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Suki 1

Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008
I am a bit annoyed I ordered an item on 3 easy payments and when I looked on my Credit Card Statement they had taken the whole amount. I did contact Customer Services who said someone would ring me from the Finance Dept. but I am still waiting!
Happened to me a while back - I had no satisfaction from CS on the subject, ended up having to send the item back as I just couldn't justify spending all the money in one go. A shame, it was a rather expensive and beautiful Tanzanian ruby ring, still haven't got one to this day :(
I bought a NN set the other week for a wedding present and it should have been 4 easy payments of about 25squid each, and they took the lot at once..... Scallywags.
I had that happen to me once, I was not happy, they did correct it though

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I am a bit annoyed I ordered an item on 3 easy payments and when I looked on my Credit Card Statement they had taken the whole amount. I did contact Customer Services who said someone would ring me from the Finance Dept. but I am still waiting!

Give them there due they have now contacted me and have adjusted the account accordingly.
This happened to me on a Panasonic TV a few years ago so for them to take the whole amount instead of the 3 easypays was a bit of a shock I can tell you!! They did correct it quite quickly though.

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