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Jun 24, 2008
DISGUSTED!!! I had to go to the chemist to pick up a prescription and husband asked me to go and pay the paper bill as well....I was none too keen on doing this, as it's a small poky shop but presumed they would have precautions in place...I couldn't have been more wrong..apart from a note on the door saying 3 customers at a time, and looking through the glass it didn't look as though this was being adhered to! After a couple of people left I went to go in, but I saw an elderly gent making a beeline, so I stood aside and let him go before me, he said thanks but spittled into the air towards the door - nowhere near me as I'd stood right back. I waited till he'd gone and thankfully he'd left the door wide open as it can only be opened by using a handle. I went in to see two ladies standing side by side behind the counter...why one of them wasn't outside with the door open managing people in and out is beyond me. Asked whether I could pay by card..yes if it's over £5 otherwise we charge 50p.....I said it's ok I want to pay our paper bill which is £8...she said we only take cash for that, I said I don't have cash, so she you need to go to the cash machine and pointed down the road....I say "you need to do more to protect people". and they can whistle for the money..Already made alternative arrangements for paper!
As well as being disgusted....I was flabberghasted..The coffeeshop next door is open for take aways and their premesis is three times the size of this newsagent..yet they're strictly letting in 2 customers and a time and monitoring queues as are most local businesses that are allowed to open in my area!
Although some supermarkets are implementing good systems when you get to the check out the poor till person is face to face with dozens of customers in a shift. Contactless is ok as long as it is less than £30, soon to be increased to £45 otherwise everyone is still using keypads.

At the very start of this I withdrew cash as I feared we wouldn’t be allowed out and would need to pay someone to get us food but it now turns out that no one will take cash, but luckily we are still able to go to shops.
I understand the need to allow people to use cash if they have to - but to insist upon it is beyond belief with all this going on. I know nothing's fool proof and all we can do is exercise social distancing, self isolation, good hygiene the list goes on...but to actually go as far as to prevent this happening as this shop was doing just beggars belief. It was almost like on those pictures where you have to put a ring around the things that are wrong!
A door that can only be opened by using a handle left closed, whilst 2 people are stood behind the counter shoulder to shoulder. One of them could have easily been outside monitoring the customers going in and out, allowing more people than most small shops in at a time when this particular shop is so small and narrow more than 4 customers on a normal day is crowded! I work in a supermarket and I'm terrified..I work behind a counter so feel a wee bit safer and we're doing everything we can as a business to help the community eat and stay safe!!!!
Agree how difficult it must be to continue to trade and keep everyone safe at the same time but some are just in denial and think it’s everyones else’s problem.

There is absolutely no doubt about our health workers but folk should think also for those doing day to day jobs with the general public many of whom are total dickheads.
Well I was pleasantly surprised the other day other half went to collect the shortfall of my prescription and he made a purchase at the same time of around fiver, Pharmacy only use card payment for over single prescription charge, but now reduced it for all transactions.
Whilst there's so many businesses doing literally everything to keep us ticking over, it only takes 1 irresponsible twat to put all that in jeopardy. My store has really stringent rules in place....but from what I saw yesterday from behind my counter was something else...and I'm not talking about customers - members of staff working within inches of one another....holding conversations in huddles, laughing, right up close...yes, have a laugh cos boy do we all need one...but the 2 metre rule would not prevent conversation and laughter. I think it's time that we had a member of management monitoring this. When I went up for my tea break which thankfully people were at least keeping their distance...a couple of people seemed to find it hilariously funny that Boris had got the virus ...and I quote "It couldn't happen to a nicer person"! I told them that I failed to see the funny side of this.....and one of them said "You've gotta laugh...even just for the irony?!" I said it's neither funny nor ironic. In fact the main propagator of this ridiculous conversation seemed to be coughing a fair bit..so I asked him "Are you alright" "Yes, he said...it's just a winter cold"! I went and had a word with the duty manager at that point as I was literally fuming! Like I say the customers are largely being respectful and sensible now....wish I could say the same about the staff...it's just crazy!
At the early stage it was sometimes easy to forget to keep apart and if I found myself creeping too close (to lift that tin from the top shelf) I reacted as if I had been electrocuted and felt awful but it’s not deliberate and as time goes by I think we are getting a lot more conscious of the need to do so.

Probably easier to say if you are only going out once a week but trying to do 8 hours with other workmates must be hard to constantly remember.
We are lucky to live between town & country & there are several farm shops within a few miles of home. We went to one this morning, they were allowing 6 customers inside & as it's a rabbit warren it was easy to stay away from others. The Saturday staff are all students & really nice kids, they were organised so it was very calm & it was a nice trip out. It made me even more aware of all those who aren't as fortunate as us & have to deal with poor housing, domestic violence, disabled loved ones etc. I've had to switch off from what may be happening to those animals & children who can't get away from violent situations because of this lockdown.
At the early stage it was sometimes easy to forget to keep apart and if I found myself creeping too close (to lift that tin from the top shelf) I reacted as if I had been electrocuted and felt awful but it’s not deliberate and as time goes by I think we are getting a lot more conscious of the need to do so.

Probably easier to say if you are only going out once a week but trying to do 8 hours with other workmates must be hard to constantly remember.

Oh absolutely, at that stage we didn't know the magnitude...not even the half of it...But for key workers who are having to keep bang on top of those rules and are reminded literally every second of their working day, signs, labelling, instructions, door monitors, queue monitors to stand face to face of a colleague, or to stand in huddles...wtaf?!!! The clues are there! One lass I work with decided she wanted some fresh air so her and a colleague decided they'd take a stroll down the beach in the lunch hour, then returned ranting and raving as to how many other people were down there! Yes, I guess she was referring to people she didn't suspect to be keyworkers like themselves...but even if it was just the keyworkers....that's still too ****** many...aggggh!
We are lucky to live between town & country & there are several farm shops within a few miles of home. We went to one this morning, they were allowing 6 customers inside & as it's a rabbit warren it was easy to stay away from others. The Saturday staff are all students & really nice kids, they were organised so it was very calm & it was a nice trip out. It made me even more aware of all those who aren't as fortunate as us & have to deal with poor housing, domestic violence, disabled loved ones etc. I've had to switch off from what may be happening to those animals & children who can't get away from violent situations because of this lockdown.

Lovely message from Camilla about domestic violence. I know many don't care for her, but I admire her conduct since joining the RF, and her choice to champion such a difficult cause. I'm on my tablet so can't post a link, sorry.

I shudder to think of the situation of those forced to shelter with their abusers.
Lovely message from Camilla about domestic violence. I know many don't care for her, but I admire her conduct since joining the RF, and her choice to champion such a difficult cause. I'm on my tablet so can't post a link, sorry.

I shudder to think of the situation of those forced to shelter with their abusers.
I agree. I'm not going to go into details but we've met her a few times, the first time she found out that our daughter was getting married, next time she asked about the wedding & wanted to see photos. She also took us around some of the gardens at Highgrove. She's faced a huge amount of criticism, even hatred, but kept her dignity & the fact that she doesn't like flying, but does it because it's part of her role makes me admire her.
I was never a fan of Diana - another Megan IMO

Would all her followers have been so keen if she looked like the back end of a bus? She came over as shy but she didn’t half know how to manipulate the media, I was never taken in by that shy under the fringe look.
Lovely message from Camilla about domestic violence. I know many don't care for her, but I admire her conduct since joining the RF, and her choice to champion such a difficult cause. I'm on my tablet so can't post a link, sorry.

I shudder to think of the situation of those forced to shelter with their abusers.
I though that only the other day. How some poor people now face being isolated with a domestic abuser. God what a nightmare.
Another moan I'm afraid...but what the hell is wrong with folk?...I live in a small quiet street where all but about 2 properties comprise of 3 storey houses of single occupancy...it's a terraced street but all have decent sized back gardens. There a quite a few families with young children and for some reason a group of parents have decided that about 4.45 each day, it's time to turn out into the street for a giant playdate! Parents are spaced up and down the street keeping their distance, whilst the kids merrily play tag, or bomb around on scooters and bikes. I don't like confrontations but so tempted to go and tell them to get the f*ck indoors....especially as they're all lucky enough to have big houses for the kids to run around in and have gardens...Toying with the idea of trying to report them but then oh says I should "leave it alone" but bar phoning the cops wouldn't know where to start anyway....I saw one of the little girls trying to do a handstand on the pavement....she wasn't even wearing gloves (for what good they do anyway) whilst her parents looked on.....There is no ****** hope!
My little corner of West London doesn't seem to have that problem, and we normally have something called Play Streets. I honestly wouldn't mind if they did do that, to give kids some social interaction.... BUT only once they've started testing for antibodies as well as antigens.

There is still so much we don't yet know about this C-19 virus. Do we get immunity if we've had it? Does the immunity last a lifetime or a shorter amount of time? Does the level of immunity depend on the severity of the case?

The case of a 13 year old laddie with no known underlying health conditions dying shows that there is no room for complacency or assumptions that it will "only" prove fatal to certain profiles in the population.

We can clearly see the countries that have prioritised testing have significantly outperformed the countries that have not. I wish the Govt would come clean or wake up!
You couldn't even make half of this stuff up! Talk about first world problems …….

Our local "nextdoor" community website has a woman asking whether someone can grind her coffee beans for her as she'd ordered some coffee online but it turned out to be coffee beans - For heaven's sake woman, if you're not self isolating...buy some ground coffee next time you're out, and if you are - drink something else instead...OMG!

This made me laugh (well almost)...And I was so tempted to put "REALLY?" In the reply box..but I resisted the temptation 'cause you have to put your name to your replies and to be honest I don't really want to stir up trouble in the neigbourhood...we're in a bad enough state at the moment without adding to it...but....Really?!

The more I think about this..the more annoyed I'm getting. FHS....There's people in our neigbourhood in terrible dire straits...A friend in my street is in a terrible situation as she's living in squalor, has to self isolate has no technology to her name apart from a phone that doesn't actually work properly...Yes we can all judge I guess but she's fallen apart since her husband died..and I'm sure there's many in her position and people through no fault of their own who are relying on good neigbours to make sure they don't starve to death, or suffer mentally....and someone wants their coffee beans ground?! Unbelievable really!
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You never know someone may report them... But are they thinking that because earlier in in the outbreak children were least severely affected somehow they couldn't pass it on? What are they? Dumb and dumber??????
You never know someone may report them... But are they thinking that because earlier in in the outbreak children were least severely affected somehow they couldn't pass it on? What are they? Dumb and dumber??????

No, they're still doing it....A couple of families seemed to have stopped but there's still a few of them. Just stupid beyond belief but it angers me more because all those kids have ample room on their own properties to play indoors and out. Entitled and stupid are a lot of the "middle class" idiots round here. Another one on the community website was trying to get people to hunt for her kid's fitbit that she lost in the park..Yeah we'll all go out hunting for it, shall we? They could offer help to the vulnerable in the community rather than being such a bunch of self serving ar$es!

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