Ethical product sourcing.


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Jul 8, 2008
It's hard not to notice that the vast majority of products purchased - not just from from QVC - are made in China. After seeing so much anti-fur sentiment, I would like to know if QVC have a formal policy with regard to the ethical sourcing of other products and raw materials? As well as the fur trade, I'm thinking of conflict free gemstones, products and ingredients not being tested on animals, and items sourced in the far east not being produced by children or in sweat shops?
It's hard not to notice that the vast majority of products purchased - not just from from QVC - are made in China. After seeing so much anti-fur sentiment, I would like to know if QVC have a formal policy with regard to the ethical sourcing of other products and raw materials? As well as the fur trade, I'm thinking of conflict free gemstones, products and ingredients not being tested on animals, and items sourced in the far east not being produced by children or in sweat shops?

Yes, I agree that would be good to know.......I feel an email to CS coming on :33:

It's hard not to notice that the vast majority of products purchased - not just from from QVC - are made in China. After seeing so much anti-fur sentiment, I would like to know if QVC have a formal policy with regard to the ethical sourcing of other products and raw materials? As well as the fur trade, I'm thinking of conflict free gemstones, products and ingredients not being tested on animals, and items sourced in the far east not being produced by children or in sweat shops?

I have to admit that I've wondered about the clothing with a lot of 'hand stitched' embellishments. I noticed that a friend's IM stuff has Made in India on it's tag.
Ethical Product Sourcing

I have to admit that I've wondered about the clothing with a lot of 'hand stitched' embellishments. I noticed that a friend's IM stuff has Made in India on it's tag.

Whenever they have the IM shows they always bleat on about how Julia K sees every stage of her designs through from beginning to end. Does this mean she spends a lot of time in India? I know she travels a lot to find fabrics, etc. but I can't imagine her spending much time in a nasty sweat shop overseeing the final touches.

I'm afraid this is what gets up my nose about some of the anti-fur campaigners on here.

They go mad about cruelty to animals, but not a peep about cruelty to humans.

I don't want to start a ruck, but that's the way it seems to be.

I don't believe for a minute that all QVCs stuff is ethically sourced, and I really don't think they would make any guarantees. However, I think thats true of most high-street stores as well.

at the risk of sounding cruel and shallow all the things we take for granted thatare good quality and affordable are made in the third world countries. if all hand embellished items were embroiderd here or say italy can you imagine the prices. also whether it lies right with us in the developed world or not these poor countries have always relied on their children to bring in money. as long as the children are not too young and working in substandard factories.

in other words we would not be doing there ecomonies any good by withdrawing all work. i suppose there is a fine line.
at the risk of sounding cruel and shallow all the things we take for granted thatare good quality and affordable are made in the third world countries. if all hand embellished items were embroiderd here or say italy can you imagine the prices. also whether it lies right with us in the developed world or not these poor countries have always relied on their children to bring in money. as long as the children are not too young and working in substandard factories.

in other words we would not be doing there ecomonies any good by withdrawing all work. i suppose there is a fine line.

I am sorry shoot me down if you like but have you seen the conditions in which some of these people work in.
Having lived in India for 5 months I witnesed conditions which you would give you nightmares. India is a rich upincoming country where the rich are rich and the poor are really poor. The caste system there is one of the worst I have ever witnessed. The way they treat and exploit there own people is disgusting.
If you want to buy something adorned with sequins and embroidery you should be willing to pay for this work. India is not the only country these sweatshops are in it is the same all over Asia. I for one am very careful to check the label to see where things are made now.

I know if these kids and adults were not doing this work a lot would starve as they are the breadwinners . But I feel the a lot of the big companies in the western world just exploit them as well. Like to see them working in conditions like that.

Hopefully the message is starting to get through to some compamies who are now in the fairtrade programme. I hope this continues and grows from strength to strength. I for one wholehearedly support this scheme.
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I sent them an email asking about fair trade and animal testing some time ago. I received a reply stating that none of their products were tested on animals but no mention of the fair trade policy.

I'm afraid this is what gets up my nose about some of the anti-fur campaigners on here.

They go mad about cruelty to animals, but not a peep about cruelty to humans.

I don't want to start a ruck, but that's the way it seems to be.

I don't believe for a minute that all QVCs stuff is ethically sourced, and I really don't think they would make any guarantees. However, I think thats true of most high-street stores as well.


In total agreement.
I have a reply from them about diamonds, got it ages ago, If anyone wants to read it I will copy and paste it here.
most people know how awfull it is for these people i was just wondering if it would be a lot worse for them if they had no jobs and no income. i dont actually agree with exploitation on any level but throughout the world there is differing standards.i will look to see where clothing is made as i value quality over quantity but youfind increasingly that even the top high street shops and designers use third world countries which annoys me even moreas they charge huge sumssand just are profiteering. a difficult and tought provoking topic. thanks.
I have said it before on other threads and I will say it again on this thread........

Stating that people who make these items need their jobs to survive is true, but it is also a typical industry response to this problem (and many more).

We know they need their jobs to survive, no-one disputes this, we are not stupid, but they need better working conditions and better wages.

They also use.....'it is up to the individual to decide what to buy' as an excuse as well.

We all know it is up to us what to buy.

They never address the real issue, they just issue standard industry responses. That goes for every company.

I'm afraid this is what gets up my nose about some of the anti-fur campaigners on here.

They go mad about cruelty to animals, but not a peep about cruelty to humans.

I don't want to start a ruck, but that's the way it seems to be.

I don't believe for a minute that all QVCs stuff is ethically sourced, and I really don't think they would make any guarantees. However, I think thats true of most high-street stores as well.


I'm afraid Karen what you say is not true - there HAVE been threads/discussions about Human Rights on here - though not as often as Animal Rights, I will admit.

here are the qvc ethics and legal requirements statements

you need to click on vendor manual then terms and conditions of purchase then ethics and legal requirements.

I don't work for qvc and am neither for or against them, just answering the OP's question

Many thanks for that link, I will have a read of it. And thanks to everyone for responses here. This is a very difficult subject. I have no objection to manufacturers sourcing in the far East but there is no excuse for exploitation and it's good to know lots of others out there feel the same. I try to be responsible when purchasing but it's increasingly difficult to find items that are made anywhere else now. I would like to see QVC being more open about this issue too - until recently I thought Kim and Co was all made in Canada!
QVC are not alone at things being made abroad. i can't remeber when I saw made in UK label in anything I have bought from M&S, most is made in the Asia sub contient contries.
QVC are not alone at things being made abroad. i can't remeber when I saw made in UK label in anything I have bought from M&S, most is made in the Asia sub contient contries.

"made in the UK" means nothing, it could be an Island in Asia that "belongs" to the UK, it should be "made on the UK mainland".
Oh and Grovesy I used to make clothes for M&S until we were shut down so they could be made abroad. And YES it happened 2 weeks before Christmas too.
Oh and Grovesy I used to make clothes for M&S until we were shut down so they could be made abroad. And YES it happened 2 weeks before Christmas too.

Am sorry about that Yazrose, I am orignally from the North EAst and alot of the clothing factories up there in my youth used to make for M&S.As a Student Nurse many many moons ago I worked with someone who had worked in one, and said they were very excating on size difference, that seems to have gone out of the window too!
Thanks Grovesy, I don't think there is much left that is made on the UK mainland now, it is way cheaper abroad, that is not what bothers me though, it is the working conditions and the wages they get.

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