I still apply this to food use by dates, if it looks and smells fine then I don't worry that it's a day or two over its use by date (though it depends what it is). My kids don't have this skill, if there's a few rashers in a lock n lock box in the fridge my son will ask me to sniff and say whether it's ok to eat. They're also obsessive about these dates so I've even rubbed off (those white "it works" blocks do the job) the date off a tin of tomato soup that was at the back of a cupboard based on the fact it was only a month over and I'm not sure anything could "live" in a Heinz product

I'm sure they had tins from the WW1 on Blue Peter when I was little and the contents were still edible. It frustrates me that there are best before dates on apples and potatoes when I remember my dad wrapping and storing these over the winter when he had a bumper crop.
Powder make up lasts for donkey's years, the worst that happens is oil transferring by brush from your face to "set" the surface (even then if it's a favourite product that can't be replaced you can scrub away the surface with a dry washing up sponge (scourer side).
Jude xx (rapidly turning into a mean old git!)