Diet TSV at the end of August


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so is a full packet of fish fingers and 4 slices of mothers pride with lurpak not a proper portion then? maybe thats where i'm going wrong! :headbang:

seriously, when i was smuch younger - about 20 - i lost 6 stones in 6 months by sticking to 1000 calories per day and doing a very small amount of exercise (ie jumping around to disco tunes in my bedroom - my mum feared for the lounge ceiling on several occasions).

calorie counting works. finger sandwiches! :tongue2:

The problem with calorie counting is that apart from being boring and tedious, it relies on people actually being able to "see" what they eat and therefore work out the calories accurately.

Take breakfast cereal - 30g of Bran Flakes just covers the base of my bowls!!

"A portion" of most cereals is 3 tablespoons - or 2 of muesli........and you can have 7 portions of starchy foods a day.

Left to my own devices (and with brain disengaged in the morning) I'd certainly sprinkle in twice the amount, if not 3 times...........:sad:

It's great knowing how many calories are in foods and calorie counting certainly can work, but only if we are accurate in acknowleding how much we eat.

Food amnesiacs like me (ice-cream???? what ice-cream????) tend to underestimate what we have eaten.........

Understatement of the year there!! :angel:

Portion control is my Holy Grail........still seeking it! :wink2:
I'm not sure that this is 'faddy', its not slim fast or lighter life type diet. I've really looked through the ingredients of the meals (only veggie ones) and there are no real nasties that you usually get in premade meals. I have an aga and love proper homemade food, I never buy 'TV dinners', but this could be convient for me for a month to shift this little bit of weight I want to, it is a measured and already calorie counted diet. I wouldn't want it if I had a lot to lose, I lost a large amount of weight on slimming world too, and my problem is around portions too, and SW does not teach you portion control as you can eat as much as you like of free foods, so when I eat non free foods I still want the same size protion!! LOL (althoigh I do agree that SW is the best diet I have done overall).

Thinking back to the OP, Dawn does look like she has lost weight and great guns if it is due to this plan. I will reserve judgement until I see the presentation and see the food 'for real' and the price of course!!!
I am holding my hand up ..............

I have actually tried this diet! It does work.

Some of the meals are absolutely delicious.

I had the granola for breakfast, soup for lunch and main in the evening which you add vegetables to.

You are allowed a fruit portion and a snack between, oh and a milk allowance.

My problem is around portion control and this really helped me understand. I also work FT shifts so I found this a really convenient way to eat 3 meals a day.

Some of the food you can find in the supermarkets and some of the meals included in DC come from here:

Well done on your loss Lozi, are you able to tell us how much you lost using this and how long did you try it for? Its good to hear someones real experience of this plan.

Some of the food you can find in the supermarkets and some of the meals included in DC come from here:


Interesting, I see that the Mushroom Strogonoff is the exact same one, but thier pictures and description are much more appetising !

Mushroom Stroganoff with hand-picked Scottish Mushrooms:
The Royal Burgh of Forres, Inverness, is the mushroom-hunting ground of Richard Hyman. Enlisting the help of locals, Richard scours the foothills of the Scottish Highlands to bring us the delicate flower like Chantrelle and earthy flavoured Cep that form the basis of this truly delicious dish. Simply cooked, with cream and a good splash of brandy, Richard's wild mushrooms make a wonderfully tasty, indulgent stroganoff.

Serving suggestion
This all time favourite is best served with a big dish of wild rice and some freshly chopped herbs to perfectly compliment the fantastic mushroom flavours
Thank you Choppy.

For me the loss seemed quite gradual. I purchased 2 weeks supply - then went on holiday:doh: - then did another two weeks.

I lost a total of 9lbs obviously the holiday did not help.

Once you purchase you have access to their forum. Others on their forum have lost more and I have to admit to being a complete couch potatoe and do absolutely no exercise. I am sure exercise would have given me a bigger loss.

My problem prior to this was not eating 3 meals a day due to shift work. Long periods without food then a huge plateful - not good.

I would do it again and will be keen to see QVC's price.

I like the idea of forum supprot for people on the same meal plan (although I'm sure we could start a thread here too!).

9lbs with no exercise and a holiday sounds great to me. That could be me sorted with little effort at all! I'm liking the sound of this more and more. Hopefully there will be a vegetarian option in the TSV, if not I'll be well peeved grrrr.
OK I'm looking at other reviews for this product and came across these if anyone is interested: chef diet review

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Just heard Dawn Bibby saying that she had been poorly so she was off for a few weeks...wonder whether it is anything to do with the diet????
Ahh I see Dietchef is the latest member to join the forum.

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I have lost 1 stone weight over 3 months, by portion control and 30 mins walk around the park on an evening (not every evening).

Having seen a picture of what 'a portion' of porridge looked like & what I was eatiing was an eye opener. Made me re-asses the portions sizes of all my meals.

I think part of the trouble is some people advising on weight loss will say 'have a smaller portion' without defining what size a portion is.

There is lots of info on the net about 'portion distortion' 'portion sizes' etc. It is amazing how plate size and the size of portions has increased over the last 20 years. if you want to loose weight definitely worth checking out.

Diabetes UK produce a leaflet that outlines the idea of portion control.
dawn needs to slim he bum down.....sad about the pygmy though.....wonder if she read up about their needs etc BEFORE going out & buying them......
dawn needs to slim he bum down

She does, but she is pear shaped and like most women the weight drops off the top half first.

I'm no fan of Born Divvy, but credit where credit is due, her top was really baggy round her middle, I've seen her in this top before and it has always been a snug fit.
dawn needs to slim he bum down.....

Well done to all those who've reported such great weightlosses on here, and good luck to all of those who are just starting on the road. For myself, I've lost a little under 4 st in under a year by cutting down my portion size and by walking for about an hour 3-4 times a week at a pace fast enough to work up a sweat.

One other thing I've done is to use one of those Leg Master machines and it has definitely helped to reduce my bum and to hoick it back northwards. Maybe Dawn should get one? If she does, she should buy it from Ideal World, though, as they are currently selling the exact same sort of machine for £19.99 rather than the £65 I paid from QVC.

Anyway, I'm not bitter, as I've dropped from a size 18-20 to a size 14-16 'oop top' and a 12 in jeans. I've still got about a stone and a half to go, but it is easier when you can see the results.
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My diet chef hamper has arrived, I've listed the full contents on my thread in the diet section of the forum. There seems to be tons of food!

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