Does My Bum Look Big In This?


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Meg's over it I think. After all, she does have a very small brain which is what makes her so appealing I think.

Yes, a hard lesson. They are going to Thailand next. My aim is to make them paranoid before they get there lol

My 23 is flying from the Phillipines to Thailand tomorrow, he is spending Christmas and New Year there before going back to Australia. Him and his mates were there for a month last year before they went to Oz. They had so many injections before they left Ireland. it cost over 300 euros and they were vacinated for everything under the sun. He said things are fine there, but just don't play with stray cats! Or dogs for that matter.

I suppose Meg is asleep now after being rudely awakend at the crack of dawn. Poor Puss.
Dear Anti Meg and Unkle Loois we's writing to you for help. Ma's got the baskit out and she said we's better eat up today coz we won't get any kitten food tonight only water and no brikfast tomorrow. Ma sez Boris is going to loose more than his mittens. Is it becoz we ate her quoisant and pulled the tinzel off de tree? Luv, Kitten Katya( I's writes coz Boris is a boy and not as clever as wot I's am.)View attachment 8477
Oh FP they are totally gorgesous cats. I take it they're for the op tomo. Hopey had her a few years
ago and was miserable for a day or two. What sort of cats are they. I'd seriously love a wee
kitty, but don't know how Hopey would take it.
They are British Shorthairs, but not with certificates. They love each other to bits. There are sister cats next door. I don't know what it is like when you add a kitten to the cat family, but I 'm sure other posters can tell you Barbs.
Dear Anti Meg and Unkle Loois we's writing to you for help. Ma's got the baskit out and she said we's better eat up today coz we won't get any kitten food tonight only water and no brikfast tomorrow. Ma sez Boris is going to loose more than his mittens. Is it becoz we ate her quoisant and pulled the tinzel off de tree? Luv, Kitten Katya( I's writes coz Boris is a boy and not as clever as wot I's am.)View attachment 8477

I think I've posted this before but, we had our six month old kitten "done" on 23rd Dec thinking he would feel sorry for himself for a few days and leave the tree alone. Needless to say we were woken up to the sound of balls being whacked around downstairs on Christmas Eve - and they definitely were not his!! :giggle:

Good luck!
I fear that this will be the case. They have discovered their Christmas stockings, ripped the plastic bag they were in to shreds and managed to get through the netting. I have now put the stockings on top of the wardrobe.
It wouldn't be the same if they didn't do these things though, it's why we love them so much.

Over the years at different homes we did a lot of concreting, paths, patios etc. Regardless of preventative human actions, including armed guards, there were always little paw prints somewhere. It was infuriating to start with, then one day there was a perfect patch - we were heartbroken!
It wouldn't be the same if they didn't do these things though, it's why we love them so much.

Over the years at different homes we did a lot of concreting, paths, patios etc. Regardless of preventative human actions, including armed guards, there were always little paw prints somewhere. It was infuriating to start with, then one day there was a perfect patch - we were heartbroken!

Sounds like their own version of Hollywood's Walk of Fame !
I dont have any pets anymore but many years ago when the kids were little I had 2 cute little cats who were always full of mischief.

Anyway back to the story, one Christmas morning Me, hubby and 2 children were sitting around the tree and hubby was pulling out presents and saying things like "look what we have here, whos this for" much to the childrens delight, this went on for a while and each time the gushing increased and the final thing he pulled out from behind the tree wish an enthusiastic "whos this for then" was a little dried up deposit that had been there since the tree went up.

Dont have much good to say about him anymore (ex hubby) but that always makes me laugh
I fear that this will be the case. They have discovered their Christmas stockings, ripped the plastic bag they were in to shreds and managed to get through the netting. I have now put the stockings on top of the wardrobe.

Years ago I had a Siamese cat who was a real character, I was going to family for Christmas but had to work Christmas Eve night so I'd packed everything up and put all of the presents into a big box ready so all I had to do when I got in was grab everything including the cat and go. In our family we buy gifts for all of the furry faces, I know some would think that odd but they're family too and I'd got my sisters cats a selection stocking which I'd wrapped and placed at the bottom of the box but overnight my cat had a rummage, located the gift, torn through the wrapping paper, the outer plastic and the netting and eaten most of the contents of the milk treats and the fishy biscuits! As it was Christmas Day there was nothing I could except cobble what was left together and re wrap it, bless him !

Mind you another year whilst we were eating lunch he found the turkey which had been put in the conservatory to cool and was helping himself it's a wonder that they ever invited us again !
Again a long time ago I had a beautiful german shepherd who was a little tyke. One day I was cooking liver and onions (I know wouldnt touch it myself now) and it was frying away in the pan when I went to answer the door, when I got back to the kitchen all that was left frying were the onions. I swear to god that dog had an asbestos gob
dear katya :mysmilie_482: what can i my experience, if ma’s taking you to the place that smells funny, it’s never good news. don’t get me wrong – everyone there will be really really nice to you but you always get poked and prodded somewhere along the way. sometimes you’re straight in and out which isn’t too bad but sometimes you’re tricked into a really nice sleep but when you wake up, you feel a bit wobbly :drunk:

i don’t remember my kittenhood :mysmilie_515: so i don’t know what they do to babies but i do remember when i was all grown up, i was living rough. i was really cool :cool: and a huge hit with the ladies :smirk: i worked hard to build up my street cred and really honed my fighting skills :muscle: the downside was, i was always hungry so i used to steal other kitties’ food when i could. one day i sauntered in through someone’s cat flap where there was usually free grub and this woman trapped me! :eek: she took me somewhere where there were a lot more prisoners. i was put with a foster mum but she didn’t like me so i was then sent to my auntie audrey :sun: she was nice and she looked after me for ages before mama adopted me BUT needless to say, she took me to the place that smells funny – they all do! :taphead: i had a really nice sleep there though and i felt fine afterwards but they obviously did something to my miaower. i’m sure i’ve miaowed in a high voice ever since :blush: and i don’t seem to be so popular with the ladies. that’s ok though, i’d just as soon fight them too :devil: although i do still court princess who lives up the road sometimes :mysmilie_479: so they might be doing something to your miaowers too but it doesn't hurt.

one day auntie audrey said i was having a visitor and i was allowed out of my pen to meet her. when she arrived, i played it really cool at first – i hid on a high shelf, then when they found me, i just looked at her and yawned :yawn: auntie audrey said i had to come down and be nice so i jumped down and showed off a bit :grin: a little while later auntie audrey took me on a long ride. my visitor opened the door – she said she loved me on sight and had decided to adopt me and was my new mama! i now had my own mama and my own forever home :mysmilie_14: mind you, she takes to the place that smells funny too – in fact i’ve been there a lot lately.

so little katya, all i can say is, it’s not because you ate ma’s croissant or pulled the tinsel off :giggle: (they put those trees up for us to play with), it’s part of being a kitty. oh and another thing - never, ever admit to things like that :mysmilie_495: i don’t know why our mamas take us to those places but they do. my best advice is to make as much fuss as possible which will make your ma feel really guilty :mysmilie_454: then when you get home she will give you lots of extra fuss and treats :nod: i usually do the spider on a glass trick when she tries to stuff me in the carrier, with a good bit of clawing if i get the chance. then i cry all the way in the car – you can go through your full repertoire to really pull on the heartstrings – from full volume wail, to tiny whimper. that’ll teach her :smirk: when you get there, you might as well be nice, cos they always win. i take a swipe at them occasionally but only if i’m really fed up. hope that helps, good luck!

love, uncle louis :mysmilie_484:
Dear Unkle Loois, thank u for your fab adviz which woz rily cul. Boris sez he don't care about the ladeez coz he 's got me. We's going to eat up our grub afore Ma teks it away. We's had a grate day - plaid outside and then slept in the baskits from Matalan when Ma was luking at her shiny stuff wot she wers on her face before she got more. U's a rily nice unkle. Luv Katya.
Thanks for asking. No, they are not! Keeping well clear of me. They don't like the collar thingies and are fighting to take them off. Katya has managed 4 times already. The nurse said to try to keep them from being over exuberant but I think that's not going to happen. I have to administer medicine via a syringe tomorrow.
awwwww....poor babies. they do hate those collars and they're often ok and much happier without them. when dylan and thomas were neutered, they didn't put collars on them and they took no notice of their wounds. they were supposed to be kept quiet - impossible - and kept in. within a day or two, tom decided he'd had enough and i watched him think it out. he stood as far as possible from the locked flap, put his head down and charged, broke the door off and shot out with dylan in hot pursuit. they both ran down the bottom of the garden and up the apple tree with me after them. lol. they just sat there, high up, looking down at me and i said 'well that's it, you're out now, you might as well stay out' and that was that. they were only small and i'm sure it must have hurt poor tom's head.

..... and then they da say I like thelma all big & fat!​
Hopey is on a diet minim, so maybe they could do it together , (if you're not offended by the suggestion) LOL

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