Don't be so ridiculos woman!


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@Toril - thanks for that post! @Itchy - Don't think Boots sells it; got mine from Bed&Unwind but £ may be less somewhere else. I was the sillykins who dabbed Talika Lipocils Expert (Talika has a few variations) to my inner eye and along the eye, then was surprised when eyelashes grew into the corner-doh! Had to shut off the 'phone, pray nobody rang the doorbell, while I plucked out the 4 or 5 lashes. Eye-watering lesson learned. Hardly shed any lashes now, maybe 2 a week. We should compare notes in a month. lol
Dear oh dear, Natalia was on tonight with Seche Vite, not enough she is on constantly with Revitalash!! She was talking utter rubbish in how to use Seche Vite, do it her way and it would be a disaster! Thankfully the model was doing it right!!
Get to my age and you stop having to worry about your bikini line resembling a busted sofa and more about your eyebrows, top lip and eyelashes being tidy, it all heads North whilst everything else heads South !
I never gave eyebrows or eyelashes a second thought until they started turning grey ( all hail the lovely Asian lady who threads and dyes them for me ) especially when i have to juggle my specs whilst trying to apply mascara. One day QVC or any other prog will have a REAL life person instead of a model or a presenter and will show us what a product can actually do for a person with less than perfect skin, eyelashes, hair etc etc instead of all the hype. Only kids are supposed to believe fairy tales.
And here was I wondering about ProStrong's Zoe who presents on TheDealChannel now. Did she take PS with her? Will someone else present it on Q? Or is it gone? Is Natalia ready-to-pounce?
Sadly I think we will see even more of Natalia as Revitalash have introduced a new eye cream. I wonder if they are training her up to talk about all different Beauty products.
God help us.
And here was I wondering about ProStrong's Zoe who presents on TheDealChannel now. Did she take PS with her? Will someone else present it on Q? Or is it gone? Is Natalia ready-to-pounce?

That's where I recognise her from, Pro-Strong. It's been doing my head in for days. Thanks Snarly.
I've got an idea for those Revitalash scientists. I just plucked (again!) that pesky hair on my jaw. Yeow! I've yanked it out, bulb and all, for more than ten years. It grows and grows. Just the one hair. Hardy thing. If they would analyse that critter's DNA and apply it to their formula, I really would have eyelashes OutToHere!
Oh jeez I expect we will hear the story of how HUGE her eyes have grown using the new eye cream! What with the hair, lashes and eyes be on the look out for the hairy monster who doesn't know when to shut up.
I bought the revitalash which came with the mascara about 3 months ago. It has taken the 3 months, but my lashes are longer, so its done its job. The mascara got rubbish reviews on QVC website, but i think it is good. I paid €25 for a Lancome mascara 2 weeks ago and its absolutely useless. I am kicking myself. Anyway, this revitalash one makes up for it.

Natalia is a flippin annoying woman. It bugs me when she adds a bit each time to the story of how the product was dreamt up. It would suffice to say that the lady lost her lashes/eyebrows due to illness and her husband invented the revitalash. She could leave out "he said, let me do this for you darling"! "I want to help you"! We don't need to know that.
"I've got an idea for those Revitalash scientists. I just plucked (again!) that pesky hair on my jaw. Yeow! I've yanked it out, bulb and all, for more than ten years. It grows and grows. Just the one hair. Hardy thing. If they would analyse that critter's DNA and apply it to their formula, I really would have eyelashes OutToHere! "

I had the very same problem and decided to invest in this
Remington i-Light ILP4000 IPL Hair Removable System>IPL.htm
It worked on my chin (1 pesky hair) and it worked on legs very well.
I haven’t seen that hair for a few months now but it’s been less than a year.
Thanks Marina, good to know I'm not the only one! ;-) Think I'm gonna have to give it a name soon. Fang, maybe.

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