Dodgy Bracelet


Help Support ShoppingTelly:


Registered Shopper
Nov 9, 2008
Cant believe they are still selling this. I bought one and it snapped as soon as I put it on my wrist and there is a reveiwer saying the same as recently as 9th May 2009! I did get my money back as well as P&P both ways, its still annoying that they keep selling it even though its obviously flawed.

689788 - sorry, cant get the QVC webpage address to go hyperlink!

With a rating of 2.9 out of 5, you would think that they would withdraw it until the problem had been solved. I feel so sorry for those who dont have internet access to see the reviews and those who arent aware that you can claim P&P back on faulty items. I am at work at the mo so dont know if they mentioned the problem on air but I doubt it.

While I am on a roll, I noticed that the mookite bracelet that Jilly was wearing in the launch hours had a gap in it as she spun it round her wrist- it looked like a bead was missing but I cannot get the video to play on my PC at work. Still, I bought it as I liked the colours so much, just hope there isnt a problem with them too.

Whinge over - thanks for listening :4:

I noticed that too Bet. It did put me off buying it. I could clearly see a good length of bare elastic and then a granny knot and two ends of the elastic sticking out. I have since wondered since if the bracelet was tight on Jilly and it had been hastily restrung in the studio. The bracelet had very little "drape" on her even with the awful gap in it.
I bought this tourmaline bracelet a few weeks ago - my review is about the 4th down the list. If I could have given 0 stars I would. I looked at the reviews before buying and some were good - so I thought as it was on 3 easy pays I would give it a go. It was the most crap piece of jewellery I have ever bought - I took the package off the postie and walked into the kitchen to try it on - it broke and spread little black beads all over the floor immediately - I didnt even get chance to see it properly. I did actually like it and was gutted. Straight on the phone for a return slip!!

I like you cannot believe they are still selling it as I don't think I have seen another item with such consistantly crap reviews!!!! Do they not read them!
Can't believe QVC would sell such a product :11:

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Appalling! Reading the reviews, I felt especially sorry for the poor woman who wore it to a formal dinner & covered the entire table in bits of it when it broke! :(
Appalling! Reading the reviews, I felt especially sorry for the poor woman who wore it to a formal dinner & covered the entire table in bits of it when it broke! :(

Me too Kitten, I was at home when mine went a scattering all over the place. My immediate reaction was to pick them up then I thought sod it and got the vacuum out. They did send a prepaid return envelope and refund even my postage but just to keep flogging it regardless is a crime.

Its on again right now the little tinkers! Wish it would break on screen!

Its on again right now the little tinkers! Wish it would break on screen!

LMAO, I bet you had to grit your teeth to just type 'tinkers', as I'm sure your brain had a few other words in mind! :D

Maybe they're just stoooopid? I mean, they demo-ed the pinging apart pillow's zip breaking not once but twice on air.....why??? Wasn't once enough? They're still selling that too! :rolleyes:
Spot on Kitten, wrote, then deleted the words I really wanted to use :21: I think they are arrogant as well as stupid. The presenters do look up the reviews before they go on air, only once have I heard a presenter (think it was Pippa) pointedly say....."'go look at the reviews......when it has been a low rating. Maybe her conscience got the better of her.

thought it was an awful example of tourmaline it should have lots of warm purplely dark red deep pink and brown tones not black like this all i could think was it was very low grade the stuff they use industrially !!!!
Same as i love tourmaline and have a few bits and it nothing like this bracelet.
thought it was an awful example of tourmaline it should have lots of warm purplely dark red deep pink and brown tones not black like this all i could think was it was very low grade the stuff they use industrially !!!!
Same as i love tourmaline and have a few bits and it nothing like this bracelet.

It was because it was black that I went for it rather than the fact it was Tourmaline, Rainbow. If the chips had been made of Agate I would have still bought it, I just like the look and versatility of black stones :1:

apologies i did nt think it was meant to be so black i stand corrected.

No Rainbow, you are probably correct hun, its like the lime emerald currently being advertised on one of the jewellery shopping channels, its generally agreed by those who know their gems on here that is a low quality version of the gemstone given a fancy name :33:. I just liked the look of it and before it scattered all over my floor, it was very comfy to wear!

It was because it was black that I went for it rather than the fact it was Tourmaline, Rainbow. If the chips had been made of Agate I would have still bought it, I just like the look and versatility of black stones :1:


Do have a look on ebay if you can they have some black agate ones just like this, and for a lot less too. I can recommend as I have one, and I agree with the versitility of the black stones.
Do have a look on ebay if you can they have some black agate ones just like this, and for a lot less too. I can recommend as I have one, and I agree with the versitility of the black stones.

Thanks for that Star, will definitely have a browse on ebay (after I have been to the Post Office for my OPI TSV :1:)

Most of my jewellery is agate and silver, I can wear any single one of my agate bits with any piece of clothing I own. I am not very good at matching things up so I need to keep it seemples :3:

I have emailed CS to ask them about this - bet this one doesnt get a response :33:

Well...I got a response.......

Thank you for contacting QVC UK regarding item number 689788: 440ct Tourmaline Woven Stretch Beaded Bracelet Sterling Silver.

We appreciate the many comments and suggestions that we receive at QVC.

It may interest you to know that over the years, many of our best ideas have come from Customer suggestions and feedback.

Please be advised that I have passed your comments/feedback regarding the above mentioned item onto our Jewellery Buyers and Quality Assurance department.

Thank you for taking the time to pass on your comments.

Please accept our sincerst apologies for any inconvenience this matter has caused you.

If we can provide any other assistance, please do not hesitate to contact QVC UK.

Thank you for your enquiry.


QVCUK Product Information Team

Shall I accept their sincerst apologies? :thinking2:

Well...I got a response.......

Thank you for contacting QVC UK regarding item number 689788: 440ct Tourmaline Woven Stretch Beaded Bracelet Sterling Silver.

We appreciate the many comments and suggestions that we receive at QVC.

It may interest you to know that over the years, many of our best ideas have come from Customer suggestions and feedback.

Please be advised that I have passed your comments/feedback regarding the above mentioned item onto our Jewellery Buyers and Quality Assurance department.

Thank you for taking the time to pass on your comments.

Please accept our sincerst apologies for any inconvenience this matter has caused you.

If we can provide any other assistance, please do not hesitate to contact QVC UK.

Thank you for your enquiry.


QVCUK Product Information Team

Shall I accept their sincerst apologies? :thinking2:


Ahhhh, see how much QVC cares!!! Just like the lovely add with the care assistant says! :thinking2:

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