Diet Chef tsv


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Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008
I know a few ST members have tried this programme and have said it works, and I do believe that as if you were to eat mostly specially measured, low calorie prepared food for any length of time, then you are going to lose weight. What concerns me is maintaining the weight after the diet has finished. I wouldn't have thought many would want to continue eating like this indefinitely, or for that matter could afford to... which leads me to the price.

Todays TSV works out at over £100, and it gives you enought Diet Chef to last a fortnight..and you'd obvioulsy still have to fork out for your fresh stuff as well. I am flabberghasted when I think what that kind of money would buy me, even in Waitrose. I could easily buy two weeks worth of really good food for myself and my partner, that would include, fresh meat, fruit and veg, cheese ham...everything...even some alcohol if I wanted it.....This deal just seems really expensive for what you're getting!
Over £100 for 2 weeks food for ONE person is ridiculous. Most people have to feed a family for that amount of money. One person wouldn't spend anywhere near that much buying healthy,fresh food. :pizza: :cake: :beer: :mysmilie_5:
I have been doing the Diet Chef diet since Saturday ( I ordered from the DC website). Before I started I was 13st 3 lb. Today I am 12st 8lb! That's in 5 days. I like it because I don't have to worry about what to prepare, cook and shop for. It is all done for me. I use to log everything I eat, so calorie counting is easy. If you want a hasstle free way of losing weight, try it!
i am very tempted but its very expensive but i am slowly but very surely putting on the pounds and need something drastic to lose the wieght. this is a very expensive plan and going direct to diet chef means i can tailor make the plan as you can choose what you want to eat but at £200 a month i am reeling plus i still have to buy food for my daughter as well.
not sure what to do....
I think their prices have gone up over the last couple of years, but I guess that's understandable. Have a look around the supermarket, you can get the same stuff and cheaper on your own. DC isn't bad, I lost over 2 stone using their principles, but not their stuff.
Surely if you wanted all worked out and measured meals you could buy light ready meals from the supermarket, light cup a soups, pre-portioned cereals either the porridge type or even weetabix. Low calorie health bars for snacks. Then you would have no weighing of food etc. This would work out much cheaper and still be a very similar diet. This is what I would do rather than spending £100 on two weeks food.
Of course what you pay for here is convenience.

Fact us, most of work full time, come home knackered and want something to shove in the oven. I remember someone saying that most people spend less than 30 minutes preparing/cooking their main meal, and I'd agree with that. I buy those Good To Cook meals which are basically meat with a sauce that you bung in the oven for 20 mins and I add veg and potatoes to that; the average cost of these are around £4.50 to serve 2.

But it's not calorie counted. So you pay for that. There are slimming foods in stores, a lot of weight watcher foods taste truly awful...some own brands are not too bad, but if something tastes good, I'd be prepared to pay for it; I've never understood the point of eating something you don't like the taste of cos it 'does you good'...hmmm....maybe that's why I'm fat!
Its all about forward planning, cook meals in batches, portion size them and freeze them, snack on fruit, and the odd treat DC is way over the top
I am sure people using this would lose weight, the portions are small.I know they are what we should be having but we tend to serve big platefuls.I couldn't afford to do diet chef, I have to feed 4 of us. I also think the weight would go back on really quickly once you stop using it.
A few years ago I lost 3 stone through eating healthily and being careful with what I ate. Unfortunately I have now put that back on and more :mysmilie_5:
It is something that you have to do for life for the weight to stay off.
Instead of having supper try a drink of water. Thirst can be interpreted as hunger. If this is the case then you are not going to bed with unnecessary food in your stomach. Or enjoy an apple. With your other meals have a smaller plate than usual, trick the mind and your stomach wil learn to expect less food. Just don't pile the food higher 'cos it's a smaller plate! Some dinner plates are huge, review yours. And never shop hungry, it will save you money as well as buying the wrong items.
i have a bad reltionship with food and find that if i have anything sncky in the house i will eat the whole packet..
i dont think i could trust myself having all those biscuits and popcorn and dinners all in one batch i can see myself scoffing the lol!
i have a bad reltionship with food and find that if i have anything sncky in the house i will eat the whole packet..
i dont think i could trust myself having all those biscuits and popcorn and dinners all in one batch i can see myself scoffing the lol!

But that would be ok, then you wouldn't be able to eat for the other 13 days - which is why you would lose weight on this diet LOL
i have a bad reltionship with food and find that if i have anything sncky in the house i will eat the whole packet..
i dont think i could trust myself having all those biscuits and popcorn and dinners all in one batch i can see myself scoffing the lol!

I know exactly what you mean -
on the rare occasions we have a "multipack" bag of crisps in the house, I remember why we don't buy them more often:smirk: ......
I've just seen them flogging 10 macaroni cheese meals for £37, with P&P. Are people insane, just how easy is it to make this dish?

It wouldn't cost more than about a £10 to produce 10 portions for the freezer, including the cost of boiling the water for the macaroni and making the cheese sauce!

I'm amazed it was limited stock.
A few years back I went on one of those diets were you had a shake drink to replace your normal meals and a snack bar that you could have instead of a drink if you prefered, this was expensive but over several weeks I lost about 2 1/2 stone which was great, but of course once you stop taking the diet stuff and start to eat again because you have'nt done anything to change your normal eating habits you very soon start putting the pounds back on I now try and eat smaller portions and dont snack in between meals and its working slowly but surely and its easier to maintain in the long run.

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