Elemis TSVs have arrived but 1 of 2 ordered has been stolen out of packaging


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What makes me very cross is the way people assume that it must be either someone in QVC or the Hermes courier. Have you really got no idea how the logistics process works? In between QVC and the courier who actually is the last in the chain, there are numerous lorry drivers and warehouse and sub-depot procedures involving no end of people. If anything was going to go wrong I'd place my bet on it happening in between QVC and the courier. I was a courier for Hermes and I often had to deliver bashed open boxes which I'd had to reseal...the damage is far less likely to be done by a courier with no employment rights than someone with not only employment rights but a bliddy great union behind him (or her).
Flamenco - can't help but ask. You said you placed two orders at different times of the day. Could it just be that you received one of the orders and that the other one might arrive separately? They would be treated as different orders wouldn't they?

Perhaps I'm not understanding you properly.

Gem Genie could have a point. If you've ordered at separate times, the items might not get despatched together. Also, QVC have a nasty habit of not only charging you P and P for two items but then banding things together for which the couriers only get paid ONCE despite you forking out twice for the P and P. Some couriers take issue with this (especially if items are large - which I know isn't the case here) and so will cut one item off and deliver the one item and then send the other back so that it comes back out with a separate label - so they get paid a fair amount. It could be that this has happened and the taping up is incidental and the courier may have done this if the box was damaged. I was forever taping things up when I delivered - and no, it wasn't because I was thieving!
Gem Genie could have a point. If you've ordered at separate times, the items might not get despatched together. Also, QVC have a nasty habit of not only charging you P and P for two items but then banding things together for which the couriers only get paid ONCE despite you forking out twice for the P and P. Some couriers take issue with this (especially if items are large - which I know isn't the case here) and so will cut one item off and deliver the one item and then send the other back so that it comes back out with a separate label - so they get paid a fair amount. It could be that this has happened and the taping up is incidental and the courier may have done this if the box was damaged. I was forever taping things up when I delivered - and no, it wasn't because I was thieving!

If you read back through the posts Lottie (back to page 1), she ordered two items together in one order in the morning and another two together in another order in the afternoon, so four in total, in two separate orders.
If you read back through the posts Lottie (back to page 1), she ordered two items together in one order in the morning and another two together in another order in the afternoon, so four in total, in two separate orders.

I know, but unless QVC has started to put items in one box and only charge one lot of P and P it's still quite feasible that the order has been split if it was bound together with those plastic bands - that is the point i'm making.
I know how you feel Flamenco. The first time this happened to me it was a cake that didn't arrive (via Recorded Royal Mail). When I queried it, I was told that it had been signed for. This was a total fabrication - it was supposedly signed for about 7.30 a.m. when parcel deliveries were always late morning. This pre-dated the being able to see a signature and I was told to claim from the P.O. but got nowhere which totally put me off and I've never ordered anything edible since then from QVC.

Thereafter I had numerous things go missing. I am convinced we had a thief at the local sorting office. A watch went and an empty box was left, a whole Liz Earle TSV from a multiple order, etc. It was always worst in the lead up to Christmas which made me suspect a temporary worker. I got so angry about someone doing their Christmas shopping from my mail it is only the last year or two I've started to order again in November or December. I hope that this is a one-off for you.
I know, but unless QVC has started to put items in one box and only charge one lot of P and P it's still quite feasible that the order has been split if it was bound together with those plastic bands - that is the point i'm making.

Some couriers take issue with this (especially if items are large - which I know isn't the case here) and so will cut one item off and deliver the one item and then send the other back so that it comes back out with a separate label - so they get paid a fair amount. It could be that this has happened

I see what you mean Lottie but to be fair even if this is the case it still isn't right if two items were bound together as one delivery and then someone else has decided they shouldn't be delivered together, and has purposely interfered with them is it? It's not the customer's fault QVC don't pay the couriers properly.
I know how you feel Flamenco. The first time this happened to me it was a cake that didn't arrive (via Recorded Royal Mail). When I queried it, I was told that it had been signed for. This was a total fabrication - it was supposedly signed for about 7.30 a.m. when parcel deliveries were always late morning. This pre-dated the being able to see a signature and I was told to claim from the P.O. but got nowhere which totally put me off and I've never ordered anything edible since then from QVC.

Thereafter I had numerous things go missing. I am convinced we had a thief at the local sorting office. A watch went and an empty box was left, a whole Liz Earle TSV from a multiple order, etc. It was always worst in the lead up to Christmas which made me suspect a temporary worker. I got so angry about someone doing their Christmas shopping from my mail it is only the last year or two I've started to order again in November or December. I hope that this is a one-off for you.

Hate to say it but I have a friend who works for Royal Mail & she has told me about the thieving that goes on especially at Christmas I also think its ludicrous that QVC send out boxes with ELEMIS in big letters all across it. Its advertising whats in the package.
It's easy to find out what's in QVC packages as they print the item number in the details on the 'deliver to' sticker. As long as you've got access to the website it takes seconds.
I see what you mean Lottie but to be fair even if this is the case it still isn't right if two items were bound together as one delivery and then someone else has decided they shouldn't be delivered together, and has purposely interfered with them is it? It's not the customer's fault QVC don't pay the couriers properly.

I think you need to take a step back.
If items are split it's for one reason - the courier is paid only once while you have been charged twice.
Do you think that's fair? Couriers don't, which is why some of them make a stance and hopefully one day it will work in everyone's favour.

QVC don't pay their couriers. They have no couriers as far as I know, the couriers are paid extremely badly by Hermes. I don't know who it is that's ripping off the couriers - is Hermes charging QVC for each item, or are QVC cashing in on being able to strap things together while charging the customer twice? Either way, it won't get sorted unless someone does something about it - and at the moment, only the couriers are making a stance and for that, we ought to be grateful as the P and P is bad enough for one item, let alone 2 - and the only person who it really is put out with more work/costs is the one who gets precisely nothing - the courier.
It's easy to find out what's in QVC packages as they print the item number in the details on the 'deliver to' sticker. As long as you've got access to the website it takes seconds.

I didn't know that :giggle:
But then, when I was a courier I wasn't paid well enough to afford phones which had access to the net, nor did I have time to sit there and check things out. Having said that, you have a point - they may as well write the contents on the bliddy box, eeejits!
I've had no end of problems getting a replacement sent to me by QVC. I had to ring up a couple of days later to chase as the replacement was not showing on my account. Turns out QVC have "no record" of their conversation that they would send a replacement out. Instead they were "investigating" it. Anyway, I told them no can do and I want a replacement asap. It was finally despatched yesterday after a team leader sorted it out. The other order that I placed later in the day for 2 more Elemis TSVs was finally despatched today after no end of problems there (instead of despatching it a hold was put on it pending the finance team applying the buy more save more discount, but that's another story). So hopefully 3 will turn up in the new few days. I would like to emphasise that I am not pointing fingers at Hermes Couriers - mine are excellent round here, but very clearly someone somewhere along the way has opened the parcel, removed one of the boxes and then resealed it up. I'd be pretty PO'd if a Hermes courier took it upon themselves to open it up, and send one back because of a dispute over how they are paid to deliver multiple items. Its really not for the courier to do and I don't see why I should suffer the delay. In any event, I think the most plausible and obvious explanation in my case is theft, plain and simple.
I think you need to take a step back.
If items are split it's for one reason - the courier is paid only once while you have been charged twice.
Do you think that's fair? Couriers don't, which is why some of them make a stance and hopefully one day it will work in everyone's favour.

QVC don't pay their couriers. They have no couriers as far as I know, the couriers are paid extremely badly by Hermes. I don't know who it is that's ripping off the couriers - is Hermes charging QVC for each item, or are QVC cashing in on being able to strap things together while charging the customer twice? Either way, it won't get sorted unless someone does something about it - and at the moment, only the couriers are making a stance and for that, we ought to be grateful as the P and P is bad enough for one item, let alone 2 - and the only person who it really is put out with more work/costs is the one who gets precisely nothing - the courier.

With all due respect I don't think I need to step anywhere.

No - I categorically do not agree with QVC's ridiculous p&p charges, or with couriers being paid crap wages for doing a job. However, nor do I agree with the customer who is waiting for an item being the one to be penalised for these faults, which is clearly what would happen, as I doubt QVC would give a toss. Customers not only have to wait for their items twice as long as they should have to, but they also have to jump through hoops submitting forms and spending ages on the phone to customer service departments, and I don't believe they should have to do this just so someone else can make a stand.

And no, I don't, quite frankly, see why they should 'be grateful' for that. If they have decided they are prepared to pay the prices for the delivery - however extortionate - they should at least be able to expect to receive the products they have bought without someone else taking it upon themselves to prove a point on their behalf.
i hate it when an item is lost/faulty and needs replacincing qvc are quite frankly rubbish. now amazon are fab. they get the courier to do a straight swop at the door. no waiting around just a quick phone call.
With all due respect I don't think I need to step anywhere.

No - I categorically do not agree with ... nor do I agree with .... I doubt .... I don't believe they should have to do this just so someone else can make a stand.

And I don't, quite frankly....

Oh dearie me you just can't see it can you, which is why I said you needed to take a step back. *sigh*.

WHY should couriers deliver things and get paid nothing? They shouldn't, end of. And if it means making a stand (which could in turn mean a better situation for customers alike) I salute them. Too many "I this and I that" in your statement....try looking at things from someone else's point of view for a change - take a step back.
I quite clearly am looking at it from a different stand point to my own, That being from the point of view of the wronged party in the situation in question, i.e. the customer. Give it a try.

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