I use my slow cooker very regularly, but it's not always practical to use it. I know very little about pressure cooking, only that my mum used to have one and it was big, scary and made a lot of noise, therefore I've never been compelled to buy one. Was watching bid with oh the other day and saw the electric pressure cooker being demo'd and we both thought it looked fab, and that you could make meals from scratch in less than half hour (not including prep time of course, but still..) We ordered one and with P&P it came to £30 which is pretty good as the price for an electric pressure cooker is a lot more than that elsewhere including that particular model - it's got mixed reviews on Amazon, but mostly good. It arrived yesterday..it's a lot bigger that it looks on screen, but that's not too much of a problem as we weren't hoping to leave it out on the worktop anyway, I looked at the instruction book, which is very basic, and I was hoping it would come with a small recipe book as a lot of these appliances do - this didn't. It contained about 4 rather complicated and "faffy" recipes which would end up taking longer to cook than were you just to bung it in a conventional oven or cook it on the hob. I honestly don't see myself ever using it, and oh has said the same. He just thinks we should sent it back, obviously it would cost a small fortune to do this, but I then remember that they collect larger items, but do they charge for collection?
Anyone who's got this pressure cooker, feel free to give me some tips, because it looks so good in the demo, although it's not really a demo, they just show them stirring food round, which could in all intents and purposes have been produced by another means and just plonked in there afterwards. On average the recipes in the leaflet will take at least an hour..then they reckon you have to wait 15 minutes for some recipes before you open it..even soup takes 40 mins to cook - ridiculous.
I'm prepared to lose the £7.99 P&P, though I'm not happy about it, but as I say I can't see me ever using the thing!
Anyone who's got this pressure cooker, feel free to give me some tips, because it looks so good in the demo, although it's not really a demo, they just show them stirring food round, which could in all intents and purposes have been produced by another means and just plonked in there afterwards. On average the recipes in the leaflet will take at least an hour..then they reckon you have to wait 15 minutes for some recipes before you open it..even soup takes 40 mins to cook - ridiculous.
I'm prepared to lose the £7.99 P&P, though I'm not happy about it, but as I say I can't see me ever using the thing!