Hope some cat hasn't peed in it before she gets there.:tongue:
Just when you think you have heard it all - she actually said that she goes out into her garden, collects the rainwater from the roses and mixes it in with her face cream! Beyond belief.
you laugh about the rainwater but it is starting to be a trend as water companies have come in for a lot of criticism as tests conducted by independent institutions have often shown turbidity and faecal coliform counts, especially Cryptosporidium and Giardia contaminating the water supplied to households. Rainwater obviously does not have this, and it is possible to have closed gutters and filter mechanisms so you can utilize rainwater runoff.
Maybe she does that?
Afterthought: sorry to be so disgusting, hope I have not put anyone of their tea
(she says, looking at hers very oddly and thinking if a bottle of wine would not be better to drink? :tongue::blush::grin:
The few I remember were from the University of Technology Sydney and MIT. I only came across them as I was looking for other information of water safety, and I came across water quality records from Thames Water. Have a look at your water quality control records, which your water company has to send you if you request themdo you have a link to those reports?
Just when you think you have heard it all - she actually said that she goes out into her garden, collects the rainwater from the roses and mixes it in with her face cream! Beyond belief.
Rainwater used to have properties that tap water didn't. This was before the 'acid rain' scares. When I was a girl, we used to collect summer rain to use as the last rinse on our hair (cold).! Whether it was the cold or the water I don't know, but our hair always shined beautifully.!!
The few I remember were from the University of Technology Sydney and MIT. I only came across them as I was looking for other information of water safety, and I came across water quality records from Thames Water. Have a look at your water quality control records, which your water company has to send you if you request them
although, and I want to be very clear here: I do not know who sponsored those studies, maybe its the rainwater gutter people who install those systems, in which case I would be very skeptical as it would obviously affect their bias. Just thought it was relevant as maybe EH has come across this and therefore believes that rainwater is better.
Rainwater used to have properties that tap water didn't. This was before the 'acid rain' scares. When I was a girl, we used to collect summer rain to use as the last rinse on our hair (cold).! Whether it was the cold or the water I don't know, but our hair always shined beautifully.!!
I like her and Lulu Guinness.
In fact, I like wackiness, but then some would say ...... lol