Easiyo - advice please before I start


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While reading this I was actually eating my home-made yogurt. In fact, I eat 1 litre every day, one-third of a jar after every meal as I really love the flavour of the plain.

BUT GUESS WHAT - - - - I am now eating the 770th litre made from just one packet of Easiyo powder, from a batch I started in 2009!!!!

And it tastes MUCH better than the 1st litre I made from the packet, which tasted a bit artificial to me.

Just take about 10g (about a dessert spoon full) from each batch to make the next one, but instead of using water you have to use milk. I use the cheapest Value UHT skimmed milk, and it still tastes creamy, and costs about 50P per litre.

To be honest, I don't see the point of using the Easiyo sachets because it works out more expensive than buying yogurt from the shop! You can also make it using a spoonful of shop-bought live yogurt.

I really want to try this method. Is the UHT milk used at room temperature?

I'll experiment this weekend and report back!
Thanks to your advice in a previous thread stratobuddy, I now make yoghurt WITHOUT Easiyo sachets. My main difference being, I don't keep making it all the time but buy a small carton of live yoghurt if needed for a few pence, far less cost. I tried it with milk and dried milk but wasn't that impressed but my trick is evaporated milk. I pay 45p for Aldi's and top up with water and the results are so creamy. Probably not the most healthy ways but as me and the MR have it as is, not so bad. One thing I wish I had done was purchased this electric yohurt maker http://www.lakeland.co.uk/p3440/Electric-Yoghurt-Maker from Lakeland, not the Easiyo, theres some great reviews for it on there including lots of different methods and recipes.

Thanks for the tip about the evaporated milk. Made 2 litres now and it is creamy - good for winter, will probably go back to UHT semi skimmed when the weather warms up.

BTW I am using an old litre thermos flask. I warm it up with boiling water, whilst I heat the diluted evaporated milk in a saucepan to blood temperature. Until I break the thermos can't justify buying the easiyo container. A little more washing up as have to wash saucepan after use.
My attempt at making the yoghurt with UHT Skimmed Milk was very successful. I used one dessert spoon of previously made Easiyo Low Fat Greek mixed with the UHT milk. It set perfectly and tastes beautiful. I will now try using that batch to make the next one.

( Sorry Frazzled for not replying sooner )

Thanks, stratobuddy!
My attempt with UHT milk was also successful - I redid the Greek with coconut and the mango. Both set though the flavour was quite a lot weaker. Taste absolutely fine! May try the evap milk version too. Made the new apple & blackberry yoghurt and it is lovely so when I've almost reached the bottom, I'll be using that to make another batch.

Any other hints and tips most welcome!
Thanks Mia - I made my first batch when it arrived from one of the sachets, delicious. I take it all back, life not to short to make yoghurt - it was so easy!

Only problem, I ate it in two days straight out of the container!! :tongue: Have now got small pots to divide it into. :blush:

I'll try the milk method following making the next batch - thanks again for the tip Strato.

If this catches on I wonder how much business Q will lose? :wonder:
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Don't forget that by making a new batch using a spoonful of a previous flavoured yogurt, the new one will no longer be flavoured.

Although I haven't tried this myself yet, you could add some milk-shake powder (or liquid) before you "yogurtise" it if you want it flavoured

In fact, I already have some banana, chocolate and strawberry powders in the house, but as I love the taste of the plain yogurt I've never got round to trying them.
Anyone any idea if you can make half quantities from the sachet?? Was thinking I could only use half the sachet, half the water but still put it in container to mature with water at same level. Would seal the sachet then with that brill sealing device from QVC. Thanks a lot, Easiyo experts!!
Attn: ***Frazzled**** - evaporated milk tin 454grms size (normal tinned tomato size) 45p in Tescos. Then made up to 1 litre by adding water.
Just to say I used half a packet of the Greek coconut, mixed with half a litre of water, filled the maker as per normal and left it overnight. It has worked fine though it may not be quite as 'set' as normal. Deffo worth doing to have variety of flavours daily.
900 litres yogurt (200 gallons) from 1 Easiyo sachet (so far)

I have an Easiyo kit at home (thanks to QVC), and another at a friend's house where I often stay.

Every day (unless away on holiday) I make a litre of yogurt, using just 10g from the previous one.

I'm just coming up to 900 in total (800 at home, 100 at my friend's house).

That's nearly 200 GALLONS, all from 1 sachet, with the first litre made on 29th April 2009.

There is a thread about the how and why a few weeks ago on this forum.
I'd love to know how to do it as I am down to my last 5 sachets of Low fat Greek yoghurt, and if I can avoid buying any more but still having fresh yoghurt all the better.
I was just about to start an Easiyo thread Strato, but yours will do nicely…

Anyone? - I'm enjoying the yohurt so far but am I doing anything wrong?

The top three/four inches is of a nice thick set consistency, the rest is of a looser texture, it all tastes fine but it would nice if was all thick? I make it early evening for the next day so it gets a t least 12 hours to set.

I made Strato's recipe, but used a shop bought prebiotic yoghurt, taste was good but it didn't set very well - more like a pouring yoghurt, will try again using Easiyo.

I made the "cheese" yesterday by straining it as described in the recipe book. It's very nice - I seasoned it and added some herbs and garlic, bit of a poor mans Boursin! I'm going to make some more and experiment with flavours. It's great for putting on a sandwich instead of butter or spread.
I wrote a note on the original packet (which I kept and dated) that the Easiyo did not set very thick and was more like drinking yogurt. But all the subsequent home-made ones were fine, and a better flavour IMO.

The original was a non-fat yogurt, and as I use skimmed milk, all the others are as well.

I'm hoping to reach 1000.
I'm now addicted to Easiyo and am working my way through loads of different flavours. Loving the Greek and coconut, boysenberry and the apple & blackberry at the mo. Want to try the Greek bits varieties with cranberry and the one with mixed berry bits but can only find them in bulk on QVC and nowhere seems to have individual ones.....unless anyone knows any different and can suggest a supplier??

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