Does anyone else think that Julia Robert's daughter has an equine face?


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What I don't understand is why all this attention on JR and her daughter , and so little has been said about AK and her very lovely normal daughter Lucy, she did two hours with her mum, and imho she was a pleasure to watch.

I saw the Lucy thread and commented.

I think a thread negatively (I know you infer the term 'equine' isn't derogatory but I have to differ with you on that one) commenting on a young girls looks is cruel and akin to bullying. However I realise that's only my opinion and others obviously disagree. Tbh I get really fed up with the female presenters looks being discussed and dissected in such minute detail. Personalities ~ great go for it! But looks ~ no. Whether Julia, Alison or poor Anne (who has come in for some particularly unkind remarks) are attractive or not is of no interest to me, nor does it have a bearing on how good a presenter they are.
As I said previously, I feel women's self esteem (especially young women and girls) really suffers from all the continuous criticism that's bomarded at them and it's especially galling when it's often other women that are the biggest critics.
I suppose I also feel for Julia. If my beloved, beautiful daughter was termed horsey I'd be so hurt I'd explode!
I don't think I napalmed your thread BFT ~ just tried put my views on it across :smile:

Sophie is no longer young,she is a woman who has sought the spotlight and is in the spotlight.

We will have to agree to disagree that this is akin to bullying.

However,just to deflect some of the attention away from Sophie for a few minutes,I would like to point you int he direction of this cracking website,there are some excellent photos on here,which did make me laugh out loud when it was sent to me about a year ago.

It may make you laugh too,depending on your sense of humour,or it could just make those of you who are angry,angrier.

I'm willing to take that risk.

I saw the Lucy thread and commented.

Sophie is no longer young,she is a woman who has sought the spotlight and is in the spotlight.

We will have to agree to disagree that this is akin to bullying.

However,just to deflect some of the attention away from Sophie for a few minutes,I would like to point you int he direction of this cracking website,there are some excellent photos on here,which did make me laugh out loud when it was sent to me about a year ago.

It may make you laugh too,depending on your sense of humour,or it could just make those of you who are angry,angrier.

I'm willing to take that risk.


:giggle: Good site, although I do quite like SJP's quirky 'horselike' face.

There surely must be a similar site for Jerry Hall.
lets all be plain and loved....

Like this.....?? :mysmilie_62:

Yes,that's the stuff!

As for poor likkle Sophie Wophie's feelings getting hurt because of this forum,puh-leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzz gimme a break!!!!

She should be glad her girl band weren't successful,coz then she'd know the meaning of true scrutiny,this forum is insiginificant in comparison to what the tabloids would do.

its funny that alison keenans daughter did not get such rude remarks made about her..

people can be soo rude when you look lovely.
sophie is not picture prefect but she is really stunning and does not look like sjp..

it reminds me of when daniel green was presenting on qvc. he was really good looking but not perfect but gorgeous all the same and the venom that came out. the spitefull comments..
mediocricy rules every time in some people green green eyes!
:giggle: Good site, although I do quite like SJP's quirky 'horselike' face.

There surely must be a similar site for Jerry Hall.

Yes,it's good innit? And I'm a fan of SJP's,have been since I was a child.

As for Jerry Hall well I guess she could qualify.

You're very naughty BFT!

Yes,I'm naughty but I'm also nice.:happy:
its funny that alison keenans daughter did not get such rude remarks made about her..

people can be soo rude when you look lovely.
sophie is not picture prefect but she is really stunning and does not look like sjp..

it reminds me of when daniel green was presenting on qvc. he was really good looking but not perfect but gorgeous all the same and the venom that came out. the spitefull comments..
mediocricy rules every time in some people green green eyes![/QUOTE]
Well Einstein, this is because Alison Keenan's daughter does not look like a horse,more like a hamster but beautiful with it.

Noone has said that Sophie looks like SJP.

As for Daniel Green I don't remember any threads about his looks but I generally didn't read them,coz he didn't interest me.

As for your last quote,it doesn't make much sense in this context but I have highlighted it in the appropriate colour for continuity.

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I thought she did look like Stacey Solomon and not at all like Julia but thought that she was attractive however she came across as over confident and a bit of a show off and that is not attractive
Guess what??

Commenting on someone's appearance is not a 19,20 or even a 21st century phenomenon,twas always so.

The difference is,we now have a million different outlets for that scrutiny..


good heavens....

Now tell me something I don't know *yawn*

And it doesn't change the fact that people that seem to be obsessed with personaly scrutiny are superficial.

good heavens....

Now tell me something I don't know *yawn*

And it doesn't change the fact that people that seem to be obsessed with personaly scrutiny are superficial.

Yep,I could tell a you quite a few things you don't know,but where would I start??

Oh,by the way,one thread does not an obsession make,but then you would know that.*suspire*
I haven't seen Julia Roberts daughter yet but i'm sure she takes after her mother with plenty of confidence and good looks.

I do know JR looks amazing for 54, as one of the very few male members on here and i know she isn't popular on these forums but i have to admit to having a thing for JR, she's like the ultimate older woman and i'm sure she has a large younger male fan base.
I look at it this way,Sophie must have a lot of confidence to do what she did.She wasn't exactly a shrinking violet in front of the camera and there was a lot of posturing preening and posing.

I have a daughter.I think she's lovely cos I am her Mum, but I absolutely know 100% she would not have the self confidence to strut her stuff in front of the cameras on TV.

Sophie is probably a chip off the old block, and good on her because her self belief will take her far in this world(plus she has a pushy Mum)!!!
No, she's not a great looking girl in my opinion but like her Mum she probably thinks quite highly of her self where as other girls may be stunningly lovely but not be as self aware..if that makes sense!

I agree Lemonssqueezy - Sophie is a nice looking girl who would be good at general everyday modelling.

However, I found her constant head tossing/hair shaking irritating. In the Elemis clip she shook her hair about 7 times in the first 30 seconds.

It could well be nerves but if Sophie wants to be a model she will have to break the habit.
I thought Sophie was really attractive, as is SJP and Jerry Hall. However, I have to agree that she is not as beautiful as her mother.

It is interesting how we have very different ideas about what constitutes beauty.

I find it really refreshing to see beauty in all it's variety. The only thing I find really distasteful is when a woman has had plastic surgery to conform to a very narrow concept of beauty, e.g, tiny little nose, large bee-stung lips and pneaumatic **** job.

To me, an attractive woman is someone with confidence, who takes pride in her appearance (but not obsessively so) and has a kind and friendly manner.
the benefits

there were so many benefits to the family of the QUEEN being in the studio.

1) shes got to parade her family, which is better than blowing out hot air about them.
2) had more of her family on than the other presenters ( has influence )
3) just think of all the free stuff they can bag, the list is endless.
4) just think of the QUEENS ego

as for sophies job , its QUEEN probably pulling strings in all directionsto get her in for the perks that mum gets. QUEEN has done quiet well out of QVC or she wouldnt be there. with her :tongue: beauty, personality and experience she has probably been sought for X FACTOR US
LOL, this thread is so funny, Julia Roberts actually believes her own fame as if she's the actress with her namesake!

I hate nepotism and the Roberts family are so up their own backsides each member needs to be fired off!

Love Becky <3
I have received an email from Sophie Maxwell asking me to close this thread and ban the thread starter.

I have replied saying that I am not willing to do either, obviously this is a forum and various opinions are posted, I have said it hundreds of times that I don't agree with many of the posts, but I am unwilling to go the censorship route.

In my reply I also said:

"I am sorry that I am unable to reply in a more positive way, maybe being in the public eye is not the right career path for you."
I have received an email from Sophie Maxwell asking me to close this thread and ban the thread starter.


Thank you for allowing free speech, its why I love this forum.

I'm surprised Sophie only wanted the thread starter banned, as there are many that have contributed to the discussion.

Her asking for this does her no favours in my mind, if she is in the public eye how is she ever going to control everything that is said about her that is not in her favour? Everyone comes under scrutiny, noone is immune and you certainly cannot control it. Anyway you know what they say, even bad press is good :devil:

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