Does anyone else think that Julia Robert's daughter has an equine face?


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saw 5 mins of JR's mum and thought she looked a really lovely lady (if not a little bewildered by it all?)

saw 5 mins of JR's daughter at the very begining of B&W 10pm - and thought how much she had grown into a woman since I last saw her on QVC - I thought she was great pretty and like her mum.

Re,her features/mouth etc - I'm led to believe thats shes had endless problems with her mouth/jaw/teeth and has many operations and years of braces concerning this.I thought she looked a little Stacey Solomon
he was a striking looking teenager but he's balding now isnt he? prematurely of course, he cant be much over 23 or 24. looks like he took his father's genes there.

i didnt see sophie modelling but agree that its not the last we will see of her.

when i first became a manager at about 25 i was running a large office of clerical people which included a few agency staff. one of the team leaders asked if her son, who had registered with the agency we used, could come in and fill a vacancy that came up during his gap year. it would have been the easiest thing in the world to just fold and let it happen but it didnt sit well wih me and i refused. she was extremely upset about it, tears and tantrums.... the lot and it damaged our working relationship for a while. but she got over it and i'm convinced it was the right thing to do, its a fine line between doing someone a favour and compromising the feelings of the rest of the team. it was all just too "cosy" for me.
i suspect JR is the type who would throw dummies if her DD was refused a job. its probably easier to just let it happen. i wonder what the other senior presenters think about it.

I used to work for a recruitment agency, and whilst I never found jobs for my own family or friends a lot of the roles I filled were internal referals - family, friends, past colleagues of hiring managers or current team members. I never had a problem with it, and neither did anyone else. It made sense to the client/hiring managers to take on someone known and recommended or that they had worked with before and knew could do the role/fit in with the team rather than engaging an unknown quantity who may leave after a week - good sense all round IMO.

I guess in the case of QVC and Sophie, they possibly feel that Sophie has 'grown up' with QVC and knows all about their business and how it works, has possibly already done some work experience there, maybe fits in well with the team and has the right personality type to do well in that environment, so would do the job better than someone with the same qualifications but no background knowledge, or who possibly might not have the right interpersonal skills?
She did seem to be pushing herself in front of the regular models, and the posing was a bit uber exaggerated. Looking like a horse, though? I do think that is extremely rude. She looks like her mother so, in that case, why isn't mum being described as a horse?

Well that's my point,she doesn't look that much like her Mum to me,she has a bit of her for sure but Julia is much better looking.

Sophie's features would fold nicely into the royal family.

Better to be described as equine,rather than porcine,eh?
I used to work for a recruitment agency, and whilst I never found jobs for my own family or friends a lot of the roles I filled were internal referals - family, friends, past colleagues of hiring managers or current team members. I never had a problem with it, and neither did anyone else. It made sense to the client/hiring managers to take on someone known and recommended or that they had worked with before and knew could do the role/fit in with the team rather than engaging an unknown quantity who may leave after a week - good sense all round IMO.

I guess in the case of QVC and Sophie, they possibly feel that Sophie has 'grown up' with QVC and knows all about their business and how it works, has possibly already done some work experience there, maybe fits in well with the team and has the right personality type to do well in that environment, so would do the job better than someone with the same qualifications but no background knowledge, or who possibly might not have the right interpersonal skills?

Very well put, Gemster. I thought that's the obvious conclusion for anyone who has spent any amound of time in the work place. Besides, someone with proper qualifications and aspiration would not compete for Sophie's 'opportunity' with QVC.
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Well that's my point,she doesn't look that much like her Mum to me,she has a bit of her for sure but Julia is much better looking.

Sophie's features would fold nicely into the royal family.

Better to be described as equine,rather than porcine,eh?

So funny...well-spotted (equine features and the royal family).:giggle:
I used to work for a recruitment agency, and whilst I never found jobs for my own family or friends a lot of the roles I filled were internal referals - family, friends, past colleagues of hiring managers or current team members. I never had a problem with it, and neither did anyone else. It made sense to the client/hiring managers to take on someone known and recommended or that they had worked with before and knew could do the role/fit in with the team rather than engaging an unknown quantity who may leave after a week - good sense all round IMO.

I guess in the case of QVC and Sophie, they possibly feel that Sophie has 'grown up' with QVC and knows all about their business and how it works, has possibly already done some work experience there, maybe fits in well with the team and has the right personality type to do well in that environment, so would do the job better than someone with the same qualifications but no background knowledge, or who possibly might not have the right interpersonal skills?

no problem with internal referrals, but not when the person being hired would have had his mother as his immediate supervisor.
no problem with internal referrals, but not when the person being hired would have had his mother as his immediate supervisor.

yes can definitely see your point with that one!

but in JR and Sophie's case, if she is a PA then her mum isn't going to be her boss anyway is she, and I'm not sure how big QVC Towers is but they may not even particularly interact at all during the working day?
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That had me in stitches, PPC! :mysmilie_507: What a skillful lot paparazzi have become. They must have been fox-hunting ('fox' being the Queen and the elusive throne).
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She does appear however, to have the same size ego. The way she was strutting her stuff and telling Simon that she was not a professional model "yet" didn't endear her to me. By the way, slightly off topic, I know, but was it intentional to make Julia's mum look like the Queen Mother?:thinking:

I liked Julia's mum but had the feeling she was slightly uncomfortable being on the show.
I thought she did have quite a long face which made her look a bit horsey but she was still very attractive.

Oh thank heavens ! someone has actually come out and said what loads of us have always thought. !!!! When I first saw her 'paraded' a couple of years ago, - on a beauty show, (brother Dan was also paraded on exercise equipment) I thought she had been separated at birth from Chloe - Richard & Judy's daughter ! They could be twins ! Same show off attitude, same straight hair, and same, :giggle:what my mother used to call "shifty eyes" !!!!!! Yet another case of nepotism in the world of tv.

Oh well, if the equine feature of Sarah Jessica Parker can make a fortune, ahem .......................
I'd better hide once I've posted my thoughts. :thinking:

None of us is perfect, and I'd be quite upset if I saw my family's appearance and physical features being discussed like this, without the chance to reply. Nor do I care two hoots whether Julia's daughter got a job because her mum works on QVC. I was just interested in seeing the family together on the shows. Julia was obviously very proud of them both, as we all should be of our families.

And looks shouldn't count, in my opinion. Aren't they just the outside wrapping? It's the inside that counts!

Some forums have a photo gallery when members can post their photos. I wonder how many of us would do that so that everyone else can scrutinise their looks? I know the presenters put themselves 'in the line of fire' because they are in the public eye, but I still don't think that gives others to right to comment on partners and daughters etc ...... but there you go, that's just my opinion.

And having said what I think, I'll wait for this post to be 'flamed' :wink2: because after all, I can log back on and reply whereas the QVC presenters can't.
I thought Sophie was just an ordinary plain sort of girl with a lovely figure and a nice smile.
Like most of us... and as my Nan used to say "nowt special but scrubs up ok"

Deffinately more like her Dad than her Mum.

As for the stinks quite frankly and doesn't sit well with me :angry:
I don't wish to make any judgement on her attractiveness or otherwise, I think that is extremely rude, but I think Sophie looks very much like her brother.
She has a strikingly long neck, which I believe is universally considered an attribute. The difference between Sophie's and Keeley's necks is really quite startling in that Elemis clip.
I'd better hide once I've posted my thoughts. :thinking:

None of us is perfect, and I'd be quite upset if I saw my family's appearance and physical features being discussed like this, without the chance to reply. Nor do I care two hoots whether Julia's daughter got a job because her mum works on QVC. I was just interested in seeing the family together on the shows. Julia was obviously very proud of them both, as we all should be of our families.

And looks shouldn't count, in my opinion. Aren't they just the outside wrapping? It's the inside that counts!

Some forums have a photo gallery when members can post their photos. I wonder how many of us would do that so that everyone else can scrutinise their looks? I know the presenters put themselves 'in the line of fire' because they are in the public eye, but I still don't think that gives others to right to comment on partners and daughters etc ...... but there you go, that's just my opinion.

And having said what I think, I'll wait for this post to be 'flamed' :wink2: because after all, I can log back on and reply whereas the QVC presenters can't.

but the presenters daughter has put herself in the line of fire aswell surely. JR has been putting her in the line of fire for several years now. and JR continually refers to her husband being in a band, so as an entertainer he puts himself in exactly the same position surely, but with a different audience. bottom line: if you are working in the performing arts in any way shape or form youre essentially saying "look at me, arent i good?". which gives the rest of us the right to disagree. any entertainer/performer who cant take that is in the wrong job. and lets face it what is said on here is pretty mild compared with what proper celebs have to endure in the tabloids and weekly gossip mags.

and theres nothing to prevent any presenter coming on here and posting in their defence. presenters have been known to post although it doesnt usually last long, presumably theyre "advised" by the QVC bosses to stay away. a poster came on a while back who some of us were convinced was alison keenan and gave a forum member a right dressing down. ive had someone i'm sure was simon wilson having a go at me (mind you i cant blame him after what i said about his tatty goods ha ha). its their choice.
None of us is perfect, and I'd be quite upset if I saw my family's appearance and physical features being discussed like this, without the chance to reply. Nor do I care two hoots whether Julia's daughter got a job because her mum works on QVC. I was just interested in seeing the family together on the shows. Julia was obviously very proud of them both, as we all should be of our families.

Toril I completely agree with you and glad it's not just me!!

I've lurked here for a long, long while (hence the name) but I can't remember previous posts getting so personal as they have recently and directly usually at Julia and now her daughter.

Put yourself in her shoes, don't you think she'd be really upset to read the comments that are being made about her? Why are people so nasty?? I hate it when celebs are pictured on the front cover of mags with titles like 'ROUGH' or when their cellulite is pointed out!! No wonder we're all so bl**dy paranoid about being perfect and filling our faces with poisons to keep wrinkles away!!

Come on... chill out, give the poor girl a break!!

My mum used to say if you can't say anything nice, then KEEP YOUR GOB SHUT... or words to that effect!
I'd better hide once I've posted my thoughts. :thinking:

None of us is perfect, and I'd be quite upset if I saw my family's appearance and physical features being discussed like this, without the chance to reply. Nor do I care two hoots whether Julia's daughter got a job because her mum works on QVC. I was just interested in seeing the family together on the shows. Julia was obviously very proud of them both, as we all should be of our families.

And looks shouldn't count, in my opinion. Aren't they just the outside wrapping? It's the inside that counts!

Some forums have a photo gallery when members can post their photos. I wonder how many of us would do that so that everyone else can scrutinise their looks?
I know the presenters put themselves 'in the line of fire' because they are in the public eye, but I still don't think that gives others to right to comment on partners and daughters etc ...... but there you go, that's just my opinion.

And having said what I think, I'll wait for this post to be 'flamed' :wink2: because after all, I can log back on and reply whereas the QVC presenters can't.

Not me, I'm camera phobic!!! mind you my worst nightmare would be having to appear on TV, plus I have bad skin and a common accent so don't think QVC towers will be offering me a job anytime soon :giggle:
she's on our screens so she's open to comments she could post on here if she really wanted to to give her right of reply we're NICE compared to other forums anyways that's my view hope i'm not coming across as horrible not my intention :)
Like this.....?? :mysmilie_62:

Yes,that's the stuff!

As for poor likkle Sophie Wophie's feelings getting hurt because of this forum,puh-leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzz gimme a break!!!!

She should be glad her girl band weren't successful,coz then she'd know the meaning of true scrutiny,this forum is insiginificant in comparison to what the tabloids would do.

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