight, don't start now in January you will be sick to death of hearing about diets on TV and at work!
I get what everyone is saying as I am trying really hard to lose weight I gained after having an op. { Must be changes in my hormone levels}. I have been trying to get back to my small size for over a year! Most sensible people would have given up by now. But I think the reason the thread was started was because, there is the danger or underlying concern that underweight people don't eat properly. Not all tiny people are anorexic of course, I never was, but I suppose with Jill being proud of it, the issue could be there. I am not making much sense, but I don't think the thread was started to be critical. Just that a presenter possibly has to be responsible. Not easy as they are all human and humans obviously all err.

I read Scarey's original post not as a sizist comment, but aa a criticism of Jill Franks blowing her own trumpet in an insensitive way. Just goes to show how a short comment can be open to different interpretation and cause offence when maybe none was intended.

Jude xx
I think the OP was being nasty. Calling someone a 'scrawny little wretch' is not a compliment is it?
I did watch JF with Harald at 8pm. Actually thought she was brilliant with him, really funny and handled him really well.

Harald actually said he made clothes for women of all sizes as he wanted everyone to look beautiful.
I watched some of the show and think that Jill worked well with Harald. However, speaking as one of those 'scrawny little wretches' myself I think this whole sizeist thing is getting way out of hand generally. I was a curvy size 14 when my eating disorder was under control, now it's not I'm a size 4-6 bottom half and 6-8 top half. I can't get clothes anywhere - let alone QVC (apart from the odd top and centigrade coat).

Now then - I am sure I heard this correctly, that Jill once said on air that she suffers from Skoliosis (?) curvature of the spine. Which may be one reason she keeps her figure in trim with diet and exercise - to manage pain and make sure her joints are supple...very often on fashion hours I feel sorry for Jill, because the clothes on there generally don't fit her well. As much as she gets to me in other ways, I really feel that personal comments about people's weight whether over or under is a bit taboo/not on - some might not agree or feel the same, but it upsets me because I've struggled all my life with mine...

Over and out! x
I'm a size 8-10 and find it impossible to order clothes from catalogues or shopping channels as they are always too big. Not because I'm too scrawny but because as Merryone said they generally start their small sizes at a 12 but call it extra small.
As for Jill yes she is thin but so is Pippa. I think sometimes our dislike for someone can make their comments come across as irritating. I wonder if Pippa had said it she would have been described as a scrawny little wretch.
As an ex-'scrawny little wretch' I feel this is a rather harsh description of someone's appearence and unfeeling towards those who may suffer from an eating disorder. I am now an average size 10 bottoms and 12 tops and can finally fit into QVC's fashion..oh yipee I can hardly contain my excitement Zzzzz.
I'm a 12 and average height but sleeves are SO long on me and QVC clothing I need the XX small.

Great sympathies to those who are 8 or 10!
I read Scarey's original post not as a sizist comment, but aa a criticism of Jill Franks blowing her own trumpet in an insensitive way. Just goes to show how a short comment can be open to different interpretation and cause offence when maybe none was intended.

Jude xx

My thought is that the phrase 'scrawny little wretch' is not constructive criticism in any form.
I must be going into all the wrong shops then cos I only see size 8-16 mainly, except for M&S and Evans!

The most lovely clothes thought seem to stop at 14. Saying that I was amazed to find a 22 in Monsoon today and Next do some of their range in larger sizes on-line (why not sell them in the shop)!

I do think Shopping channels aim at size 16 and over as they know there is a gap in the market for larger sizes.

I agree is it just as bad calling someone skinny than fat, but let's be honest in this day and age whatever your state of health, slim is seen as more attractive and fitter. Sad for everyone - none of us can win!

Kat I am a size 20-22 and 5ft 3 and the sleeves are too long for me - they need a petite range that has small and larger sizes.
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