Diet Chef TSV 31/01/13


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I agree, Scout, we've all become accustomed to eating far more than we need to. I really do believe that portion control is the key thing, and if you can get your head around that, then you can more or less eat whatever you like, you just control the portion size and frequency at which you eat it.
I really wanted the konjack/slim be stuff to work because main thing with me is no diet ever makes me feel full, when I have smaller portions I loose all energy and feel so hungry. at the moment Im considering scrapping any thoughts of diets and just accepting it and is it better to be thin and thoroughly miserable or a bit chubbier but more happy. I need lots of energy to get everything done and the thought of my ice cream and flakes at night, help get me through the crap of everyday life.

Whenever they do diet chef, they show you the granola that is your breakfast in a bowl, there is not enough there for a mouse, its barely a spoonful. Same for their meals, so tiny.

Be happy Tri. Being thin isnt everything.
I've just has a Taste The Difference meat pie and a pot of ambrosia chocolate custard. No chips = healthy!
Be prepared for some overpriced granola bars, dreary milkshakes and economy class micro portion meals! It's Diet Chef, coming up at Midnight!
DF should practice what she preaches.And seriously Diet chef at the beauty bash how desperate is that
I am staggered at the price of the stuff, theres no way I would spend 217 quid a month on food for myself
Tbh looking at the Diet chef website u be better off buying it from there , yes slightly more expensive however u can choose wot u want for breakfast, lunch , dinner and snacks plus u get the money back guarantee.Wish they would find a better guest to front it on QVC i preferred the first lady that bought Diet chef this must be there 4th guest now and shes as dull as dish water
I agree, Scout, we've all become accustomed to eating far more than we need to. I really do believe that portion control is the key thing, and if you can get your head around that, then you can more or less eat whatever you like, you just control the portion size and frequency at which you eat it.

Absolutely Dips. Have just seen you wondered earlier how I'm maintaining it, and the answer is what you've just said. I'm now basically eating pretty much anything I fancy, but I don't eat nearly as much of it as I'd have eaten before and I keep an eye on how much fat I eat. I find now I don't want to eat nearly so much fatty stuff anyway. Portion size is the secret to maintaining a healthy weight, and that's all I want. BB has said being thin isn't everything, and he's right, but I never wanted to be thin, I just wanted to be healthy and reasonably slim instead of unhealthy and fat. I wanted to be able to run upstairs at work and still be able to speak at the top, and I wanted to be able to look at myself in the mirror and like what I saw. I didn't want to be embarrassed if I ran into someone I hadn't seen for a long time. I wanted to look like me. The bonus is that I feel so much better than I did physically, my cholesterol is literally half what it once was, I sleep much better and feel so much better when I wake up. One of the best days of my life was the day a work colleague who works in a different building and hadn't seen me for ages came rushing up to me and said "Oh my god, you look amazing!". Made me feel fantastic and was worth every penny that DC cost me.
Tbh looking at the Diet chef website u be better off buying it from there , yes slightly more expensive however u can choose wot u want for breakfast, lunch , dinner and snacks plus u get the money back guarantee.

If it still works the same as when I bought direct from DC, although it's a bit more expensive you get 35 days of food from DC instead of 28 days from Q, and DC don't charge delivery either. Also, the reason I bought direct from DC in the first place was because there were loads of people on Q's Facebook page complaining that delivery was dreadful. Apparently the next batch wasn't arriving until days after they'd finished the previous hamper so they were left without DC food for days and their diet was being interrupted every month while they waited for the next hamper to arrive. Buying direct from DC my next hamper always arrived in plenty of time.
They make out as though it is made by a chef that has worked at michelin star restaurants etc - when infact it is mass produced in a factory!
Who are they trying to kid.
Did anyone see the Horizon programme last night on The Truth About Exercising? I'm going to incorporate HIT into my exercise regime and also the "non-exercise activity thermogenesis" (Neat). I definitely fall into the category of sitting down for close to 12 hours a day, if I am very honest, so that is something I need to address. I'm already feeling so much fitter, healthier and just, well, better with my weight-loss to-date, and I like that feeling.
Did anyone see the Horizon programme last night on The Truth About Exercising? I'm going to incorporate HIT into my exercise regime and also the "non-exercise activity thermogenesis" (Neat). I definitely fall into the category of sitting down for close to 12 hours a day, if I am very honest, so that is something I need to address. I'm already feeling so much fitter, healthier and just, well, better with my weight-loss to-date, and I like that feeling.
Thanks just watched the programme on iPlayer. I'm just a week out of having had a hysterectomy and women usually put on weight after such an op so trying to eat less due to enforced inactivity for next 5 weeks minimum. Will definitely try the HIT when fit as should be able to manage 3 mins a week. Not going to buy an exercise bike especially for it so will have to find another way to get the exercise. Will try fast running on the spot or perhaps skipping.
i find that HIT thing a bit worrying. didn't see the program but have seen it before. looks like it could be heart attack inducing for older people.

tristar - as i said somewhere before, you wouldn't be hungry with slimming world. no, i didn't believe it either. the tiny portion thing wouldn't work for me and when i looked at the DC website, they were all starving. that's when you get miserable and give up.
....when i looked at the DC website, they were all starving.

Just a slight exaggeration there, lol! When I used to use the DC forum I saw all the success stories and people saying they didn't feel hungry. Some were hungry for the first few days but usually found that stopped after about a week when the weight began to drop off. Personally I didn't have that problem. I think it's good that they've opened up the forum for everyone to read though, when I did it you had to be a DC customer to have access. Must potentially get them more customers I guess.

My last word on DC - it works, it's unbelievably easy and, to me (4.5 stones lost in 8 months), it was worth every penny.
Just watching a bit of the Diet Chef presentation out of interest.I have no intention of buying a) because of cost but I eat well so probably spend near that? b) I just couldn't live on these ready meals.I am following a well known weight loss programme ( well most of the time, have fallen by the wayside post Christmas, but not majorly so!) & make my own meals from the recipes.I also eat much more fresh fruit & Veg.If DC fits your life/ pocket but if you seriously want to loose weight long term I would recommend following one of the well known weight loss programmes & UP THE EXERCISE!A gentle walk-- anything is better than nothing.
If you want calorie counted meals from a sachet check out

Looks suspiciously like Diet Chef but isn't branded as weight loss, and about a third cheaper. As for the bars, the ones you can buy anywhere are cheaper and the same or lower calories. Popcorn... Do not get me started on the rip off prices Diet Chef charge when you can buy popping corn or microwave popcorn for a fraction. Soup? Open a tin of Weightwatchers. Shakes? Make a smoothie with low fat yoghurt.

The whole ethos of DC is that you can't be bothered to do any of the above of course.
I think the fear of hunger is very interesting. You know you are getting enough food to live well on, you know you are not in a famine situation and where your next meal is coming from, so why not just allow yourself to feel hungry until you get used to the smaller portions? It sounds like a psychological barrier - there is nothing harmful or wrong in feeling hunger, if you know you're getting the right amount of food. We don't have to give in to every impulse that strikes us.

So many people eat out of habit, out of boredom or mindlessly while doing something else, you have to change your behaviour and your mindset before you can change your weight. And QVC can't sell you that in sachets!
Hunger is a major driver. They say that we are only 3 meals away from rioting - by that I mean if the supply chain breaks down and people miss 3 meals, they might start rioting.

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