Elemis Christmas TSV 12/11/23


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Never tried the Overnight Matrix, chuck it in and I may be tempted.
uh?? tsv is the 12th & keeley is revealing it on the 1st (not to buy from the 1st) & most likely will go on pre sale from the 6th
Claire didn't say it was available to buy on 1st. She said "only a few more days until TSV is revealed" as Keeley is going to reveal it on 1st.
Claire didn't say it was available to buy on 1st. She said "only a few more days until TSV is revealed" as Keeley is going to reveal it on 1st.
Thanks Sazza

I was highlighting that the Elemis TSV will be revealed by Keeley on 1st November, and noting that it was unusual not to have any hints about it at all.
what i meant was that lately the elemis tsvs have not been around to be found untill keeley has revealed it on the 1st & then most likely go on pre sale from the 6th

Well if that’s what you meant, why not say that from the start rather than acting like the Big I Am that you normally do?
God knows where your attitude comes from but I really wish you’d grow up and realise that your snide little comments just sound pathetic
& what i was saying was that there wont be any hints most likely until she has revealed it
That’s what you said in your second post, after Sazza had made her comment.

Your initial response to my post was quite frankly rude and totally unnecessary.

You could have simply stated that Elemis have recently started to keep their TSVs secret until Keeley reveals them. Instead you indulge in childish sniping. No need for that behaviour at all.

No body products unless it’s sharp shower and easy pays obviously
That would be good! I think all the TSVs are on easy pays now up till Christmas
There are some certainties you can always be assured of. It will no doubt have some form of pcmc and they will still be trying to punt left over stock of this set in X months time and overlooking the dates on the stock as per usual.

Agree that some of the tone on this thread was a little uncalled for. Everyone appreciates the effort folk go to to inform of what's coming up etc but even Nobel peace prize winners are still humble and respectful. Friendliness is what makes a good community and that is what brings folk here just as much.

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