Diet TSV at the end of August


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absolutely right Merryone....I nearly joined up for LL....I went to the introductory class, saw what it was all about and ran a mile! (didn't help that the LL class leader was VERY overweight herself!)

I went to the intro class too couldn't believe how much they wanted me and hubby were going to join but it was going to cost us £60 per week each thought I misheard her then you had to take a urine sample every week to make sure you were doing it right you couldn't even have fruit teas and if your sample wasn't up to it you had to drink water all through the session like you we made a quick exit too
For walking I got these great videos from a friend. You don't need any equipment other than a pair of trainers. The equipment she uses is completely optional.
They are a lot of fun and good grief do you sweat.
Some kind soul has uploaded one of the walk away the pounds video's onto youtube.
Walk Away the Pounds for Abs

Thanks for this link , it's just what I need. Something I can do at home, that doesn't need a great deal of space and actually something I like doing!

Off to find out if I can link the computer to the TV so I can see them more easily!
Apologies if I might be asking something that's already been asked. I didn't see any of the DC shows on QVC and I've only just scanned some of the posts on this subject. Are you saying that the items you've mentioned in Waitrose are the same as the products that were on offer for the QVC TSV?
Well, I had the mushroom stroganoff with 40g of brown rice tonight. Can safely say that the presenters aren't talking carp when they say the stuff is tasty! If the stroganoff is anything to go by I am actually quite looking forward to trying the rest. I also opened the Treacle & pecan granola and tried a tiny little bit - I am already looking forward to breakfast! Will make a nice change to porridge. The ginger and oat biscuits are rather lovely too.

Goodness me.......just had some Pecan & Treacle Granola (15g) and it is GORGEOUS!! :up2:

Lizis treacle & pecan granola, from the Good Carb Food Company (I buy mine from Waitrose.) its yummy

Yep I did tell you the food was quite nice, I think its because they are just plain ingrediants and no nasties. :tongue2:

Choppysocks says they made an error with the mushroom stroganoff and put double cream in it. Yes that will make you lose weight.

Thats the DC one, yes they put double cream instead of single in one of the batches, but the DC packets clearly state the correct calories for the double cream. If theirs is from LWWF (Waitrose) then it will be the single cream version at 202 calories.

Apologies if I might be asking something that's already been asked. I didn't see any of the DC shows on QVC and I've only just scanned some of the posts on this subject. Are you saying that the items you've mentioned in Waitrose are the same as the products that were on offer for the QVC TSV?

In a nutshell yes.
For walking I got these great videos from a friend. You don't need any equipment other than a pair of trainers. The equipment she uses is completely optional.
They are a lot of fun and good grief do you sweat.
Some kind soul has uploaded one of the walk away the pounds video's onto youtube.
Walk Away the Pounds for Abs

Leslie Sansone, used to flog her wares on QVC in the early days.
Can safely say the food is GORGEOUS and so far I have stuck to the plan (apart from a couple of chips yesterday). The granola is lovely for breakfast, the soups are just divine (tomato & pesto one is very lovely), I can totally recommend the food.

Does anyone have a link to the QVC forum at all? Since it's diappeared from the front page I have had a heck of a time finding it!
i am getting seriously tempted by this Granola, just had a quick look & it's sold here. i checked on tesco online but they only have the original, will see if i can find it cheaper anywhere else in a bit.

how much are you supposed to have, 40g serving with milk/yogurt? it's over 200 cals a serving but i suppose if it's low GI & fills you up, that's the main thing!
how much are you supposed to have, 40g serving with milk/yogurt? it's over 200 cals a serving but i suppose if it's low GI & fills you up, that's the main thing!

Hi yes its a 40g serving, it looks a tiny amount but does keep you fairly full until midmorning when a piece of fruit is in order!

I had the treacle and pecan granola this morning and its lovely.
diet chefLeslie sansone

Regarding the message from Orea regarding Leslie Sansone,I have many of her dvds and they are really great if like me you have 2 left feet!!!!they work really well and yiu can do a 1 mile walk that is 15 minutes long or work your way up to a 5 mile walk if you have time.They are low impact which is good but you will still work up a sweat.They are available on Amazon and there are lots to choose from.
You can't buy diet chef forever. What happens when you stop buying? You get fat again. Surely it wouold be better to change your diet yourself as well as doing some sort of excersize regularly that you enjoy, like gardening or dancing.
as already said, it's about getting into good habits & re-learning how to eat 'sensibly'. to me, this sort of plan would be great for that on a short term basis, BUT you have to take responsibility yourself at the end of the day.

i considered ordering from their website, for about 30 seconds, then thought "no, actually i can do that for myself IF i put my mind to it!", but we're all different & what suits me doesn't have to work for anyone else.

i'm doing ok this week, 2 weetabix for brekkie, soup at lunch & a smaller portion of a normal meal at night. some fruit for a snack, plenty of water/squash to drink during the day & i've actually managed 2 Aqua Aerobics classes at the gym with another booked for tomorrow! ache all over at the moment but i do feel full of beans! ;)
You can't buy diet chef forever. What happens when you stop buying? You get fat again. Surely it wouold be better to change your diet yourself as well as doing some sort of excersize regularly that you enjoy, like gardening or dancing.

Good post Beauty xx
You can't buy diet chef forever. What happens when you stop buying? You get fat again. Surely it wouold be better to change your diet yourself as well as doing some sort of excersize regularly that you enjoy, like gardening or dancing.

What about the people who can't exercise, such as those with injuries or diabilities? It's not all as simple as just exercising therefore if diet chef can give people some insight and education for the future into portion size, calorie control etc, there's no harm IMO.
What about the people who can't exercise, such as those with injuries or diabilities? It's not all as simple as just exercising therefore if diet chef can give people some insight and education for the future into portion size, calorie control etc, there's no harm IMO.

Thats a good point BB yes well in that case Yes just do the portion sizes but you dont have to get DC you can do it with your supermarket food just have smaller portions, eater smaller portions will make you lose weight becuse you are taking in less calories.
Well done Sally on your fantastic weight loss!

Apparently there is a special diet food service on the internet if you live within the M25 corridor and they delivery your goodies at the beginning of each week in a hamper before
you head of for work. You tell them which diet you are following ie low GI etc.
I thought it sounded a good idea if you are some high flier with loads of dosh.

The thing is though, I want to learn to eat more healthily full stop. Not
just for a month! It is cashing in on anyone who is lazy really but it is a good
idea if for any reason you cant get out and prepare your own.

Thanks for the smaller crockery idea. I'm going to dig out the crockery Nan left me.
ooooh, it's a bloomin minefield isn't it?! wouldn't it be fab to ALL have a personal chef who only 'allowed' us what we needed! not gonna happen unfortunately. there is no easy answer & the diet industry continues to make billions out of us...

onwards & upwards eh! :)
You can't buy diet chef forever. What happens when you stop buying? You get fat again. Surely it wouold be better to change your diet yourself as well as doing some sort of excersize regularly that you enjoy, like gardening or dancing.

Good post Beauty xx

Have you actually read the whole of this thread and my thread? If you have then you will already know what my reply to your comments would be, or are you just commenting blindly?
Have you actually read the whole of this thread and my thread? If you have then you will already know what my reply to your comments would be, or are you just commenting blindly?

Try not to take it personally Choppy, these comments aren't directed at you, I think the word you in this case is used to mean anyone. Yes, you have said it has educated you in portion control etc, but that isn't to say it'll educate everybody, sadly even when someone has reached their target weight with whatever diet they've decided to use, if they do return to sloppy habits, and stop exercising, then it's inevitable that the weight's gonna pile back on. From what you've said, and other stuff I've read, I think diet chef's not bad value for money in some circumstances, and the food seems top quality, but as a standalone diet, I think there's a limited time in which you'd want to stick with it, ie lifestyle change, or simply getting bored. You do seem to have the right idea, thankfully, you haven't got a lot of weight to lose, and with your attitude, I can see it staying off....but a lot of people, I think you'll find will become disillusioned with it.
You are right Merryone, but what I find unhelpful is blanket commments. How does anyone know what people will take away from certain diets? You have learnt something from SW, I have learnt something from DC (SW taught me nothing apart frm eating a huge pile of lovely pasta!! LOL).

I say dont knock it until you have tried it, and also the comments are not helpful from someone who has never been in a situation of needing to lose some weight. As I said previously, when I was a size 8 some years ago, and could eat whatever I wanted I too had 'those' ideas about fat people, but things can change, and I am still somewhat biased in that I really do not have much sympathy for people who will not help themselves, but have all the time in the world for people who try (and I mean really try) but face daily challenges and struggles with thier weight.

Yes I'll get bored on DC as there are virtually no veggie options, but in the mean time I have been looking at the calories and portion size and doing some substitutions (ie a graze box) to get in some essential nutrients that a veggie needs and I really feel that I am taking control of my food habits and DC has encouraged me to do that.

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