EasiYo - My First Failure


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Jun 24, 2008
it was all going so well... (apart from the Toffee... yak!)

and i was looking forward to a nice new vat of Cherry when i got up this morning.

it wasnt set.


no idea.

all i can say is that i sniffed it after mixing with water before the fermentation began and it smelled of nothing. zero. zilch. just very "flat" - which is unusual as you can usually smell whats its going to be very strongly. old stock???

anyways it didnt turn out and i had to stick a vat of "boysenberry" on the boil pronto - its in the fridge now.

god its stressful this yoghurt making!

sweet greek is the winner so far.
I bought an Easiyo last Tuesday and my stawberry yoghurt turned out great. The probiotic base I tried next did not set. I think I may have shook it too much to mix it. Anyway, I tried it again and it turned out perfect. One thing I did try which I found I liked, I pput in the crunchy museli and it tasted similar to the Muller tropical corner.
wow i shook the cherry loads too... do you think thats what it is?

surely that cant make no difference?
Sorry that your yogurt didnt set. I have been making easi yo for months and have only had one that didnt set. It was a lemon flavoured one, and I think on that occasion the water in the maker was 'off the boil' rather than boiling hot and immediately put in from the kettle.
My excuse was that the phone rang just as the kettle boiled and I tried to finish the process one handed, which took longer than normal.....
All the others have been great - includung a couple of sachets that had fallen to the back of the cupboard and had passed their dates by a couple of months. The looked and smelt fine at the mixing stage, set ok, and tasted great.
Boysenberry is the current favourite in this house.Even with my little yorkie who suffers from the canine equivalent of severe colic. On vets advice we give the dog a tablespoonful of the yogurt at breakfast time, and it has more than halved the number of painful attacks she gets. Cheaper than vets bills too!
I've had Easiyo for years and my Greek always turns out the best. However, on the odd occasion it hasn't set and that's usually been when it has been cooler weather. If it has hardly set at all, you could try pouring the water out of the container and repeating the process and leaving it a few more hours. If it is almost set but not quite, just pour a bit out and top up with boiling water and again leave it for another couple of hours. It may make the difference. Vigorous shaking of the raw mixture into the cold water is a good thing and won't affect the end result from a setting viewpoint I'm sure.
It may be that the flavoured varieties aren't quite so reliable at setting. I tend not to buy those as they are a little sweet for me.
This has happened to me on a couple of occasions and like Sarah Pocket, I have poured out some of the water (about half) out of the yoghurt maker (external container) and topped up with fresh boiling water. After a few hours it did set and was absolutely fine. If this happens often, you could try adding in a little more boiling water than suggested in the instructions ie. to cover the baffle plus about an extra 0.5cm. I also always pour in the hot water as soon as it has boiled.
thanks kids... it was absolutely fresh boiling and i have already got into the habit of adding a bit more over the baffle so the water comes higher up... os it cant have been any of those things.

if it happens again, ill try adding more boiling water and leaving again... thanks for the tip!
I read somewhere too you don't want the water too cold in the pot, room temp is better to add the powder to.
I never use the water straight from the tap, always draw it off in a jug and leave it for a few hours so that it is at room temperature. This was a tip from the easiyo customer service which is great imo. I contacted them as mine would not set and this was one of the tips that she asked me to try and they also replaced 6 of my sachets that had not set.
I've had the bio-lemon yoghurt and out of a 5 pack only one of them set - bought the bio-custard set, and every one of them set without a problem and I didn't do anything differently, it's really odd.
Darling Burlz I'm so sorry to hear you can't get it as stiff as you'd like to......:YIKES: :p :pPC:
i have the maker and the yogs in the box i will have to make one up and see how i get on aswell .

Shamefull isnt it its never been used.I like prefer mine a stiffer consistency and not up for the soft stuff and sloppy i hope i get it right will have to let you know.

Will do one now in a minute once ive had my tea.:funnyfacede:
I never use the water straight from the tap, always draw it off in a jug and leave it for a few hours so that it is at room temperature. This was a tip from the easiyo customer service which is great imo. I contacted them as mine would not set and this was one of the tips that she asked me to try and they also replaced 6 of my sachets that had not set.

Yep our cold water comes out too cold and the yoghurt was consistently runny. So second this advice, although we had a new boiler without a tank so I can use slightly warmer water straight from the hot tap.

Though I got compleately out of the habbit so haven't used it in ages.
I assumed you prefer to screw with it sweetie. ;) :pPC:

im pretty "easy" that way to be honest 'Kins... either way or both for me!

actually, with all these fab tips i wish i hadnt thrown it down the sink so hastily.

mind you, it wouldnt be the first time ive thrown my Cherry away without sufficient aforethought.....:eek:
I got my Easiyo maker two weeks ago the first one i did was strawberry and that did not set, so threw it away after 24hrs but the rest have been ok i do a lot of natural, it is the best think i have bought so far :)

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