Emus on Clearance


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Apr 2, 2013
South of France
I was just looking through the TV guide and noticed that there is an Emu clearance hour on 1st March. So I decided to look at Emus and most of the styles are on clearance price. The new waterproof ones are not, so it could be that Emu are changing them all to Waterproof. I have a pair of the Paterson and I can thoroughly recommend them, particularly if you have a slimmer foot.

So if you want a pair, but don't want to pay the full price, now is your chance.
I have just looked on the Emu Australia website and they seem to have made an Emu Platinium collection. I can't see it as its not available to France, but maybe this is the replacement. With a word like Platinium in the title, its bound to be more expensive.
emu sell ten of thousands of boots/slippers on qvc but there is a problem with the fit and construction imo.
emu sell ten of thousands of boots/slippers on qvc but there is a problem with the fit and construction imo.

I agree with you Boffy. I have a pair of Stinger Lo's and I can truthfully say that they are the worst (and most expensive) boots I have ever bought. They slop around on my feet and I cannot wear them outdoors as they make my feet and legs ache terribly. I have ended up wearing them when its freezing cold as slippers, they are lovely and warm. Oh and I have 2 lovely holes in the big toe area where the sheepskin was very thin and wore through. When I consider I have hardly worn them I think the quality is terrible.
if you're thinking about buying them.......honestly dont.If they were ££££'s cheaper than uggs than I'd say give them a try....but they're not.....for the same prices (ish) go for the uggs they are far superior
Anyone who's after some - they pop up on Secret Sales quite regularly for heavily discounted prices. I picked up some Stinger Hi's up for £65. Would never pay full price, or even QVC's price for them, but £65 was ok.
Totally agree about the fit. I bought 2 pairs of Stinger His when they first came out and both suffered the same fate. The soles are inflexible so they flop around on the leg and I had to scrunch my toes up to keep them on. Within 6 months they had worn through to the suede on the heels and I got blisters. I returned them as not being fit for purpose and got all my money back from QVC, so it's worth trying. I'd never buy another pair. By the way, they didn't print my review. Can't imagine why not.
Well I sincerely hope they never go out of fashion cos I was sucked into buying a pair and have only worn them twice so at that rate I will have to continue with them for about 20 years to justify the cost. Personally if I could rewind I would send them back. Because I am not able to wear them at work there is very limited opportunity to wear them. I find them quite difficult to get on and off so if there is any possibility of going into a dreaded high street changing room then they are a complete no no (and that is another dud buy from Q)
you cant beat uggs. i have had emu's in the past but ne more. its uggs all the way for the fit in paticular
I have just looked on the Emu Australia website and they seem to have made an Emu Platinium collection. I can't see it as its not available to France, but maybe this is the replacement. With a word like Platinium in the title, its bound to be more expensive.

The Emu Platinum are not available in the UK just yet. I emailed them before Christmas and they said early 2014. The Platinum are made in Australia.
They usually have millions of emus in the Warrington outlet. Last time I was there they had racks and racks of them for £29 (and I still wouldn't buy them...!)
I am in 2 minds about Emus. My first attempt were the Jolie slippers. I loved how comfy they were but I was not impressed with how quickly they wore out. Julia claims on air that they have lasted her years, but that must mean she is not actually wearing them regularly.

My second pair of Emus was a bargain pair of Stinger Hi's that I paid around £70 from Amazon. Again I loved the look and the comfort, wore them to death last winter, replaced the insoles, but sadly the uppers wore through at the big toes so my hopes to get 2 winters out of them were dashed.

I bought the Patersons, waterproof, again off Amazon. So far so good. Using my insoles from the stingers before using the ones that came with them. I won't bother buying those insoles again though as they wear out far too quickly.

The Patersons are tougher and harder feel, probably the water resistant material. I hope these last better than the stingers.

I really like the look and feel of Emus. Uggs look lovely but they cost so much more, I would want to be certain I won't have the same problems. I do wear them to death, maybe that's the problem and Uggs would do the same?
I have worn my uggs to death and they have truly stood the test of time.I wear one pair every day in every weather to work.Because they are so comfy (and it seems naturally welded to my feet!!) I seem to wear them all weekend too!!! They really have not lost their shape,grown in size or "fallen over".Because they are a pair I have decided to wear to work and get my money from - they have been out in hail,rain,mud....everything.If we had had snow,then I wouldnt have hesitated to wear them in that as well.The first time they got wet and soaked through I did think OMG what have I done??!! £150 suede boots ruined...but they werent...they dried under the radiator - and they are not a dark colour...they are a wine/burgundy colour.Ok they're not in pristine condition but boy have they weathered well.as with my other pair they will go in the cupboard very soon and come back out in October!! you truly cant compare them to Emu's
i have a pair for years. one tip mandm direct sell very cheap uggs. they are an authorised seller. these are much cheaper than emu's and the fit of uggs is sublime. they grab your feet when you put them on and mould to them. i wear a pair as slippers.
I bought the short Paterson after many years of hesitating, I just didn't like the clumpy look of them. Then the Paterson came out with the narrower foot so I tried them. I don't believe it when they say go down a size for a half size as it stands to reason that if your foot is pressing on the sheepskin to make it stretch it will wear through at that point. If the foot of the boot is slightly longer than your foot, then the pile will stay "standing up" at the toe rather than flattening. Also with the toe cap I would assume that the toe wouldn't go through.

As for the durability, well I am not sure that I can judge yet. I have always been a bit fanatic about all my shoes - never wear them more than 2 days in a row, always clean them after use and use boot supports and trees in them. So I have many shoes that last and last. My oldest is a pair of work boots that I still use in the garden. These were given to me when I use to work a bit in the field in 1978. I am pretty sure the Emus won't last that long, but I do expect 4 or 5 Winters use out of them.
I've only had my Paterson Lo boots since December but they're easily the best boots I've ever owned. Obviously they're expensive and it'd be great if they weren't, but lots of stuff's expensive and a lot of it's rubbish. Well worth the investment as far as I'm concerned, and they're easily the most expensive footwear I've ever owned.

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